Hard to swallow truths about Mercy

All utility in the world can fail to replace good old fashioned high healing.


Not to mention Mercy’s only reliable utility is dmg boost. Res is too inconsistent to be called a compensation for her low healing, cuz it really isnt.

She basically uses it 6 times per match, that’s a bit sad

No they weren´t bad, she was too good and reliable, they have had to force the healing down now, cause the buffs earlier made was unwarranted and now is causing sustained DPS problems, where one shots are the only form of meaningfull damage.

Your opinion, not something you can prove or showcase, besides it is irrelevant to the current situation or what happened. “what if scenarios”

Ana was a throw pick through most of Double shield, despite her ability to “clutch heal”. Through out all this time and currently, Mercy saw way more healthy performance than Ana. Ana was a throw pick now a must pick.

Every other healer that has “clutch” potential, has it earned through not having sur, mobilty and healing on Auto mode. The ones that haven´t (Brig and Moira) have seen nerfs accordingly and is scheduled for more, since they still outperform and is to easy.

Ana has clutch potential cause the hero heavily evolves around clutch skill mechanics, like aiming or burst healing, which are less reliable than constant unmissable forms of healing.

Mercy has been a stable pick in most recent metas all the way back to even Goats. Currently at a 5% pickrate, tells me you don´t wan´t a healthy character, you want your only play efficient character to become a must pick so you can get free SR clearly.

A hero doesn´t have to be Meta to be good or really good, she fits perfectly in most Metas playd recently.

5% playrate. 6th most played hero, 3rd most played healer. Change it to 6 months and she become the 5th most played hero.

Stop being biased, uninformed and borderline lying about the facts.

Also OWL barely ever have usen Pharah to begin with and quite frankly at the top of the game, a healer like Mercy has no place being used, when they have the skills to make the harder ones work. There is no point in making introduction heroes and have them be meta at the top of play, when you have extremely hard alternatives, that is why she became a mustpick to begin with, “ease of use and being overpowered”.

Brig has always been in dive, so has Mercy, whether or not she is replaced in an already dead and not played meta is irrelevant. Brig was used mostly to counter the opponents dive, whether than support your own really and Brig is way more sustainable vs a dive, than Mercy is.

Again all of this is anecdotal biased opion, it isn´t the fact of how she performs statistically anymore.

How she is used is irrelevant, if she is doing good and well, if you don´t like the playstyle to bad, call for more reworks, all you are doing is being biased about, what you want your hero to do.

When did i ever say that ? Now you are simply making a huge straw man argument. Ana is not fine, but the big reason she prob isn´t, is most likely cause Reinhardt is Super OP and needs toning back, he never needed the buffs to begin with and Ana always pair well with Rein. So until he is fixed, we can see how she sits after, if she still has similar stats, then yeah she needs toning, slightly.

That is not how game balancing works at all and you constantly talk about synergies. Yet you refuse to accept that sometimes characters are pulled into meta comps simply cause they synergize and aren´t the main problem in it, might even die completely without it.

No they haven´t they have never made a single approvement or mentioned it. They mentioned bunny hop (the space cancellation) in a patch and made it a feature. The bug known as superjump, is only able to be performed, cause of being able to queue the release of a crouch animation after the interaction of a skill (something dataminers found out, you cannot do otherwise), which is the reason for her upward momentum and buggy visuals, making her fly like superman but completely vertical into the air.

They should address it and either completely remove it (fairly like all other bug abuses of this sort), or implement it and make it reliable, fair and have proper animations and speed/accel adjustments.

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First, there was even someone recently who asked the OW team if super jump was actually a bug and they responded saying “it’s a smart use of mechanics” so stop being biased and inform yourself rather than calling me biased just because I state the obvious things everyone is too scared to talk about.

Second, Mercy was not broken with her 60hps, she was very solid and the game also had less damage power creep in it than now making her the intended go-to healer the devs wanted her to be.

Also, the skill justification here is completely invalid due to Overwatch originally being targeted towards a player base of all skill levels anyway.

Every hero has the right to be meta, even Moira or Mercy or whatever.

Also, in double barrier, a meta Mercy should usually thrive in because of her non restricted heals was yet “still just not her meta” because her healing sucks.

She can be as consistent as she wants to, consistently bad healing isn’t gonna save you from anything.

Mercy is LITERALLY only played to just evade the enemy 24/7 or to baby sit Phara at OWL.

Her general pick rate thtough out all the ranks is also pretty much worthless since

  1. Everything works in low ranks
  2. People in low ranks just rely on Mercy to make up for their lack of mechanical skill, which is OK. But the higher you go, even starting at diamond Mercy becomes lackluster because her healing isn’t gonna keep you topped off and her ult isn’t gonna save you from other ults either.

She needs help, desperately, like it or not.

Even many many of the “pros” have agreed on Mercy pretty much being garbage rn because she is Mediocre at everything except mobility, which isn’t even needed if you have the heals and reliable utility, which she doesn’t.

Just give the 55 or even 60hps a try in experimental and see how it goes.

With all the trash damage flying around that would certainly not be broken.


Zen and Mercy do great together. So does Mercy and bridget. Utilize mobility and prioritize targets.

Lucio and Mercy are also a very strong combo.

Her kit is rarely fully utilized. Again, she can easily do towards of 2k per min if her kit was operated at a maximum utility.

Mercy and Zen is a combo you preferebly don’t wanna risk at all cost. You both together won’t be able to survive any coordinated push.

Mercy Lucio can work, but it is dangerous.

Mercy Brig is pretty OK especially if you pocket Brig every now and then so she gets value just by smacking ppl.

Moira Mercy is really good actually, both pretty evasive and Moira can focus on heals and Mercy on boosting.

Mercy Ana is not bad either, but Mercy definitely needs to constantly keep an eye on her, so she doesn’t get deleted.

