Hard reset SR and MMR

exactly this. I mean i myself have a 3.3k tank only acc and 2.4k dps only acc. Im actually a 3.3k tank main and from season 11, I have never dropped down from diamond in that account.

On my dps account i have peaked at 2.9k and have fallen down as low as 2.4k some times playing dps. Generally i averaged around 2.5 - 2.6k recently.

I did sometimes changed to off tank when team is in need of desperate help and basically carried them since 2.5k is basically nothing for my off tank play. So, if at all my mmr on that acc for tanks should be higher cuz every time i played that i was owning. But most of the time i just kept on playing dps regardless of winning or loosing.

On my tank placements on both accounts, i ended up at 3.1k on my diamond acc and 2.5k on my plat acc. Which makes no sens. Im the same person using both accounts.

Right now role lock beta SR is just a reflection of the original rank of that account no matter what for most players and with my experience i can back up what aspen said 100%.

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Even if your current rank is off for some of your roles it is still better than a reset. A reset is a full chaos for several seasons while starting with your current SR means only some bad games for one or two seasons.

Simple math.


Aspen is asking for making bad thing even worse

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I understand the appeal but a reset would be terrible for everyone. Everyone will end up back where they belong eventually but with several terrible quality matches while people of all skill levels are spread out everywhere on their way back.


Please explain the math.
It’s easy to just believe what you are being told.
Fear is a great motivator.
But I would like to see the math, please. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve read that the devs have tried an MMR reset on a test server and it caused a bunch of chaos. An MMR reset is definitely not the way to go, but something very clearly needs to be done to better manage the new system. If you recall from your initial placements, every game afterwards would have huge swings, like 60+ SR swings. What they need to do is bring that standard deviation back, and have it converge to where it is now over a span of 40 or so games.

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The sr swings were there because the matchmaking was loose dude. Since barely people played on the ptr the MM matched people from gm to gold just to get games going.

I am just curious, is this Aspen transgender?

She’s not, but why does it matter?

Id prefer it for every season. It’s ridiculous I have a higher rank then about 50% of the player base when I only play like 10-20 comp games each season and they play for days and weeks. (though i do like role queue comp alot more. I just dont play it alot cause, ya know gotta maintain my rank)

Suppose a streamer is 4300 in their main role, but more like 3700 and 3900 in their two off roles.

A full reset would put everyone back at the start, which is ~2250SR (some people that test this with new accounts or checking unranked-to-whatever streams say ~2350 SR, but in any case, mid-gold).

Is it really better to put the GMs in mid-gold than to leave them in mid-high GM even though they might be a high-master or low-GM on their off roles?

Now also consider that you’re doing the same thing from the other end. Somebody at ~1200 Bronze might be a ~1200 DPS, a ~800 support, and actually belong in silver as a ~1700 tank.

Okay. So now should we ‘fix’ their inaccurate placement by putting them up to mid-gold … with the grandmasters who have been brought down to mid-gold?

If chance can give you teams with skills from triple-digit bronze to top-500, how many matches will it take to sort people out compared to starting them roughly (at least within ~1000 SR) where they belong?


They are waiting for the entire playerbase to leave before actually trying to solve any issues with the comp system.


having plats play against gms for 5 games and get their sr tanked to bronze isn’t very consumer friendly.

MMR alone should only take into count the past 6 months of play time.

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No put everyone at 0 and make them earn rank. That way there is no interfering with games headed in the other direction. as everyone is going up, if they are meant to.

Your example also makes assumptions that are incorrect. A 4.3k support may not even be a 2K dps…but you are just looking at what you imagine to be a case, and saying it applies to all. Even XQC a pro player acknowledged this is a mistake to put him that high on a role he DOES NOT Play. Other streamers are getting it too, and why this “ruins” more games than “helps sort”

If you do that, half of the playerbase will remain at or near 0 SR forever, since you have to be above average to climb and there will be nowhere for below average to fall to.


So shift the paradigm, close to 0 = bronze.
But games won’t be ruined, skill will allow climbing.
Sure you can get carried a game or two, but unless you group with top 500, it is unlikely you will get carried that far.

The reason is because they base it on your last seasons sr, even though it’s a “new system”

Friends who were silver placed silver on all roles, friends who were gold stay gold.

There’s still just a 100-400 sr window you could gain or lose vs last season, however you’ll notice if you get some placements with folks who already placed, that you keep playing the same SR people, regardless of winning all 5, or losing all 5.

Placements mattered little when you had to do 10, why would they be able to do better with just 5?

My guess is they’d rather players diverge in skill rating from their baseline in the various roles by playing after placements rather than having to figure out where this dps, or this tank might actually belong.

There are many transferable skills across roles. It is possible for someone who one-tricked their way up to GM to be plat in an off-role, but it’s not common. We see all the time that high-rank streamers generally do not end up in gold when they create a new account for an off-role, and even if they somehow place there they immediately have a high win rate so that wasn’t actually an accurate placement.

Mostly a high GM does not end up any lower than Masters on their off-roles, and very often low GM even on off roles.

Unless you are platinum or above under the current system, you would never climb out of Bronze.

You’ve put everyone at the same rank, and only those who can maintain a >50% win-rate… that is, the upper half of the ladder… would ever climb at all.

This system makes competitive literally unplayable for anyone of below average skill, which would make them quit, which would increase the skill necessary to be above average, which would make more people quit, until only people at the skill of current upper GMs would be left on the ladder, and half of them would be in Bronze.

It simply doesn’t work to start people at the bottom, you need to have somewhere for the below average players to fall down to.


Eventually they would leave and people would move. It is straight math when as you say you are “forcing 50% win rate”. But why even hold on to forcing 50% win rate, that can go out with the old system, you don’t need to cling to it.