Hard Pills to Swallow - Mercy

Most of these stereotypes that you keep saying aren’t true, are about 75% of the time.

Mercy also is the easiest character in the game to get value out of with the lowest skill.

Pretty sure it’s hit rock bottom having a devoted thread to idea’s about Mercy being thrown into it with no remorse. So not much to lose imo.

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Lucio, Rein, and DVA say hi

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So Mcree say hi too.

Not sure what you are trying to say. Can you elaborate your point?

Look at lucio, you can’t get value with low skill , you can’t call him easy!


People don’t pick “bad” heroes in comp. You could see this clearly with Hanzo 1.0 being one of the most popular heroes in QP yet non-existent in Comp.

Heroes aren’t strong because they’re picked a lot, they’re picked a lot because they’re strong.





How it SHOULD play? Absolutely not.

How it DOES play? I’d say pros have the edge there.

The devs can influence the meta. They can introduce heroes like Brigitte to make Dive less powerful, but at the end of the day, the pros are typically the one spearheading how the meta forms.

They’re the ones who figure out that since Mercy gets punished way easier for bad resses, that the best option is only to res safe targets like Widowmaker, and elevate her to being top tier even during a meta full of “sniper counters” in Dive.

True, the pros are a minority and they’re all individuals. You can’t slam “the pros” as a whole for being responsible for the Mercy rework when while a few pros were vocal about it, most weren’t.

Mercy needed to be reworked. If not then, then several months down the line when Moira dropped and made her gimmick of being a pure healer with minimal utility redundant.

Ana’s meta showed us that Mercy lived and died on her healing throughput. Which worked before Ana existed and post-Winston buff when playing Ana was basically throwing, since Mercy found herself a niche, where she’s viable so long as no-one came close to her throughput, but Moira would have thrown her out of her niche, especially since Moira isn’t extremely difficult compared to Mercy, unlike Ana.

The problem with “hide and seek” Mercy wasn’t even relevant to the playstyle at all. It only existed because Performance Based SR massively favoured big resses over tempo resses.


True. BUT only Healers have silhouettes. YOU know where the person spamming the “I NEED HEALING” button is as a healer, but they have zero clue where you are if they don’t have direct LoS on you.


True. “braindead” heroes are just a way for mediocre players to justify the fact that they’re not climbing. “I’m good, but I don’t play ez heroes so I can’t climb!”.

I wouldn’t say “one of the most difficult heroes to master in this area”, I would argue that both Zen and Ana massively require more spatial awareness of Mercy due to their toolkits.

But that’s not a bad thing. Mercy’s unique playstyle and mobility options make her ideal for handling the “information” part of the game. She’s a great hero for shotcallers, ult trackers and all sorts of necessary parts of the game that don’t revolve around pure mechanical skill.

That’s being pedantic though. Overwatch is such a pick-based game (I think I read a stat that in OWL, 70% or so of fights went to the first team to get a pick) so getting the 5v6 is a huge deal and Mercy erasing that pick is an even bigger deal.

Resurrection is an insanely powerful tool and is easily the largest problem within Mercy’s kit.

The Devs aren’t infallible. Mercy has been warping the meta ever since she got reworked.

Any hero having as much power in the meta as Mercy currently does is unacceptable.

It was unacceptable for Ana.
It was unacceptable for McCree.
It was unacceptable for Doomfist.
It was unacceptable for Genji.
It was unacceptable for Lucio.
It was unacceptable for Reinhardt.
It was unacceptable for Dva.
It was unacceptable for Tracer.

And it’s currently unacceptable for Mercy and Hanzo.

I don’t want Mercy dumpstered. Reverting her would simply replace the problem of her being too strong with a problem of being too weak, but letting her dominate the game is making it stagnate, especially in the Support category where through synergy with Mercy, Zenyatta is head and shoulders above every other Support as well.


I did not call Lucio easy. I am not the one saying any hero is “easy”. I am saying that there is a learning curve to each hero and the skill in fulfilling their respective roles is there. It is not all about aim. Aim is just what people want to talk about because it allows them to insult heroes who do not use it as their main role function. There is a reason why people who pick even easy heroes struggle to climb with them. There is more to OW than aim.

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Yeah the pros just pick Mercy all the time because of all her cool skins lol. If you want to win you pick Mercy but that doesn’t mean she’s OP.

The only problem i have with Mercy is that i can’t be a dedicated comptitive flex player without becoming a Mercy main. Blizzard’s vision for Overwatch was of a game people can (and are encouraged to) swap frequently to adjust to different scenarios. I don’t dislike Mercy because she’s broken, i dislike Mercy because she murders my options when i try to play my very best. I think that’s a fair enough reason for adjusting her (or other support’s) power level.


I disagree about the hide and seek bit. Before the rework, nearly every match that included some semblance of a coordinated team had the Mercy hiding on large team battles to effectively undo the team wipe. I don’t need outside data, I’ve witnessed it much too often when Huge Rez was a thing.

Or we can just play the actual fun heroes like tracer,sombra and dva.

Are you by chance also NissanZcar?

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She really murders all fun of playing other supports. No need to train other supports, because they will nerfed, even as Zen main i understand, that if our team haven’t mercy - i will do nothing… Yes i can improve my aim to point where i will kill everyone and will use my ultimate only to heal teammates, but this never will happen, Zen can be easy shut down because of huge hitbox and no mobility…

To make this happen you actually need Jeff Kaplan to meet every single ow player to gently ask the player to hang it up in their room.


High pick rates can mean a hero is particularly strong in a particular meta.

But when heroes maintain high pick rates through wildly different Metas, it’s wise to raise your eyebrow and consider why


Quite often this isn’t true. At all.

Developers know how to make a game.

Rarely are developers the best at their game.

So many things get buffed and nerfed ENTIRELY because their player base discovered and figured out things they never dreamed of.

This is true for many games.

Overwatch included.

They do however hold a better opinion of balance due to their skill and capacity tivpkay the game at a higher level.

It was made for many reasons.

Blaming just the pros is ignorant.

Do you have data that it wasn’t?

Sad reality of video games like overwatch - you play with other players.

Keeping as many happy as possible is kind of a big issue.

Very few complained about mass res

Until they buffed her.

Now who’s dishing out hyperbole?

No one insists that you can be literally brain dead and play mercy.

They’d do say however she’s quite easy to pick up and provide considerable value to your team with.

I don’t understand the concern with this however. This is something she’s literally designed with in mind to do.

Again, hyperbole.

People know

But it means now you have to kill up to seven people during a fight.

so obviously you must feel genjis old deflect hit box was aye-okay because Jeff not only defended the hit box, he poked fun at people who felt it was too big.

I’m glad to know you do not question the developers ever.

Homeopathic remedies come in pills too.

Doesn’t mesn they do what the package claims.

damn i always think i’m flirting with a guy and they turn out to be a girl smh🙄

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i find mercy to be balanced but i think you misunderstood the 7v6 thing

its not literally 7v6 but when someone dies and mercy brings them back its a big advantage, its as if you’re fighting 7 players every 30 seconds because you need to kill a extra time compared to mercy’s team that only needs to kill 6 opponents

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Would give 1000 likes if i could.

To all non mercy mains:
Yes, telling us “I need healing” is helpful. Sometimes i didn’t see a teammates that need their health refilled, so i need a heads up.

But spamming i need healing when i’m busy healing the tanks that getting focus fired or pocketing the dps that is doing their ultimates is not quite right.

Sorry but in some situation i must prioritize someone else rather than go flying to where you are.

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