Hard Pills to Swallow - Mercy

That’s right, the others aren’t viable because she is op. Without rez she wouldn’t have such a huge advantage over the healing field.

Did you read what i typed or just pick that out? I explained why the others aren’t viable and it has nothing to do with mercy.


I read it, I just feel like the other healers work fine for the most part and the only thing that sets mercy apart is her rez.

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Well, I have the opinion that you’re very wrong based on the reasons I listed above. We’ll just have to agree to disagree, I suppose. As a person that solely plays support/tank, it’s hard to play certain heroes when the meta is stacked against them.


I think Mercy is fine as is, for now at least👌

Let’s buff other healers like Ana❤️


It actually was not way too powerful. Even nerfed Ana MASSIVELY outscaled Mercy by a long shot, and their pick rates proved it. Just because Mercy had the CAPABILITY to team res, doesn’t mean it happened a lot, nor does it mean it is a useful Resurrect. Mercy used to have a MUCH larger learning curve and an extremely varying power level that was overly inconsistent, that she was considered worse than post-nerf Ana. Even with invuln frames. She was only popular amongst lower ranks and dropped drastically as the least picked support in higher ranks.

This version of Mercy is now overly consistent. All of the weaknesses Mercy 1.0 had, Mercy 2.0 got rid of. Meaning she became more than a jack of all trades, outshining all the supports with E Resurrect and Valkyrie.

The only way to fix THIS iteration of Mercy is to give her weaknesses again. This means to either remove Valkyrie for a different ult or remove Resurrect from E and putting it back in her ult somehow.

Old Mercy only had a potential burst of power that most people didn’t know how to use well, lowering her overall usefulness. She also had to rely purely on her team, she had short-ranged healing, and single-target healing with no burst heal potential.

Mercy 2.0 removed all of these flaws. She gain constant tempo resses (burst of power) at all times that takes no thought to use, she gained self-sustain through freeflight in Valk, she gained burst healing potential with AoE, and she also has the longest range with reliable healing through Valk. Mercy 2.0 removed all of Mercy’s weaknesses, which is why she is such a necessity now. She no longer has any weaknesses like every other support.


Thank you.

I swear I was trying to say something like this in my own post, but I really botched it. This puts it much more eloquently.


Thank you so much for making this post :slight_smile:

It was very-much needed at the state of the forums right now. As a Mercy main, I really appreciate it :heart:


here is what i think of all your points.

  1. correct, they aren’t. Can’t really say more.

  2. Also correct but mercy is still too powerfull.

  3. Not really?

  4. Who even says that?

  5. ok

  6. Who even does that?

  7. They actually do, since you know… they actually play the game at a higher level than most. The pros also have coaches who are even more knowledgebale about the meta and strats then them.

  8. Yes pros are a minority, but their opinions are more valuable since they know more about the game.

  9. Yes this is probably true, but irrelevant since a hero shouldn’t be balanced for their playerbase but the game as a whole.

  10. It doesnt matter since the hiding part isn’t what people had a problem with. Rezzing 5 people with little counterplay was just really annoying to deal with espaecially on 2cp.

  11. same as 5

  12. does it matter they’re not hurting anyone by doing so, and most teams have 2 supports.

  13. No one other than low elo players said mass rez was OP, it was just really REALLY annoying and unfun to deal with.

  14. Yeah she isn’t braindead, but not hard either.

  15. Her skill ceiling isn’t really that high if at all tbh. i guess u could learn a few extra tricks like bunny hopping and other stuff, but that’s about it. All those things u listed are in fact as important to learn as aiming, but those aren’t unique to mercy all heroes need them.
    I also have no clue what that last part means, “one of the most difficult heroes to master in this area”. What area?, not having a gun makes u hard to play somehow?

  16. ok

  17. The dev team can actually be wrong about balancing the game. Shocker, i know. They aren’t gods amongst us who know everything. for example, it took them 6 whole months to balance post-rework mercy the first time even though she was so blatantly overpowered it wasn’t even funny. It also took them 2 years, 2 WHOLE YEARS to fix a bug with bastion that could cost u games.

Don’t mean the sound like a dick in this post, i have nothing against the original poster.

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Hail Hydra…


The nightmares of getting top500 mercy 1 tricks on my team with their 40% winrate and never being able to swap if they were being farmed. Thank god they got rid of that.


HAIL HYDRA!!! :thinking:

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I know I’m so glad they removed performance based SR

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Pretty sure they fixed the mercy climbing with low win rates before performance based sr was removed, but so am I, glad it no longer exists at higher ranks.

I mean, they could’ve just killed performance SR 🤷🏻

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Well they did! I can see why they are keeping it for lower ranks, but has cons there too.

I think a better way of reworking her rez would have been to make it LOS, and have a slightly longer range (rather than being in a 10-20m or whatever distance sphere around her, make it direct line of sight, and up to about 40m). A well placed rez would still get a majority of the team back up and fighting, but there would be no hide-and-seek rezzes.

It’s all academic though, Blizzard did what they did and they’re (probably) not going to pay any attention to this or any other post about it. They’ll listen to their streamers and OWL players, and %@*! the rest of us.

This is my idea.

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Why is it hard to accept she isnt as easy as you think?


I got a hard pill for you - making a post like this further ruins mercy main’s reputation.