"Hard stuck masters"

Everyone will always say this in every rank, even pro players will bash on low gm players :frowning:

As Masters you’re not a GM
as a GM, you’re not t500
as t500, you’re not a pro

or something

Its okay Kornmeal you’re t500 ana in my heart<3

I mean, maybe one day I can be XP

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Masters isn’t a bad rank. In fact, it is like top 3% of the game. Everyone that plays in masters is really good. The reason why higher players callout people in master for being “hard stuck” is the fact that the difference between GM and master is way too big. Every 100 SR above 4k is a completely different tier. The difference is so big that I think that the difference between a gold and a diamond player isn’t as big as the difference between a 3.9 and 4.1 player.


Top 4% as best we know. But I tend to think the difference between the higher ranked players is overstated. A 3.9 player can go head to head with a 4.1 player and not feel completely outclassed.

A 2.3 player will be entirely outperformed by by a 3.2 player. The difference between an entirely average player and at least top 14% is pretty significant.

4.3k is definitely about where 100 SR means a lot. The difference between the players who can consistently hit 4600+ and those who can barely touch t500 is insane. There’s only been a few times I’ve had to face off against someone I know for sure is 4.5k+ (a number of other times I suspect it - a level 45 at 4.2k SR?), and each time I felt like they were able to shut down everything I tried to do. The only games we won against them were ones where we had a player of equal skill, or we made swaps and hardfocused them.

Contrast that to the 4.1k players I frequently face, against whom I still have an impact. They’re still better than me for sure, but they’re not in an entirely different league like people make them out to be.


another thing people dont think about. gold/plat and every rank above it is harder than it was a year ago. everyone who has played this game long term has so many more hours of practice under their belt. this goes for every level of play. every day the level of play above bronze gets harder as the players themselves get better. being in masters is no small feet.

I’m in masters and I’m trash at the game. People in gold always love to remind me lol.

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speaking off, I’m back in diamond now :sparkles:

Nice nice. Almost broke back into GM today. Was two games away

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Everyone who isn’t in the OWL or a pop streamer in this game is bad. It’s only a question of how bad :slight_smile:

So true

Even diamonds get this

I’ve gotten so many “hardstuck diamond” comments. Usually from people that just barely reach Masters recently.

Also ironic because “hardstuck” means i can’t climb any further yet in season 10 I reached 3639 and season 13 I reached 3504.


well the issue is its a high enough rank that they will get games mixed with gms and top500s, and you usually hear the “hardstuck masters” insult when the lowest ranked player (the master) locks a carry role all 11 people in the lobby can play better and he loses.

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As a pro, you’re not jjonak.

If you are jjonak, you didnt win the owl grand final

TLDR: noone is good at this game

Some plat “lol’d” at me and told me I was hard stuck plat and would never reach diamond (it was kind of ironic). My account is level 193, why would anyone assume I was “hardstuck” anywhere? This occurred about a week before I reached diamond btw, lol


I kinda chuckle at people who use a person’s border or time played or whatever to shame them. When someone who just bought a fresh account because they were terrible on their ‘main’ account is flaming someone who didn’t spend extra money to try and cheat the system… priceless.

How can you shame someone for liking a game and playing that game? It’s like the opposite of MMOs. People who invest 8-10 hours a day into an MMO try to shame people who don’t, and this game is like the exact opposite. You need to play maybe 35 minutes at a time and be high GM according to their logic.

You gotta share if you hit it<3
I wanna see my favorite forum Ana getting GM back :sparkles:

This guy… this guy gets it.

This. This, soooo much THIS.

Every time I’m on a lower ranked alt account it’s always the silver/gold border people I end up arguing with. I always end up saying “you ever think that maybe the reason you’re in plat after 2000 hours is that YOU are the problem and there might be some truth to what I’m saying?”

If someone is claiming to be a smurf and telling you that you’re wrong and you’re in plat or below, stop for a second and think. I’m sure a lot of smurfs exaggerate their real rank (claim their career peak from 5 seasons ago as their current, round up, etc), but you might actually learn something if you listen.

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Currently 4k =P though I’m playing 1 more so I hope ya see it fast

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