Hard to swallow truths about Mercy

Not trying to say Dodo’s opinion is invalid, it’s just annoying copy-paste reply to every Mercy thread created also OP even said they are just waiting for some to slide into comments and just type “sHe’S BaLAncEd BcoZ i SaY soO” without any sort of supporting sentences


Copy pasting the same argument to force your voice on to other is really not the way to go


Oh yeah. My favorite quote: the game on the console and pc is the same and therefore Mercy is fine.


I’ve seen the same arguments about Mercy not being fun to play, no impact, a sidekick, etc. No one is treading new ground on the subject anymore. When you only look at the substance and not the one who posted, a lot of threads about buffing Mercy feel like copypastas with the same reasoning over and over.

I think dodo is just in the minority, so they often end up being the one to represent the opposing side. Is it lazy? yeah for sure. But can I blame them any more than the same people who say Mercy is unfun? I can’t.

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Yeah, because it’s based on logic and facts, they arrive at the same conclusions… At some point we have to stop arguing about the shape of Earth and agree it is round. It’s not copy-pasta, we just saw the same evidence.

Dodo is worthless to argue with because he/she never makes real points, yes even before, used to argue with her/him a lot. He argues in bad faith, willingly or not, it’s not worth anyone’s time.

There’s entire threads completely derailed all because Dodo wouldn’t shut up about some silly metaphor she/he refused to acknowledge while also refusing to make any points whatsoever besides “My feelings”.


There’s a vast difference between several people expressing similar opinions and one literally copying their own post hundreds of times. People can have similar opinions but varying reasons and analyses to get to the same conclusion. It’s when you don’t offer any of these and just regurgitate yourself that it becomes spam.

Like, I’m not interested in discussing singular users, but you can’t really compare the two.


Well said I hope people realise that Mercy is not fine and needs help

Amen lol

20 characters

We can disagree on dodo, but I can actually discuss this point. Nothing about unfun or lack of impact was factual, those are “my feeling” based arguments. The only objective evidence we have that supports that she is underwhelming is recent regarding her pickrates and winrates. People were calling her unfun even when she was statistically the best support. It’s okay to have like-minded people share the same reasons, but that doesn’t make their points factual.

I support a Mercy buff, just so that is clear. I disagree with dodo, but I don’t feel the need to marginalize the person exactly because most arguments for and against mercy have been “My feelings.”

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All these arguments are based on the factualities of Mercy’s design, particularly Valk and Res, not feelings, plus the 2-2-2 and damage boost change.

It’s as factual as it gets when it comes to gameplay design.

Marginalize? It’s a forum, I just ignore the posts. I don’t think he/she is lacking for attention.


If we talk things like chain healing with a stronger primary beam encouraging prioritization, then yes I would agree that it’s a factual game design argument. But while we did have those kinds of arguments(and I was one of the proponents for just that very one), I was referring to the many repetitive arguments that ended at Mercy not being fun. Basically, they were no more useful than dodo’s input, which is the point I was making.

I’d be quick to jump to the defense of anyone saying something like “iNB4 MeRcY iS uNfUn.” Like you said, it’s more productive to ignore those posts than to scapegoat them. Dodo is definitely the “mErCy iS FiNe” scapegoat.

That’s all I’m saying.


Rez as an ult was weak, but rez on cooldown was a game-changer and propelled her into a must-pick status for nearly a year.

Exactly, mass res wasn’t broken.
Cool down insta res was broken.

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Makes no sense to me that Moira and Lucio do more healing than Mercy. Mercy should have the most healing output…


I know kinda stupid since she is single target yet still has very low heals

i think a lot of people who hated the moth meta have ptsd is mercy got buffed. But in all honestly she needs a heal buff at the least. Try it in experimental at least in short term but in long term, she needs a rework of her rez and ult ability, maybe removing rez idk it just seems to problematic to ever be balanced either its too easy to use and right now its too hard to pull off well - thats even if the situation arises. I mean i only rez like 5 times a game. And valk is so lacklustre that its impact is mitigated. She’s in a tough spot for sure tho and something has to happen

Just try buffing her, it won’t break the game. As long as she doesn’t have insta res she will not be op again just by a hps increase

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she used to have a couple of one tricks at 4400+ with mass rez but she hasn’t since heal nerf. She’s competitively underwhelming now and the weakest she’s ever been

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She hella is, she needs at least 8 seconds to heal 1 tank.

1 tank