Hard to swallow truths about Mercy


Main issue with resurrect, is that teammate still appears back in terrible spot, that caused their death before.

Yeah but imagine Mercy just taking that soul and superjump to some highground and res over there.

I think that could be really op to some extend. But she still only has 10s to do so, since the players will respawn…

Hmmm, i wouldn’t mind testing it.

That time is so far gone, it was gone even before 60 HP/s nerf. It’s irrelevant. No one wants a moth meta but that is not reason to keep Mercy underpowered.

For over a year and half Mercy has been irrelevant at anything resembling high tier gameplay and when she’s played, a rare sight in itself, it is as Pharah’s slave, even in 3 DPS she played with a main healer at her side, because even with 4 other squishies on the team she couldn’t keep up.

The sycophant thing here is to say that is fine for any hero.


Mass rez was OP tho.

It was like double-edged sword: you could either save the day, or ruin your team’s chances.


She was objectively a bad support at high ranks but a op one in low ranks.

idk, everyone was bad during the first few seasons and mass rez was OP, please don’t bring it back.

She’s fine as she is right now.

At this point, why not just go for it?
Honestly blizz just needs to test it. I am convinced 90% of players wouldn’t even notice a difference in game.

60hps is still not a high healing output, not to mention she heals one target at a time.

And how it supposed to work: Mercy has lock on soul and presses E, once within range. Soul disappears, and resurrect button gets cooldown on it, showing time, before teammate respawns. Now, pressing E again resurrects teammate near Mercy and begins actual cooldown of ability.

She was really weak during mass res. She was annoying but not op, she was lacking outside of her Ult.

And at high ranks people expected the res and juts wiped the enemy team again.

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The problem with Mass Res wasn’t so much Mercy herself… it was the fact that we all tunnel vision and tend to ignore her, allowing her to set up for Mass Res, actually making sure Mercy dies during a fight makes a huge IMPACT to the game especially if you can force her off.

What really shoot things up were all those Megathreads we had like 10 to 15 in total by now and they weren’t small threads and tbh it still a salty subject two years on, especially when BLIZZARD CLAIMS THAT THEY WILL NEVER REVERT!!! OR GO BACK!!!


Worth noting that goats was the only comp proven to counter double sniper in the first place. And there was multiple team comps that had success against goats. Triple dps, pharmercy with ball, hackfist. The problem with counter comps to goats, was all of them were still destroyed by double sniper. This was further proven after the fact when goats couldn’t be played anymore due to 2/2/2, we went right back into double sniper with hog/orisa bunker. Peopled then opted to play Mei/Widow so mei can act as another barrier to wall off the enemy Widow.

People keep saying goats was the problem, but goats was the solution to an even bigger problem, and we’re still seeing that problem after we’ve fixed multiple solutions to it. Burst damage makes sustained damage and healing irrelevant, so we’re opting for utility based heroes and tanky brawl hero’s instead.

He/she states their honest opinion, as a Mercy player, in a clean succinct way.

They never bashes anyone from what I recall either. Nor try to bully anyone into their point of view.

I respect that a heck of a lot more than what I see others pushing about, even in this thread.

If you as a Mercy main want changes to Mercy. Cool. Everyone should be down with your right to have an opinion. Balanced, unbalanced, whatever. It’s just an opinion.

Same for those that like her play-style. Cool. It’s just an opinion.

So if the Devs ever read these boards considering changes, I’d want them to see all sides, from players of all ranks and experience. Good, bad, for, against, etc.

IMHO, I loooooove Mercy’s current kit (as a QP Mercy). From pre-launch to now, her current state is one I have no “personal” desire to change. I’d take more healing if you gave it, but I don’t think she needs it.

This is just this Mercy’s mains tastes. I like having to work at being top heals in a game/round. I don’t mind playing the underdog either. Because when I beat 3 other healers in a game as Mercy (one of the supposed worst healer picks right now), and as a bronze Mercy no less, it’s just great fun.

Anyhooot. I hope you all get to at least try 55 hps in and experimental card. If only just to move things from the realm of the hypothetical to the realm of the real. The only way to resolve the issue, in my mind, is to at least try it.



Mercy and lucio is dangerous? Lol alright we will end it there because you clearly are a subpar healer if you think lucio and Mercy is dangerous and zen and Mercy are risky. They complement each other so well. Its unreal how ignorant some healers are to their own role

It’s an opinion wtf.

Stopped reading right here.

Also they have Ana super buffed because the OWL. People want to see Anas with aggresive skill or whatever… but they are bored to see a one-click healer… as they are calling us :stuck_out_tongue:

You do realize that Mercy has a massive player base, right?

Her pick rate numbers have always been inflated. Even when she was objectively the worst support in the game she consistently had the highest pick rate by far.

Power is only one single factor in pick rate. Not the only one.

Mercy. Is. Popular.


i agree that her heals are indeed a bit of an issue rn, as a mercy main myself i genuinely think she is in a state of being in between a main healer and an off healer. She is a poor pick when played with Lucio, Brig, or Zen, but with a main healer like Ana, Moira, or Bap she is a pretty alright pick. Most people now are stuck if they do play mercy being a heal bot as they cant find the time to use damage because if they swap to heals even half a second late, its already over.

as a mercy main b4 her rework and someone who dislikes valk…she was “op” with her healing.

og valk and her healing made her healing per match untouchable by other healers.

but this is due to valk. not her primary.

u dont have a fine primary heal and make it aoe with high uptime and think its still going to be fine.

valk was the issue and casued her primary to get hit when it wasnt issue.