Mercy Bap is pretty mediocre, Bap is having a hard time and Mercy can’t constantly boost people due to Bap’s nerfed healing.


That’s not the only reason at all. That’s a straw man based on the singular reason given in the developer update. There was many reasons, including Mass Res ultimately was unimpactful to high elo play, which guaranteed mercy would always be in a bad spot in terms of Meta. The only reason she started to see play in high elo on ladder before her rework was due to an SR exploit that was putting gold Mercy one tricks into top 500 and GM.



Objectively false. Mercy after her rework had absolutely no weakness. Her healing was out healing Moira per game on average. She had more utility than Ana with Damage boost without cooldown and Resurrect now turned into a basic ability. She ultimately had the best survivability with a quick charge ultimate that gave her unstoppable health regen, vertical axis mobility and GA’s slingshot added to her survivability without needing her ultimate.

It’s a cop out to blame her incredible pick rate due to one aspect when everything about her put other main healers to shame. Up until the Support patch that nerfed Mercy’s healing output, Mercy was a must pick. Her healing per game average made burst healers irrelevant due to how powerful high sustain healing actually is.

3 times. And that was nerfed within a month after her rework. She continued to be meta for another year and a half after.

Again, Objectively false. Mercy is nowhere close to meta. Objectively, she is fine. Hero’s she synergises with are ultimately in a bad spot which makes playing her a bad option. That doesn’t make her inherently bad however.


It was 4, actually, due to Valkyrie resetting cooldown for resurrect, and reducing it to 10 seconds while active.

She synergizes well with any DPS. DPS are always present, so something isn’t right here.

She is dedicated pocket healer at the moment, that can pocket, basically, any DPS, mobile or not. But, for some reason, it usually doesn’t create that game-winning advantage, that would make her good pick.

Fun fact for y’all, GOATS already existed before patch 1.27 that nerfed 60 HPs, buffed Lucio, Ana and Moira. Not only It existed, it already ravaged BEAT invitation S4. GOATS - the team not the composition - dropped just 2 maps in 6 games.

And that was the Moira variation, arguably the weakest fashion, soon to be replaced by Ana and Zen GOATS. Still, completely uncounterable by every other comps, Mercy or not.

So the most overpowered and dominant composition in Overwatch’s history already trashed the semi-pro scene… But Mercy was overpowered with 60 HP/s? At the same time we buffed the other healers who would feature heavily in 3-3, not coincidentally.

Yeah, doesn’t check out. This company has reverted things before. We reverted armor damage reduction, Lucio’s speed, Mei’s primary CC and Doomfists shields, because hindsight is 20/20 we can say what worked and what didn’t.

Patch 1.27 was a mistake, we can see that now. It made Mercy utterly irrelevant at a meta level and see hasn’t seen healthy play time for over a year in many, many metas. Last week in OWL, Moira, Rein, Mcree and Widow were literally banned, Mercy was still the least played support by a wide margin.

Patch 1.27 overdid it. It was late, it was too much and needs to be reverted just like the other changes that “made sense at the time” but now we have the wisdom of time to look at it and revert what we worked and what didn’t.

See what happened in patch 1.27 was the same as happened with patches 1.44 and 1.45, those last two came right before OWL 2020 started. They were emergency fixes to push certain heroes out of the meta for sure. Recently it was Orisa, Blizz couldn’t be sure double shield (with Sigma or not) wouldn’t dominate the League, so they over nerfed Orisa, same as they did Mercy.

That’s fine-ish. Aggressive balancing and all. But cooler heads must prevail, we’re already seeing Orisa reverts (damage is back at 11), yet Mercy remains irrelevant for over a year. That is not fine.


Mercy still has everything she had after the nerfs, except for her healing. She infact even has some more.

She has faster movement speed in Valk and faster movement speed during res in Valk, since they did the global boop changes against flying heroes.

She now has super jump and can combine it with res to make it a bit more safe to pull off.

All she lost was her 10hps and kept everything else, yet she is still not good.

I am telling you, they could give her 60hps back and she would still not be op, because of the level of power creep existing in the game.

If even Moira nerfs barely did anything to her (note she lost 15hps) then increasing Mercy’s heals by 10 hps won’t break the game either.

She would just feel better to play and be able to keep up her tanks more reliably and be paired with an off healer like zen.

There was a time where a good majority of people could coast up to high ranks simply by playing as her and there was a point that her healing was so good that they literally had to buff every other healer in the game to bring them up to her speed.

I think she is in a good place right now, sure she doesnt have the best healing but she also can bring people back to life in the middle of a fight with their special in tact and can chain heal/damage buff in ult form. I feel that is a good trade off.

I’m pretty sure Mercy has the most sycophantic following of all the characters in the game.


I mean the only problem she has is with tanks. We could just do a very simple change and do this:
50hps for DPS and supports
55hps for 400hp tanks
60hps for 400hp+ tanks.

Not in the middle of the fight, though. She could do it with instant resurrect.

Ikr, even superjump ressing won’t make ressing in the middle of a fight safe.
The only time she can res is behind cover, with a lot of help from her team or when the enemy forgets about her existence.

So 50 hps would be a fair trade, I suppose, if resurrect didn’t have slowdown and cast time.

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I think that would be broken.
Your Rhein dies on point, too bad he is right back.

And he dies again, since your healing can’t keep him alive.

OK true too XD
Still I think she could have the ability to finish the res cast by activating Valk during the cast time.

Edit: with a minimum cast time of maybe 0.65s

Here is way to avoid limitations: Mercy collects souls, and resurrects them later on. With slowdown and cast time, but in safer place now.

Sounds cool, maybe she could also collect enemy souls to enhance her own res

Oww that’s how you meant it

My bad I am just dumb