Hard to swallow truths about Mercy

There is no justification for saying she was overrated in moth meta. She was a full on must pick that entirely controlled the game.

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There is, actually - she allowed any heroes to be used with her. Instead of current nightmare, where heroes constantly fall into useless pit, just because supports can’t support them.

To be honest, while no Meta is actually liked by the community except dive, I still think moth meta was rather healthy for every hero overall. In dive you basically had the same heroes in every match. In moth meta everything was ressed and it was really really bad for the game, but every hero could be used as long as you had a Mercy on your team.

Overall I just want Mercy to be able to heal tanks a bit better and I’m good.

Nothing too much, just a bit more hps, even just HPS% based healing would do, so hard pocketing Pharah or something doesn’t become more annoying to fight

It can be pretty extreme, though.

TTH of 200hp hero as Mercy was slightly above 3 s with 60 hps, which we round down.

Healing 600 hp tank in 3 s = 200 hp/s. For 400 hp tank, it’s ~133 hp/s.

If we take current 4 s as standard, then it’s 150 and 100 hps respectively. On tanks only.

I don’t think that’s what they meant by percentage based healing? (sorry for butting in)

I’ve read this idea a few places before where Mercy heals base 50hps, and for 400hp heroes it’s 50hps + 10% or something, and for 600hp it’s maybe 50hps + 15% (just a random percentage because I can’t remember so please nobody take that as fact)

And honestly I’d love something like that as well, because it keeps her hps the way it is for squishies but makes healing tanks more bearable for Mercy and the tank.

Sorry btw if that is not what you were talking about MothMeta ^^’

Think that is what they mean. Percentage based healing means, that you heal not fixed HPS, but % from health pool.

In my example, Mercy restores 25% of health pool of any hero per second. Which is 50 for 200hp hero, 100 for 400hp tank and 150 for 600hp tank. Consistency to the maximum - any hero can be fully healed within 4 seconds.


She was reworked because Mass Res promoted play that was counter intuitive to how a main healer shouls function, as certain playstyles were rewarded for just letting your team die.

I wouldn’t call “unfun” the main reason, let alone the only one.


It’s still rewarding to let your teammate die, if damage is too high to save them.

But the difference is you’re trying to save them, not just sitting on the sidelines waiting for a wipe.

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No, you don’t. You just leave them to die, to return later. Same principle, just on smaller scale.

That would be incredibly OP and a horrible idea though, that would make Mercy pretty much a must pick because noone would be able to put out the same relative (HPs to healthpool ratio) healing with no real effort as she would …

Ah well we’ll see what they meant! ^^

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If you’re just leaving a teammate to die nowadays, you’re just bad. Especially with how uncertain Res’s are these days.

Nonetheless, what are you doing while that teammate is dying? Healing/boosting someone else, or just sitting in spawn?


Flying to next teammate. In my experience, teammates don’t live long, so trying to save them is rather pointless effort.

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Exactly, you’re not just waiting for everyone to die, you’re still in the fight helping out.

Prioritizing who gets to live is very much different from just doing nothing and watching everyone die.

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It didn’t work like that. Mass resurrect was about leaving your team to die, moment enemy utilizes something you can’t outheal.

More teammates are in fight, higher chances are that enemy goes “all in” with ults. Now it’s just giving teammate damage boost and hoping, that it will be, at least, trade.

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No, it was about leaving them to die before the fight even started so you aren’t caught out with tbem.

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For me it’s same thing. You are in fight, healing them, and you disappear, as soon as enemy ults are in the picture.

Now it’s same on smaller scale: you support teammate, and if you see, that they are losing their encounter, you quickly discard them and fly to someone else.

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But that’s still different from forcing a 5v6 because you don’t want to die with ult before its needed.

But the point is you’re in the fight around your team the entire time, again, not hiding in spawn.


Maybe so, but for me it’s no different. Same tactics, and same “everyone else died and I am lone survivor” kind of experience, just without bringing them all back.

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The difference is her playstyle isn’t rewarded for such an outcome.

Before if you let everyone die, they’d come back and often counter wipe, winning the fight, point, or game.

Nowadays, if everyone were to die, you lose. Period. Hence why its now in your best interest to keep your team at full numbers for as long as possible.