Hard to swallow truths about Mercy

Considering tools Mercy has at her disposal, it’s pretty much impossible. 50 hps are barely enough to sustain 1 player in combat, against not most accurate enemies.

Like I said, you just give your teammates boost at all times and hope, that it will be, at least, equal trade. Everyone destined to die, someone before all the rest. They are dead, moment they try to engage enemy, so it’s not when they will die(answer is “very soon”), but how much damage they will deal before dying - hopefully they will take with them 2 enemies.

Principle is same with old ult: you sell your teammate’s lives, and hope, that it will be good deal. Though this time, it’s not up to you, if deal will be good or bad.

October 13 2019:

Lucio overall pickrate 4.96%, Mercy 5.69%. More BS.

We can see it wasn´t it was more often Moira, Mercy or Moira Ana.

Well yes they dull the overall experience and they do not reward player improvements/skill. Quite simply, for the same reason they are made for new players is the same reason it is a detriment to the overall state of the games balance if they aren´t kept that way. During Moth Meta, all the pro healers confirmed they never practiced Mercy cause she was so easy to play. They didn´t even care to practice her at all cause she was and still is so simple.

You are relying on your percieved idea, sorry honey, but nobody is gonna listen to that and believe your opinion.

Still no source to these pro players that say she lacks buffs. Many pros agree that she lacks personal impact cause she is an introduction healer.

Statistically no hero comes close to Brigs 56.58% winrate at a great 2.10% overall pickrate. In GM that goes up to 55.30 and 5.34%, she is statistically overtuned in how easy and how much guaranteed value she gets, that can be seen from the last 6+ months of stats, now it is just worse with a meta she can actually play in more. Violets stunts with a hero she never plays is also a poin to showcase it, since violet has never been close to doing that before in his life either, without brig.

Great more of your opinion on how she is and why that is balanced, this doesn´t help your argument, no one is gonna agree with you, if all you do is argue anecdotal evidence, that you believe buddy.

Where did i say she is OP in higher ranks ? She does quite bad in higher ranks. She is still meta in low ranks and it is still cause her value is again to easy and guaranteed, where as others aren´t.

The only damage numbers that have gone up are tanks and healers. DPS numbers are about the same to worse than release state. Outside of this mitigation and forms of aoe and burst healing (combined through 2 main healers) have never been higher in the games history either really (Except some mitigation after the shield adjustments).

These are the powercreept aspects, that has held the game in a state of need for only oneshots and burst damage.

Well go find me some pro player that agrees 100% on his own, that Mercy is bad and needs buffs, instead of sitting here saying you do.

Again your opinion and there is no inconsistency with damage boost, they just changed it to no longer be as abused.

Which is the trade off for 100% unmissable healing and full freedom to do everything else, while she does it, like scout, move, GA and self sustain behind walls.

Cause your idea of healing is completely out of whack with what this game is “an FPS/Hero shooter”, this isn´t wow, this isn´t PVE, this is PVP, where damage numbers very drastically between scenarios of players skill and luck, this isn´t the case in other forms of games, where healing is a stable to counter healing, in this game it isn´t meant to, just support players for longer.

Want higher healing ? Then get another support and earn it through the skill that allows them to do it.

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That is a mod for the support center, not a developer. He doesn´t have the authority or decide, what is or isn´t a bug or allowed, several things in the past doesn´t lead to bans either. Case in point, what they did to Brigs superjump or Genji ledge dashes made 0 bans happen either.

Just because it is allowed to use the bug (Or you aren´t banned if you do), does not mean it isn´t a bug, or is intentional. Especially not, when that confirmation comes from someone that doesn´t have the authority to decide it, or gave verification from, who that should have claimed that.

The word usage “clever use of game mechanics” is basically synonymous with bug abusing and trust me a ticket answering Support worker knows this very well and was answering a persons question about it being cheating and banable, which according to their own definition of cheating it isn´t either.

Factually what he said was a lie, since he said “someone recently who asked the OW team if super jump was actually a bug and they responded saying “it’s a smart use of mechanics”

And Blizzard support and OW team is not even close to the same thing, that is like asking the diablo team about wow regulations and allowances.

Well it is irrelevant, what you argue is the same thing, blizzard clearly stated it wasn´t and dupped it “hide and rezz, Mercy” that abused SR, which means OP`s way of talking about it, is factually wrong.

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While I agree it doesn’t justify her being that critical to a teams success or failure.