Has Jeff given up on mercy?

People continue to ignore the real issue and focus on whether it is fun to play Mercy or how powerful she is and forget the fact that she is fundamentally broken and bad for the game, even with 11 nerfs she’s still the strongest healer…watch her return with an ever so slightly less pickrate. She basically has 2 ultimates and as long as resurect is a standard ability she will - how are the other supports supposed to compare with another support with 2 ultimates? Mass res form of Mercy had massive flaws - she had very little if any mid fight potential - and without the competition of Moira and the recently buffed (buffed 3 times, thanks Blizz!) Ana she was pretty popular. If her old ultimate was to return with nerfs to stop her from having to disengage and stop her from res’ing through walls we’ll finally see a healthy game, a healthy support meta and a balanced game.

TLDR: whether you find her fun or not, her state, even with 11 nerfs has proved to be unhealthy for the game. A return to mass res with nerfs would make the game and support meta balanced.


That’s exactly the point. Mercy is balanced now, she is not a must pick every game. Blizzard have done their job properly. She has been must-pick for 11 seasons and finally she is tuned compared to other supports.

Your post is completely out of touch with reality - pressing Q for a team rez requires absolutely no skill. Rezing one person requires decision making, positioning, team play. She had no counterplay before when she now has. Boring/Fun is subjective and not relevant to discussion. I find new Mercy fun and more interesting to play than before. It’s a pointless argument and one based on emotions not relevant to the discussion.

Another out of touch with reality post. Mercy was never a troll-pick and underpowered. Not to mention the insane SR gains she had before her Valkyrie rework. I dunno what game you are playing but Mercy has always been the absolute best solo single target healer in the game hands down with the biggest utility out of the entire support roster.

:rofl: Yes, you stay in the back and wait for the Grav/combo and when everyone dies you fly and press Q and rez everyone back with absolutely no counterplay = profit. Dude I’ve played Mercy. Much complicated, such wow. Keeping track of enemy ultimates is the easiest thing a person can do and it requires basic multi-tasking of the simplest variety. You don’t even need to actively keep a note since all you needed to do is just hide or stay in the back and run away the moment somebody pops some kind of an ult which isn’t really complicated to do.


Before you had to triage your team in big fights, managing dangerously low health bars while being chased by a bunch of crazy flankers and divers, now you just ult and it manages the bars for you and allows you to fly to safety as well.

Before you had to decide when to resurrect, if you should go for the single rez on the tank, or maybe the DPS with the ult, or chance waiting for that one team member who was on the edge of death. Sometimes you had to pick between which team mate to ult if they were split too far.

Now, you know exactly when to rez, it’s a real no brainer. Rez when safe, or if there’s a wall to skirt behind, otherwise don’t. End of story.

Putting that all aside, they’re pretty much nerfing Mercy into the ground. It’d be fine if it was just a matter of balance but it feels like they’re trying to make her the most unfun hero to play in the game. Making sure she’s slower in every way, from ult charge, to movement, to healing, etc. They’re really doing their best to make her as sluggish and boring as possible.


Just read my post rather than assuming what’s inside it. It explains everything I’m referring to: They keep making Mercy easier (and less fun) to play by nerfing her


I read your post and I completely disagree with it. Mercy requires more skill now than Mercy 1.0 and original Mercy 2.0. She is balanced currently and in tune with the rest of the supports.

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Pressing q to get a team wipef is neither skillful or enjoyable for the enemies.

and yes once upon a time mercy was a throw pick and was underpowered she received an overbuff in the form of invulnerability during mass rez.

that’s when mercy became op.

Mercy has a lower skill floor,lower skill ceiling, isn’t balanced still and is even more boring while still being op.

they’ve fixed nothing.


Clearly a misinformed judgement. Allow me to explain.
Her res now requires far less skill, not only is it on a 30 second cooldown that doesn’t have to be earnt but using it requires far less decision making - right now it’s will res’ing this teammate impact the fight? and if it doesn’t or you die trying it doesn’t matter because it’s on a cooldown. Mass res Mercy didn’t require the brain of a rocket scientist but did require significantly more skill as you could just res your team into a team with ults or your teammates could have no ults to actually make a push aswell as losing your ultimate.

Not to mention Valkyrie requires the less skill of any hero in the game ever. As long as anyone on your team is alive it’s okay to use it, hell you could even use it to fly back to spawn after your entire team is dead. It completely negates having to decide which teammates needs healing as you can heal them all at once and staying alive during a heated fight is incredibly easy.

Tdlr: Old Mercy wasn’t extremely difficult but still much more difficult than current Mercy - she easily provides more impact with less effort than the old version.

Also read my previous post in the thread regarding Mercy’s position in the game


Yes, she was a troll pick, I mained Mercy from day one, I remember being asked to change constantly. The best part was proving those people wrong by playing a good Mercy.


Then let’s agree to disagree. I have played Mercy since the beta, and her skill requirements have gone a bit up and down. Mercy was never difficult to play, but decisions were affected by your ability to read the game to a greater degree before than they are now.

It’s great that the other supports get more playtime though. Viable healer diversity is good for the game and for Mercy players.


We still need more pure healer options as we have 2 burst healers but only 1 pure healer.

People would flood off mercy if we had more pure healer options and if we finally balanced mercy for real.

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Yes, this is the ultimate goal. Every healer being viable. Mercy’s recent nerf probably won’t do that - as long as she has resurrect and Valkyrie she will have more utility than the other supports. Old Mercy had that diversity - a few nerfs to make it less powerful would have fixed that. Unfortunately we have this…rework.

