Has anyone here climbed high by reviewing their own vods?

Aim on hitscan can only get you so far. If you’re just an aimgod and don’t really have the other skills (cooldown management, positioning, game sense) you’re realistically not getting out of platinum.

The most obvious example is Widowmaker. You need to position somewhere that you have an advantage in the gunfight. This is how people can climb without aim, by positioning well. If you have a good position you can get off more shots and get more ult charge. Ideally you want to be somewhere high up, forcing the enemy team to use cooldowns in order to approach you. When they approach you comes cooldown management. You need to properly manage your grapple cooldown that way if you’re dived on you can get away safely. Knowing where to grapple to is game sense, it all comes full circle.

Also earlier I saw you mention looking at aim on vod reviews. That doesn’t really tell you much besides you need to practice your aim as there was nothing immediate that could’ve been done to win the fight. Instead hyper focus on abilities. Ex. if you’re playing Soldier would a rocket have confirmed you a big kill or Mccree would a fan have been better than a regular shot.

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