Hateful and sexist players

Oh my god its like someone posted something good and worth reading wth


Please, you’ve made your points.

If you have nothing constructive to say here, rather leave and let the peace resume.

We are actually having a proper open talk amongst mature folk. Your Ad Hominem arguments cause more disruption than good.

Thank you for understand and have a pleasant day further.

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As a female who has played this game since launch across 3 accounts i can say that the only time i have been vigorously and seriously abused was due to gender. There are players that get bent out of shape at the idea of females playing this game. The minute they heard my voice, it was on.

Of course i block them and report them. I try to avoid them but we only have 3 avoid slots and odds are i will see them again.

The verbal abuse that comes at you in a hateful tirade while you are actively playing - trying to focus on your job so as not to let the rest of the team down - just waiting for a moment when you can duck around a corner and fix your chat settings. It’s really horrible! No one should have to put up with that!

Unfortunately the incidents have only increased in the last 6 months. I don’t want to turn off comms because i know you need it for good game play but it’s getting to a point where i am anxious about saying anything due to finding yet another sexist jerk on my team.

There are some very angry young dudes out there and Blizz has a moral if not legal obligation to start doing something about it.


yeh they don’t have a legal obligation to do anything btw. if it’s harassment, they give you tools to deal with it. i agree that people are sexist when it comes to anything, but just honestly ignore them. block report and move on.


Lol I don’t know about any other Australians on the Forums, but honestly the AUS server is the nicest place - I’m saying this as a woman who regularly used the Voice Chat in Ranked games and often acted as the primary shot-caller among 5 (usually random) men.

I must say, the common internet/gaming sentiment of “just be apathetic, don’t care about anything, having feelings is wrong!” is so irritating to deal with.

It is normal to get your feelings hurt when you’re insulted or routinely picked on. Pretending that taking offence to harrassment makes you the problem in the situation is so wrong.


I’m not sure what you’re talking about, I was praising that person, and agreeing with them, who you also agreed with. Mostly because they were actually able to put together a well-rounded post that was nice to read.

Take note.

Please don’t be so defensive and ready to scrap over anything you think you can. Not everything has to be a fight.

Some people just want to argue, even when they don’t know what they’re arguing about.


I’m on an Aus server too although i do have put a lot of dudes with a Kiwi accent on my block list.

No, it’s OK; as Unsung has already explained, their post was definitely a compliment towards mine

I know that this thread has been very heated and stressful at times, so I totally understand how one may be on-edge and more likely to take things the wrong way here due to the tension. However, things are indeed peaceful right now

It’s all good, everything’s fine :sparkling_heart:

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I hope you’re right, but this does read somewhat differently…

K[quote=“Dragonwolf-2746, post:383, topic:581254, full:true”]
We won’t reach the ‘Until then’ point unless we make a noise about it, unfortunately.

Yep. That’s what happens when you have a problematic Report system, unfortunately :frowning:

how is name calling any different from sexual harassment, if it is used in a derisive way it is quite literally name calling.

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honestly, i wish the people that run into this were streaming so it could be dealt with.

sorry you have to deal with a bunch of chads.


Its the internet, people say dumb things that they would never say in public. The best strategy is to not care about what they say.

Unless they are purposefully throwing the game to harass you, its really the only way to deal with it. There is no internet police that can rush to every query of someone being a jerk regardless of what gender or race you are.

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I wouldn’t say so; It just looks to me like she’s referring to a specific kind of person (a man who is verbally abusive towards women) that she’s unfortunately had to deal with in the game on multiple occasions.

Possibly worth noting: that’s actually the only time the word “man”–or, rather, ANY term specifically referring to the male gender–is used in her post. In fact, she didn’t use terms referring to specifically the male gender in any of her further replies to this thread, either. If she were really, consciously targeting men specifically, I imagine it would be played up more, and there would be more usage of “masculine” terms in her posts.

I think this is thankfully just a case of reading a little too much into the wording of a specific sentence. It really doesn’t seem like the OP had those intentions, so no need to worry :+1:


I think you’re looking too deep into it. I’m the sort of person who would definitely notice if the OP was making those sorts of insinuations, and disapprove.

In this instance, she’s just talking about the types of men who do perpetuate this sort of behaviour.


Oh my god its like someone posted something good and worth reading wth

How is that anything but a passive aggressive sentiment to all the previous comments here.

There is no defensiveness, especially when my comment to you was polite and friendly. Just when you comment, it holds no substance to the topic. Look at your previous dismissive comments above and how you attack the person rather than the argument.

You said you were leaving, but you keep.coming back. The place was peaceful when you were not commenting.

But hey, if you have points to actually add to the issue at hand, by all means please do contribute and express your experiences of how you may have been sexually harassed or seen such things happened in Overwatch. Or how you might handle such issues.

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It’s not OW that needs to take the stand TBH.

It’s the community.

Not just in OW either, it’s anything to do with online anonymity.

I feel for you that this kind of stuff happens but we can’t rely on a gaming company to sort out societies social ineptitude.

It’s definitely sad that there couldn’t be a system that could remove these kinds of people.

Take solace in the fact that these people arnt like this around real people which just shows how insecure they really are.
I just pity them and mute/report at this point.

I’m just thankful my life isn’t in the muddy state that theirs is.

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Well the one is just random names being flung at you, while the other is belittling the sex you were born with (or in other cases different).

Ladies go through it all their lives, that men think they are naturally superior to them.

While name calling is just that.

I’d give an example but I’d just get flagged for using really bad words here.

Actually, the way I interpreted it was just in reference to the way threads on this sort of topic usually and unfortunately tend to go: lots of flaming and arguments, sometimes getting to the point where it destroys any chance of reasonable conversation. So coming across a level-headed post discussing the problem without attacking someone may understandably come as a pleasant surprise, hence that reaction

That’s just how I personally understood it, anyway

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Dragon and I got quite into it, and I was really quite sure they were trolling. I won’t reiterate the statements I made to them, and to be honest still stand by, but the quality of your post was in stark contrast to others in this thread, and I genuinely appreciated the approach.

You used logic, clear words, identified and acknowledged issues…

Instead of… well, I said I won’t reiterate.

i get it, i really do. theres little you can do about it so why decree yourself a victim. The best course of action and path to enlightenment is being unflinching in the face of needless ridicule. think about it. they expend their energy trying to bring others down and gain nothing from it, especially when youre working towards the same goal. not only is it illogical but its also inefficient towards pursuing personal growth.
you also cant make generalizations. not all women go through that, not all men believe themselves to be superior entities. sharing that mentality makes them closer to them than to someone who is beyond such things. Are you ashamed of being a woman? probably not so why should denigration regarding something you have 0 control whilst not holding any regrets bother you.
develope walls and work towards not being sensitive, youll find people screw with you less and your performance will be more consistent. the only constant is you, so make that constant a stalwart one.

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