Hard to swallow truths about Mercy

She basically had all of that + mass res and was still rather weak prior to the rework

I think not only Mercy needs a healing adjustment… every healer can use a little one (besides Ana and Lucio, maaaaybe Brig as well - in my opinion she is balanced tho. She could use a bit more selfheal… buuuut I dunno x3)

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Yeah brig and her almost non existent sled heal lmao

Her shield is good tho. She still has with it more HP than every other support, plus she has armor and the shield is not supposed to make her a front line brawler, but instead it’s her CC tool (stun).
It is not was it once was but it’s still really good, people just need to adjust to her new playstyle - she’s more passive but still amazing :blush:

I play her a lot, she is really fun to play but her self heal is still awful XD

Pre-Moth Mercy was like the Reaper of supports, not good at high levels where more awareness and coordination diminished her carry potential, but could absolutely flip matches over in lower levels where that Rez carry potential was there. So if you balance by high level play, she wasn’t a good pick. If you balance by low level, she was too good of a pick.

People get caught up on that “disheartening” buzz word from Jeff, but the Mercy rework was just as much about eliminating that excessive carry potential in low ranks as it was about making her more viable in high level play. Moth meta accomplished exactly that, which is why the devs insisted on saying it was a success despite how much you all hated it. They set the goal and reached it, it just wasn’t the goal Mercy players wanted.

The whole issue about her having “impact” back then and none now definitely stems from that “Reaper” effect I mentioned. I want to say high level mercy players were probably happy with how she was post-rework right before the 50 hp’s nerf when she was a solid pick at all ranks(and very meta). Everyone else obviously enjoyed her mass Rez impact(carry) more.

But if you pocket her as Mercy you’re good to go :stuck_out_tongue:
Yeah it’s not the best… but she provides sooo much healing for the team so a decent second support should always be able to also peel for brig.
Just like she peels for you!

I love teammate Brig, but they often times overextend like kids lmao. So I pocket them and keep heal on them since they basically provide value without even noticing XD

Wait for megadodo to tell you how they personally believe Mercy is super ultra balanced and fun



While it is true that they kinda reached their goal at first,however we are back at the start. She is again way better in low ranks and pretty mediocre at best in high ranks

This is why I believe she’s up for a buff soon, and the Ana/Moira ban was just a way for them to be sure she’s really that bad even with the meta picks gone.

I know right!

Just what I hate are the people, like some Mercy and brig players (I DONT WANT TO OFFEND ANYONE HERE) who have the completely wrong playstyle and then complain about the hero being weak (super front line Brig, everyone needs to be 100% healing all the time Mercys…)
No offense but… It makes me giggle a bit :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Yeah, people even picked her up at first, since the competition is gone but then immediately rather went for Baptiste since everything is dying without him

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Megadodo’s opinion is just as appropriate as anyone saying Mercy is in a bad spot. I think people on the forums just don’t like hearing what the other side has to say, so they give people like dodo a hard time.

Say what you will about dodo, but it’s quite admirable to stick to what you believe despite the majority telling you otherwise. That’s kind of what Mercy players had to do in the moth meta and beyond. You can’t respect them and not respect dodo for the same thing.


I learned to play both and I am doing really well and having fun too, however that doesn’t change the fact that Mercy’s heals are lacking and Brigs self sustain is laughable XD

I believe the issue is less the opinion so much so that it’s a copy-paste reply. People prefer feed-back, not platitudes.


If you trace his/her history, they used to actually argue points and whatnot. But since Mercy being underpowered became the dominant opinion on the forums, I really can’t blame them for simply voicing their camp in all the threads that followed. Feedback is great, but you have to admit that having the same threads and topics over and over can get exhausting to the point where you just can’t offer proper feedback anymore, it’s all been said and done.

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Maybe it’s just me, but when I get tired of topics I don’t respond to them. Nobody benefits from spamming posts, and I personally feel it’s a very childish way of protesting.


I can understand that. I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt in assuming that they just want both sides equally represented, instead of an echo chamber that truly doesn’t help either side. We gotta remember that Mercy isn’t just a random topic for the guy, they actually play the hero a lot so they have a vested interest in keeping Mercy as is if they truly enjoy her state like they say they do.

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So do we and we want her buffed.