I hear a lot of people talk **** to those “hard stuck” in masters.
Isn’t only 5 percent of the community in masters? Its the rank right under GM. Its a huge accomplishment. How is being masters a bad thing?
Hardstuck GM lmaooo gold border stuck in top 500
Also, masters is a terrible rank. Everyone in it sucks. I suck, my team sucks, and the other team sucks.
It’s not? I’m 41 years old and in Plat. I don’t expect to even hit Diamond unless I spend time I don’t have, and even then that may be wishful thinking.
Keep up the good work, soldier.
Just drop down to plat where everyone is bad and you can look like a god hard carrying games.
“Silver border still in master”
People actually say that.
You know this is nonsense banter.
It says more about the IQ of those, who get baited into saying it and actually meaning it, than about the banter-recipient.
People come up with saying X as joke and sheeple flock to copying their behaviour for real.
That’s how the internet works.
Who cares what others think about your rank, what matters how you feel about it (really, why does it matter to anyone else). It’s all a matter of perspective, anyway.
I’m in diamond and happy with it, I dont have any ambitions to go higher. Most people will never reach diamond, so this is good enough for me. But if somebody is trying to go pro in the game, then master is a trash rank to them. And they SHOULD feel deeply upset if they are stuck in master, because there is no way they are going pro if they can’t even get out of masters.
Some people seem to think “if I get to gm, everyone will admire me and think I’m cool”. But once again, noone else cares about your rank, except you
Every rank is like catastrophically more difficult to get through than the previous, which most ppl don’t believe but it’s true. I barely got into masters, but my hero pool (essentially Ashe with some other random dps like junkrat occas) is essentially unworkable for climbing in masters.
I’ve since gone back to gold\plat trying to learn genji\tracer\widow etc more appropriate heroes for high diamond and masters. It’s like 160 hours on Ashe last season only to have to go back to zero and learn different heros for that elo. I’m spending this entire season on genji hoping to make some progress but it requires me to one trick all the way through gold->plat->diamond-> masters even to add him to my hero pool. Like I plan to probably play 100 hours genji this season with some VOD reviews to figure him out. The hope is to just get another hero into masters so that I have a second go to hero for that level. Problem is Ashe can potentially get eaten by good widows or if the enemy is divey enough this can be an issue also.
Essentially the dps heros that “work” in masters are totally different than the ones that “work” in plat and diamond so if you hero pool is either too shallow or relies on low skill heroes, you have to go back to ground zero once you get there and rebuild with different heroes more appropriate for that elo.
One of my favorite videos on OW that explains why you shouldn’t play reaper, etc hero traps.
TRUE i wish i can like this twice
Yeah, the only difference between masters and lower ranks is that the people in masters know there’s still stuff they can improve. Too many people below masters think they play perfectly and that it’s the system holding them there.
There’s always a bigger fish. Diamonds think plats are trash, masters think diamonds are trash, gms think masters are trash. You probably think the ranks below you are bad.
Masters is by far the weirdest rank imo. You have people who fell out of GM, and then there are people who are too good for low Elo but not good enough to really be GM cough me cough
Try being almost gold border and hard stuck in Plat. I cant play Comp anymore without feeling like I’m bad at a game I’ve been playing for nearly 3 years.
everyone in every rank is garbage
Everyone will always say this in every rank, even pro players will bash on low gm players
As Masters you’re not a GM
as a GM, you’re not t500
as t500, you’re not a pro
or something
Its okay Kornmeal you’re t500 ana in my heart<3
I mean, maybe one day I can be XP
Masters isn’t a bad rank. In fact, it is like top 3% of the game. Everyone that plays in masters is really good. The reason why higher players callout people in master for being “hard stuck” is the fact that the difference between GM and master is way too big. Every 100 SR above 4k is a completely different tier. The difference is so big that I think that the difference between a gold and a diamond player isn’t as big as the difference between a 3.9 and 4.1 player.
Top 4% as best we know. But I tend to think the difference between the higher ranked players is overstated. A 3.9 player can go head to head with a 4.1 player and not feel completely outclassed.
A 2.3 player will be entirely outperformed by by a 3.2 player. The difference between an entirely average player and at least top 14% is pretty significant.
4.3k is definitely about where 100 SR means a lot. The difference between the players who can consistently hit 4600+ and those who can barely touch t500 is insane. There’s only been a few times I’ve had to face off against someone I know for sure is 4.5k+ (a number of other times I suspect it - a level 45 at 4.2k SR?), and each time I felt like they were able to shut down everything I tried to do. The only games we won against them were ones where we had a player of equal skill, or we made swaps and hardfocused them.
Contrast that to the 4.1k players I frequently face, against whom I still have an impact. They’re still better than me for sure, but they’re not in an entirely different league like people make them out to be.