Have you gotten in?

Do you have any other cosmetics and stats from OW1 that you already owned? Or was the game treating you like a new player?

That happened to my friend who played on ps4, he got into ow2 and it thought he was a new player, because he didn’t merge his console account with a battlenet account like you’re supposed to

Been playing on “Asia” with no lag for the past hour. Give it a try.

I’de be so ducking annoyed if the streamers were getting kicked too. What the hell else am i gonna watch while I wait? lol

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idk why yall insist so much that streamers get special server privilege when it comes to connecting to servers, most of them are having the same issues bro

Have waited in line now twice for a total of 4 and a half hours. When I reached the front of the line it didnt even put me in the game it just reset my place in the line to 40,000 players. safasgdsgdfhdfhdgfhgfhjghj

Exact same experience here

exact same for me. dang

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It’s definitely not a DDoS cause then NOBODY would be able to play, nobody could log in or authenticate, the website were typing on would be down. They just have bad servers lol they didn’t expect this many ppl, they didn’t expect video games to be going extinct ( yeah I said it, no new games that stand the test of time and even COD is dying out ). These games are half made, unfinished products they nudge out for money, then maybe update it here and there. The gaming community needs to really come together and either not buy anything new until they actually make good quality games, or this will keep happening


Certainly makes one excited for what to expect for Diablo 4.


6 hours in and still 0 success at even reaching the title screen. Im so glad that overwatch 1 had to die for this.


20k Queu into Asia atm :stuck_out_tongue: - they are waking up or NA is catching on lolol


Supposedly that error code means the servers are down I’m having that same error code

do you think any of your progress counts on NA? - seriously wondering, in case it came off as rude <3


My understanding is it redirects back to a NA server which is why my ping is so good. It’s been leveling my pass up.


This game is a dumpster fire. So happy they sold me a watchpoint bundle for a game that doesn’t work. Honestly this day and age no excuse.

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Im in, at the heros screen looking at stuff. Im on ps4 but i dont have anything from the watchpoint pack or kiriko wven tho i had overwatch before so that better get fixed lol

Got in with Asia no prob an hour or so ago, now I’m trying to get back on to stream, aaannnnddd 20k que. Lol. My son and gf wanted to play with me on console, but they’re still having 0 luck with NA servers.

Having the same issue, yessir. I think the community is catching on

do you literally think they host the blizzard forums, overwatch 2 and all of its server instances, and their authentication service all on the same server

This. Most of them just caught on to the Asian servers sooner than everyone else.