Hard to swallow truths about Mercy

tbh all the mercy mains are mostly stuck in masters, like flocculency, vale, saif, khaleesi, grovylite etc

some of them, like vale, saif and grovylite, have peaks of up to 4600+, and whilst still playing the same hero… are struggling to maintain or touch gm

shes super trash and this weeks hero pool proves it. Bap zen, zen brig, even bap brig who have no synergy are all better than anything with mercy in it. You literally need a god pharah or ashe to justify mercy and even then its really gimmicky and trash cos so are those two dps outclassed most of the time



I couldn’t have said it better.
Buff our Guardian Angel

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Yet, by far the most mained and played hero, people would throw of you didn’t have her and Jeff posted healing per game stats were Mercy had double what Ana healed in a game.

But that wasn’t because she was op, that was because the SR system was broken and Mercy had a huge fan base due to her iconic existence

Healing over course of the game is one of most useless stats.

It says literally nothing about impact of support - you can get that by healing trash damage and still end up losing. Even worse, winning side often ends up with less healing done, due to them handling any sources of damage faster.


Yeah because she had up to 4 of them with Rez cooldown resets during Valk + they were instant and she also flew faster during Valk. Rez has been gutted to hell and back.

Resurrect was at a better state then now. Now, the community has come up with so many types of rezzes to avoid death rather than the old cast time which would have caused less problems.

Even if they changed the cast time but kept the Valkyrie CD then maybe it would be a bit better.

I’m not saying mass Rez was good but it’s downfall caused more problems problems with her kit. I personally don’t think 55-60 hps is a good idea because the problem may be somewhere else. I’m not saying that 55-60 hps wouldn’t be nice but her Rez is a bit underpowered atm.

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It’s downfall also opened doors to ult stacking as viable countermeasure to defensive ults.

For sake of clarity, I hand type all of my replies.

The only things I copy-n-paste are quotes and links

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Feel like trash just want pre invunerability rez mercy back.

You make a very good point here in comparing pre-rework Mercy to Reaper.

However, having massive carry potential in lower ranks and being less viable in high ranks due to counterplay is just the natural state of any hero with less of a mechanical skill requirement. And this is okay - even in their weaker states, Reaper and pre-rework Mercy had their places in higher ranks, either as situational picks from flex players or as the go-to hero for certain mains/one tricks looking to challenge themselves and prove that their hero wasn’t impossible to climb with. Death Blossom and Mass Res were both easily countered in higher ranks where there was better coordination - and so to deal with this, anyone who mained Reap/old Mercy had to adjust their playstyle to get around their vulnerability.

In my honest opinion, they shouldn’t have messed with that aspect of it - sure, Res needed some tweaks in order to allow for slightly more counterplay and discourage “hide and seek”, as well as fixing the SR exploit that they never fixed before the rework that worsened the hide and res thing immensely but that was probably the only thing. They didn’t need to take away the “oomph” moment of her ult. They didn’t need to make her carry potential practically invisible at every rank.

Moria isnt 130hps AOE. Her healing potential is divided among those in proximity much like her damage orb.

Also, Mercy’s healing is fine. I easily put out 1.3-1.6k healing per min. If you are having issues healing then you are the issue not the healer design. Utilize her mobility and dont just healbot.

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Mercy was reworked into her OP state because people ramped up complaints about res, she wasn’t even meta at the time I think some popular streamer just started crying and it got out of hand.

Mercy is awful now though so I don’t think they really succeeded.

I may be incorrect here, but I’m pretty sure they started crying because of “hide and res” as well as the SR exploit - you could reach high ranks as Mercy with less than a 50% winrate with the “hide and res” playstyle because it would inflate your res statistics, which were a huge factor in determining your SR gains/losses with the system that existed back then.

So they weren’t even crying about the power of res, just that a ridiculous playstyle was encouraged by both a flawed SR system and several design flaws (Mainly that Mercy had, and still has, no form of burst heal, which encouraged a lot of Mercy players to jury-rig Mass Res as such - which encouraged waiting for teammates to die in some instances, which is quite counterproductive for a healer)

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You can reach high SRs right now just by farming ultimate with Genji nanoblade.

I mean I do not LIKE Q2W gameplay, but to say the game hasn’t encouraged it its whole life would be a lie.

I think shes trash but maybe shes outside my skill range. I’ll stick with bap.

if you want it say so :pleading_face:

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The thing is she is basically not viable combined with a true off healer. She lacks heals so she is a boost bot. She is neither main nor off healer, that’s why she struggles.


This is semi true, the major reason stated as well, was to change how she was fundamentally rewarded by letting people die to ress and how people abused it “hide and rezz Mercy” that was stated by the developers.

Mercy was still a must pick way after her rezz nerfs. Until they nerfed her Healing and she didn´t do most to second most healing in the game (which all other healers have been nerfed too now nearly).

Double snipers weren´t played at this time, Grav dragon wasn´t either, Hanzo was still a throw pick for the majority of this period you talking about and Winston was still the most used Tank with D.va in OWL.

You are wrong and need to stop it.

The developers quoted how she still had the second highest healing output in the game, next to moira, who is nerfed now as well. Mercy still has some of the highest overall healing output per game. So again you are wrong and biased.

This month her winrate is 50.08% in all ranks at a 5%+ playrate, you cant find more balanced than that. Even in GM she has a higher winrate than most heroes, despite not being the meta choice.

She is exactly that, completely balanced ATM and all changes to her should be adjustments to her risk/reward and fixing or implementing the Superjump bug into the game, simply not addressing it for this long is a travesty, when Dataminers have concluded that it operates on using a bug, that cannot be recreated for any other circumstances in the game.

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OK, first chill I am not biased at all.

Lemme tell you something, one reason why Mercy was still meta was due to many of the other supports simply being bad. They buffed every support while nerfing Mercy.

She would have fallen out of meta anyways even without the nerfs,since they buffed Ana and Lucio into must pick status too.

And you should know that she might heal a good amount over the course of the match, however that is just completely irrelevant. She can’t clutch heal unlike Ana, who on average heals way less than Mercy but is still a must pick.

Mercy is close to balanced, she just needs that clutch save capability every other healer has (except for maybe Zen).

People just don’t wanna buff her and tell us it just isn’t her meta… for over 2 years as a support…sure.

If she was as good as people make her out to be she would see way more playtime than that. Even the pros only use her as a Pharah sitter.

She is even getting replaced by Brig in dive.

She is just a boost bot who isn’t even needed if you can just deal twice the damage she amplified by yourself.

And going by that logic that Mercy is fine but Ana having more than 2-3 times her pick rate is also fine kinda seems a bit suspicious to me.

Who is fine now? Either Mercy is fine and Ana is blantly op, or Ana is fine and Mercy just sucks.

Btw, the devs have approved of the super jump. They haven’t listet it as a feature but same goes for all the animation cancels in this game.