Hardstuck Bronze Carry

Sure you are hardstuck smh

See that’s the problem with forum people. they don’t believe being hard stuck is possible so they just shrug it off whenever somebody presents a real example of it happening.


You have your own knowledge and experience of things players should do and things they should not do. You play accordingly and might get tilted when you see teammates doing mistakes. However, you might be doing other mistakes you’re unaware of. It’s easy to see others’ mistakes simply because you’re aware of them so you avoid them… but they might also recognize mistakes you’re doing and look at you the same way. It’s hard to believe someone can be hard-stuck in bronze because the level of play is really low but I’ve tried to add you so I could offer some insight or help if I can.


Right but my stats show I’m not dying, and I’m fragging out. That implies good positioning, good engagement, good aim, etc etc etc. The mistakes are not mine.

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You probably had someone boost your account, the stats you keep referring to are not yours. Now if we look at the recent activity tab on your profile - Those stats don’t look to great, so thats you playing again.

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Looks like bronze to me :man_shrugging:

What da heck where you doing there.

Stuck in bronze lol

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stop trying to troll the forums…


Post an actual VOD. Stats on websites are meaningless as you can easily farm them.

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You have to post a full match like it has been said. You can’t clip the one thing you did right then ask us what you did wrong.


Well perhaps the actual problem is your game sense, that can hold you back BIG TIME.

7 elims/10min on sombra, with .78 k/d

On junk you have 5 elims/10min and 12 deaths/10m

Obvious deranker is obvious


I love these bronze threads

I haven’t actually looked at your profile or stats but i do have a solution for you that will determine if you belong in higher rank

Create a new account and see how high you can get. If you place and stay higher than bronze then you were right. If you place or drop into bronze after some time then you definitely belong there

Also it’s highly unlikely you are a diamond level player if you cannot get out of bronze. But i suppose it is possible so you should prove it if that’s what you truly believe.

not only that but also this

If you are smurfing in bronze maybe dont name your account the same exact name just in another language…
then post on the forums from both accounts in the same topic. What the hell even!!?!?!?


Go to the overwatch discord and find a group.

This is why you’re bronze. Just reading two posts from you tells me you only care about kills. Your objective play, assuming you aren’t lying out your back end about your mechanical skill, has to be completely nonexistent for you to still be bronze.

If you really think you deserve to not be bronze due to your mechanical skill alone, prove it by killing half the enemy team like you claim and then leading the charge yourself.

Source: 10+ season Master tank/support player (also mid diamond DPS)

In fact, I actually wrote a fairly detailed topic about the different SRs a while back. Here you go.

I was gonna say this is pretty solid proof of elo hell. But then I noticed you don’t try to win on Ashe or Widow you try to frag and still lose. You go even win rate but make massive elo gains off PSBR that you then have to even out by losing with incredibly bad stats on Junk and Sombra to retain rank. Your overall win rate is substantially negative which is the only reason you can retain your rank with the PBSR gains you get on your ‘hardstuck’ Ashe/Widow. This is one of the reason private profiles are poison. You can’t even report players like this because they’re never public profile. You only are to try and troll the forums.


OW is a team based game. Is so reliant on teams that is really hard to carry any game. The game has turned even more into a team realiant game…and more into pick up a proper composition you win.

Pick two tanks that are not meta and you can surely loose. Pick two off tanks and your team will die against a proper composition no matter how good you are playing as tracer, for example. Pick tanks/supports that are hard counterd but they do not switch, game will be lost, pick characters pretty situational into game modes that do not give them an advantage and …same.

If you want to win or want to climb, your best option is to have a group of friends you can play with.
Im not saying they are not doing their thing or that all the teams you play with are bad, not at all. Not saying you are perfect either. Im just pointing out that in a game where everybody does what they have to do, in an average way not even amazing gameplay…will always be better than someone that excels at this or that character while his or her team is below the expectations. Is always better to coordinate and have a team that work together towards the goal that pretend to carry the game.

That team realiant kind of games were part of the philosophy of blizzard games, for example Hots in comparison with Lol has that advantage/disadvantage. The carry potential a player can have is really reduced.
Is interesting how good gameplays from a player have won less games, in my experience that the amount of games Ive seen as defeats because of bad decisions made sometimes by just one player.

Fair comment. But you can’t be naive enough to not think you must be making some terrible mistakes if you can’t climb out of bronze. The mistake(s) might not be kills at the wrong time or only clean up kills but something you’re doing is making you lose matches you otherwise wouldn’t.

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Yep, that’s bronze team mates for ya. But plenty of people climb out of bronze with those exact same team mates, including me. I’m only gold now, so if I can climb out easily then someone who’s actually diamond will do it in their sleep. The fact that you can’t just proves you aren’t diamond level - or even silver level (yet).

Either you’re doing something bad that everyone else who climbed out of bronze didn’t do or you’re not doing something good that they did do.

Also, dueling is only one skill needed to be successful in 6v6 Overwatch. Even if you could beat a diamond in 1v1 it doesn’t mean anything in regards to 6v6 competitive.