Hanzo's Arrows' Hitboxes needs nerf in Size

Still better than being completely oblivious about what happens “behind the scenes”. We knew the proposed changes were a long time to be even publicly tested and you also know that there are impatient ppl or ppl that read what they want to. Don’t let these 2 kind of behaviors dictate what you share or not to us.

Hanzo’s arrow hitboxes aren’t big, the hitreg is just immensely wonky. Your hitboxes lag behind you, so if Hanzo’s arrow goes through where you were .1 second ago, they’ll hit.

On the flipside, if they go into your head, they’ll miss.


While we’re on the subject of hitboxes, let’s talk about Genji’s hitbox on every ability and the size of his deflect.


Is there at least an estimated time before the Hanzo changes would hit ptr?

I hope so too, I know too many people that keep saying how Hanzo is easy cus he shoots logs despite the fact his hitbox size was nerfed quite a lot about a year ago…


Widow can shoot faster
Widow can escape
Widow has a machine gun for close range
Widow can hitscan
Widow has distance advantage

Hanzo can’t escape
Hanzo needs to factor in gravity
Hanzo arrows travel slower
Hanzo needs to factor in Widow’s microscopic head at a distance

Hanzo arrows noreg often or fly through someone when you were certain that it would hit.


You must be really bad or unlucky with mercy or d.va’s blaster to not hit people in the same situations you would with Hanzo as the former two are much more consistent…


This is what I’ve been trying to tell people for so long, that the hitboxes of Hanzo’s arrows aren’t actually that big relative to other projectiles and it’s been that way for a long time now. It’s unfortunate that that myth and meme are still a thing. If anything they could probably be slightly bigger, though I think they’re fine the way they are right now.


People are just stupid, when will they realize projectiles will usually land if they are spammed at a choke point if people just keep standing there?.. It’s not that arrows have big hitboxes, even straffing right and left you will get headshot by the spam…


This is preferrable, I’m sure everyone has seen rampant speculation about the dev’s mental state and other things before the f tier reworks were announced. It really helps to be able to say to other forum users that the devs have said they’re working on exactly what they’re complaining about.

That’s not a thing. It used to be when he could ACTUALLY hit you around corners due to his hitbox but it’s fine now.

If you feel that the hanzo has the advantage in the fight, its either his positioning is better than yours, or you’re just not playing well. If you’re mid range, its a toss up to who’s the better player, if you’re long range, its widow’s advantage, close range depends on how well the widow can track with AR since it actually does ridiculously more damage than it should up close (essentially she should be more punished for someone being melee range vs her).

You’ve been always frustrated with hanzo shot killing you because he’s another form of sniper, and pretty much has always been the inferior pick to widow, yet you’ve died to him. If you’re 10 hp and get killed by mercy spam, there’s nothing to be done about it, but vs a hanzo you could’ve outplayed him but you didn’t, and thats why you get mad.

TL;DR Hanzo arrows don’t hit around corners, you get mad because you lost with the hero advantage vs an overall better player.


Pretty much got it in one

Instead of constantly touting the “git gud” horn, realize that there could actually be something drastically affecting Hanzo’s projectiles, that comes as a result of an undocumented change.

Blizzard hasn’t had a pristine record when it comes to changes. Widow was advertised to have a shorter scope-in time a long time ago than what was actually tested on PTR. It took players concerns to get them to reinvestigate it, realize they made a mistake, and make the proper rewrite in the patch notes.

It’s very possible that Hanzo’s projectiles have some other property, or that the projectile sizes might even be larger in one dimension. Which is why it’s perfectly normal and acceptable to ask about these things, instead of saying “no he’s fine, you’re bad”.


no that’s the full shuriken volley hitbox taht contain 3 shurikens

It’s basically impossible to win a duel against Hanzo when he has cover…

Thank you, I’ve had to point this out to people many times before. But nope everyone is convinced he shoots logs.


The reason you lose isn’t the size of the arrow, it can be half its current size but still get you. Its the fact that it’s a projectile and that it has a delay any player using Hanzo can predict the other sniper’s side to side movement.


Saving this for when people will complain… AGAIN…about his arrow hitbox size


And with that, OP is eternally shamed.


I can only speak for myself but it is MUCH better to be kept in the loop, and wait for ages, than to know nothing and have it just pop up with no warning. I really enjoy buffs and rework as they spice up the game and add new life to old characters, so it’s exciting to know about them in advance. It also, sort of, stops the flood of buff/nerf [hero], they’re UP/OP.

Sort of.

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