Hardest diff to overcome?

What hero or role diff do you think is the hardest to overcome? In my opinion it’s Rein diff or any MTD in general but Rein diff seems to be the most common as there are a lot of really bad Reins out there. I find them extremely difficult to win with, even when I am the other tank.

You can try to play another main tank to make space but then you have no offtank and are basically left fighting a 1v2 against the enemy tanks. And if you try to dive the enemy back line instead, even if you get a pick it’s pointless because your other tank is never going to move up.

DPS or healer diffs on the other hand are also hard to overcome but it seems more doable as long as your other dps or support isn’t terrible.

Tank Diff for sure.

Tank is the most influential role in the 6v6 architecture, and having a main tank that takes and controls space vs. any kind of tank that doesn’t is almost certainly a loss if the other variables (as you mentioned) are balanced.


A Widowmaker dff to your disadvantage means that the enemies now basically rule supreme over free space and sightlines and your team lost one player, because of that also pressure on the enemy Widowmaker and her team.
Unless you have any reserves like dive tanks and/or a Hanzo, your team should really give up and wait for their Widowmaker to come back, there’s no use in initiating a fight and lose half to the enemy Widowmaker your team fails to either pressure or kill.

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dam, that what i was gonna say… gg widow diff ez

tank diff, anyone saying widow just is wrong that’s literally the easiest diff to overcome cause zen and lucio exist


widow diff. you can keep your tank diff while the widow diff picks off 4 players each fight

damn bro sounds like a positioning issue


im not complaining fren. just making a counter.

highground diff :laughing:

i guess in a way, that usually stems from a tank diff, so if you want to categorize it as a tank diff im fine with that :grin:

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Tank diff / rein diff. Pick your sigma all you want but while your absorbing the hammer is coming out.

If one team has a rein, the other team needs a rein to match.

From there, support / Ana diff. If you team has an Ana then the other team absolutely needs another Ana or at least a bap.

I’ve noticed I loose a lot with a Lucio / Moira, mercy / zen, or Lucio/ zen. Burst healing from Ana or bap is needed.

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or you just go any comp remotely similar to dive and suddenly rein is useless

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That tanks coordination. What do you do when you solo-q?

Smoke the competition on ball and hog

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smurf diff, git gud ?

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tell your sigma player to stop playing sigma like he’s playing reinhardt :face_with_spiral_eyes:


yeah was gonna comment on that but didn’t feel like going in-depth on how you’re supposed to play sigma. people like him think sig is a main tank so it’s not even worth arguing

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Right right, sigma press S like rein presses W. Otherwise your balls smack you in yo face.

Sig can’t even handle rein’s girl Zarya. Beam’n down that absorb and shield the rock and balls.

i suppose not all sigma players are created equal. especially the ones that must be reminded what to do when reinhardt w’s… :sunglasses:

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He can if you’re good….

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A good widow cannot be allowed to exist uncontested. You commit a resource specifically to the Widow, and if that one resource can’t get it done, then you commit two resources to her. If two people can’t get it done, gg, team diff. But given the option of losing the match via letting the widow do whatever she wants, or losing because you’re over-committing resources to her, the latter is the far better approach. A) you’re developing good habits (which is more important than winning) B) you’re playing actively C) you’re playing with a gameplan/strategy in mind and you’re building up your knowledge database of how to counter scenario X.

As the saying goes: “A wise man never loses. He either wins or he learns.”