Yeah except that’s not how it works. :rofl: Getting team kills requires coordination, team effort and mechanical ability or good positioning. Getting team rez required the person to press Q and invalidate everything mentioned above with a single button.

Mercy has higher skill floor than before, moderate skill ceiling, is balanced and is not OP compared to other supports.

So much wrong with this statement - you have to decide which target to rez, can you actually rez the target without dying, would the target contribute to the fight. It’s a cost-risk analysis. And it makes an impact when you rez that Rein with a shatter or that Soldier with a visor etc. and I’ve seen it empirically proven time and time again.

Then you must have been a bad Mercy or something else. Particularly in your elo, playing Mercy is the safest support to play.

I’ve played since beta as well and Mercy has only increased in skill requirements - again empirically observable. If my 12 year old sister could pull team rez reliably literally anyone else can do it. She still dies to this day due to bad decision making of rezing out of position. This is observable empirically and undeniable.

You have primary healers and off healers, what else do you want? Primary healers are Mercy, Moira, Ana in level of difficulty. Off healers are Lucio, Brigitte, Zen in level of difficulty.

Unfortunately I believe your opinion is shortsighted and we’ll have to agree to disagree as I don’t see how I can help you understand my view.

Please don’t blame Mercy mains who try to help people understand how mass res with nerfs would create a healthy game when you try to play Ana or Moira and someone yells in the chat ‘can you get a Mercy?’ But probably give it a week or two.


Mass rez was unhealthy for the game which is why it was taken out. I mean even the developers understood that fact. Having an ability that can erase outcomes on a large scale is never good balance.

Your logic in this context is flawed. I did not say that it was difficult to pull off a team rez. And one person does not provide empirical evidence, nor does it provide statistical significance. I’m talking about room to grow as a Mercy player, room to improve your playstyle. Mercy’s low skill-floor ensures that practically everyone can play her with ok results. Her currently low skill-ceiling means that there might not be much difference between a Diamond Mercy and a Grand Master Mercy… there is still a lot of difference between Mercy players before they reach the skill-ceiling however… But with Mercy 1.x you would see a lot of difference between the people who could track and bait enemy ultimates to make sure they got the best use of Mercy’s kit.

I don’t want Mercy 1.x back, but I would love to see Mercy 3.x where they actually consider enjoyment as part of Mercy’s kit again. I think to achieve this they need to replace rez with something else entirely since it is so difficult to balance.


Having a character be a must pick, s-tier hero for 6 months and continue to dominate the support meta for the next 6 months despite 11 nerfs is ‘healthy’ for the game.

Oh when was there a time when other healers had a real place in the game…when one character didn’t dominate the meta…oh well guess we’ll never know.


Throwing shade at my “elo”, especially when your own is hidden, hardly helps your argument. There’s enough stats that back up my view, she wasn’t seen much in tournament play unless there was a Pharah around. Or are you going to tell the pros that they suck at Mercy compared to you too?

Seriously, try read my post again, it clearly implies that my team wanted the Mercy change BEFORE I proved them wrong. I’m done with this chat, your view is clearly blinkered seeing as your reading comprehension apparently goes out the window just to suit your argument.


Mass rez could’ve easily been balanced with some more tweaking.

it uses all if not most of those things so yes its more so like that then your realize.

your just shortsighted.

no we have pure healers, burst healers, and then off healers/utility healers/hybrids

we need more pure healer options and to balance mercy sooner rather then later.

Less frequent…like once in a week? It’s a stupid ability the way It is. Not earned, turning you in a scarecrow for almost two seconds, and in the worst scenario in a four minutes match, and with someone dying in the first second you could only use It 7 times…imagine your main, imagine any character, using for example the soldier rockets, 7 times a match…long time ago they should have reverted or deleted the ability for a health boost. But please, don’t ask for screw*ng more the rez.

Oh by all means, you are correct. I can only provide anecdotal evidence of course.

Blizzard are the ones which see the big picture and have all the data relevant. And Blizzard rightfully came to the conclusion that Mass Rez is unhealthy for the game.

That’s precisely what I’m saying. Instead of just waiting for everyone to die and pressing Q, my sister now has to improve her cost-risk analysis and prioritization, game sense and situational awareness. Rezzing requires more skill because it has counterplay. There is a greater skill difference now because the bad Mercy will die every 30 seconds due to trying to rez out of position or not rez-ing at all.

Enjoyment/fun is not relevant to the discussion because it’s subjective and not measurable. I find new Mercy more fun and enjoyable to play.

And with the latest changes, Mercy is balanced compared to other supports. If she is not, they will nerf her again.

I haven’t done by placements, my account is public, I’m not hiding anything. I’m a low diamond player.

Yes, because dive was dominant in the highest competitive tiers. Because Ana and Zen provide more value then Mercy IF you have the necessary skill to perform dive correctly, which pros and higher competitive tiers can do. For the large mass of players however and particularly for your elo (because elo does matter when discussing balance, you don’t balance the game for the bottom tiers for obvious reasons), Mercy was, is and will be the best single solo target healer providing the most utility for the least amount of skill required. This is how good balancing should work in theory. It’s also the reason why Symmetra for example was absolutely amazing in low elo and absolute terrible/useless in high elo. You need to balance the game for high elo not the other way around. Unless you think Symmetra is OP in which case the discussion is truly pointless. :grinning:

I dunno you must have played with bad players or something. I dunno why anyone would want somebody to switch off one of the best characters in the game. I would take Mercy any day over an Ana that can’t hit her shots.

No u. :rofl:

Why did Blizzard not do it then?