Hate OW So Much i Uninstalled Every Blizzard Game

To the OP, pretty much this^

If you’re mad enough to uninstall every game after a losing streak… then it’s reasonable to assume that your anger was tilting you in your OW matches and making you lose probably more often than you should.

You gotta find way to unwind so you can enjoy your gaming hobby again. Nothing wrong with taking it serious and wanting to win, but don’t forget to have fun.


I am right with you here, they do this intentionally to frustrate players. This, I have said for many years, but have been ridiculed for it by all the sheeple.

You have done well and I support you.


Yes that is true but comp is not the only thing that bliz uses the matchmaker for. QP and even arcade use the same system. So by leting u almost win…or win every now and again u get that endorphin rush just as a slot machine gives the player. And it keeps u playing and bolsters blizzs number of players hence getting more people to play and people buying new accts ect…its a slot machine that is more fun. Now im not saying they rigged it but by them hiding the stats and never confirming or denying it it is founded to the normal person to asume what is happening.

Maybe a card game is a better example…some people know how to game the system most dony…but the more u play and win some the more u get others too also play and so on… so in the end the casino wins and bliz is guaranteed money cuz u dont get anything back but if they lose there player base the game fails and they lose money. So they have a few million reasons to keep people playing and striving to rank up or get gud. But that is all game companys as they want to make money that is the point of making games :slight_smile:

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No, it is not…it used to be to please your players and make a coin; exactly in this order. A good example for this is Quake Arena, learn its history and understand why elder players like me are so furious.

Ues to be…key words…sadly game companys have forgoten that. Nee ones maybe…but the big ones being bliz…ea…ect…have forgoten that :frowning:

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Yes, but only the top echelon, not the young aspiring programmers that are burnt in the wake of major projects. A very good example is the critically acclaimed LA-Noir.
I want to see EA and its ilk destroyed by boycotts and young companies elevated.

I’m Platinum border level 2260 on console and I’ve found my experience to be the opposite of yours.

I posted about this recently:

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I’m NOT disagreeing with you: there are definitely problem(s) with Overwatch…

But that (uninstalling and not playing Blizzard’s games) won’t last long. You see, the way they make their games, so addictively ( making the “user” basically addicted to them), I almost guarantee you’ll end up re-installing all of their games after some time has gone by (without any patches or updates on their end).

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100% my experience too. Rank doesn’t matter. Your MMR means everything, but we can’t see it. I’ve seen stretches of ridiculous, unwinnable games at 1800. F’ing 1800. Smurfs on the other team. Throwers. And then all the sudden… all that BS turns off. Like the flip of a switch, suddenly it’s easy games. FAKE WINS. You climb a bit, you feel good, you buy a loot box(?) and then suddenly, the switch flips again and you get horrid teammates for 5 games.

I’m guessing those who don’t see it are not pushing the MMR to the limit. I see that when i team up with some random people and they’re like “whoa, what kind of craziness is this?” Insane games of good players everywhere. They appearantly never see that. To me, it’s normal. Constant hard mode, except when it stomps me down enough to be satisfied and turns off, then it’s easy. I’m guessing it’s something to do with the MMR and how it’s got to handicap matches by making them even. I play with a Support main. We NEVER. EVER get a decent 2nd support. Because if we did, then the match would not be fair. So, it’s up to her to carry that role. God forbid you just continue to give us random teammates and let us actually rank up.

Every single time we group with a few random players, we win about 12 in a row. Why? Because we don’t actually belong in low gold. We climb out of it with ease, simply by avoiding the rigged matchmaking, handicapping games to make them artificially difficult just to make it “fair.”

Know what’s actually fair? Letting random 2100’s play vs. random 2100’s. No hidden MMR forcing even matches.

The game doesn’t do that though. The game tries to force and even match no matter what. And the only way to do that is with a hidden rating that’s there to make sure you can’t win too much before earning artificial hard mode.

Now. I’m not entirely against forcing even matches, to be honest. But i think the game should give MUCH more PBSR so players can earn what THEY deserve. Not what the matchmaking gives them, not what some random thrower gives you, not what some smurf on the other team forces you to lose.

It’s a dumb idea to use hidden MMR to force even matches, then give out mostly Team SR.

Keep the handicapping, i don’t care. Just give players the rank they deserve, rather than forcing their SR down every 5 games because the handicapping is way too strong. Making you play with literal throwers and trolls, which probably wasnt the intention.


From what i noticed is that if you go far above you starting SR you will put into losing matches

but if you far below you starting SR you will win games…

It’s as if blizz doens’t want you to rank up until you do placement matches and get a higher starting SR…

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I don’t understand why people are playing this game despite having such a horrible gaming experience. Between the forced losses and being super toxic, one would think more people would just abandon this game. It’s 20 seasons in, and it’s still terrible. My only thought is addiction. Everybody’s got their money’s worth by now. Just dump it for another game.


I can attest it is addiction for me. Although, I think I finally reached critical mass, and will be taking prolonged breaks from this game now. Today marks the first day I intentionally didn’t play at least one game of OW in over 2 years… The game and its community have left me with so many anger issues that shouldn’t have ever developed from playing this type of game. Although I believe I was delusional to think things would get better if I just kept playing through it. I need to step back and reassess my priorities, maybe in a few months I can find enjoyment in this game again. Until then I will lurk periodically.


How did the number in the middle of your pretty golden border go from 36 to 37? I think you’re fibbing…

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Weird, that didn’t happen to me when I climbed from bronze to gold after realising and fixing a couple of gigantic flaws in my gameplay


No, if you go far above your normal sr, you will be fighting better oponents and you will lose hard unless you are ready for higher elo.

I was and i did career high on all 3 roles last few seasons. Of course i had streaks, win and lose, but not once i thought it can be because rigged matchmaking as i was able to come up with reasons why we lost, often in my gameplay.

Your fault is that you are not critical to yourself enough.

Since you are leaving you might as well give your account to me, I like gold game sillyness but the game won’t let me play in that ELO.


He didn’t leave or uninstall or anything - he’s still gaining levels. :rofl:

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loss streaks are normal just like win streaks.

20 loss streak is you losing couple games normally and then getting more and more tilted at the game and playing worse and worse because of the tilting.

Just walk away from the keyboard if you’re getting tilted. That’ll cut your loss streaks.


The loss streaks that everybody complains about are not natural. All you have to do is play on another account at the same SR. Wins all the sudden.

Wasted another 2 hours of my life this evening trying to get tank on this account out of this hell hole they call mid gold. I promise you, on my other accounts, games are not like this. Such utter useless turds as DPS who don’t do anything and healers who don’t heal. How can tank have all gold’s?

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