Hanzo's Arrows' Hitboxes needs nerf in Size

Not really any new info, unfortunately. One of the downsides to letting you guys know about things earlier in the process is there is it means there is more time to wait before we get it out to PTR/Live.


Please don’t chalk the following question up to just favor-the-shooter…

Can you explain why hitting with a Hanzo arrow around corners always seems to happen, particularly when Hanzo fights a Widow? Because it always feels like he has the advantage in that fight, even when Widow should theoretically be stronger because of hitscan.

Edit - Is his projectile maybe LONGER than the others, instead of being wider? Because I’ve never found it frustrating when I’m less than 10 HP and died from a Mercy blast because that one definitely feels like it was deserved, but have always been frustrated from a Hanzo shot.


Oh okay, no problem. Take your time, we appreciate your communication in the forums. :smiley:


It’s still much better this way. Thanks for the earlier sneak peek into the upcoming Hanzo changes, even if they take a while!


Good luck with that. I know I’m nervous and excited to some extent for what comes from it. Perhaps a little more nervous though.


I think the design is finished. It is just animation and other stuff, so once the art team is close to done they’ll probably put it on PTR.


No worries Geoff, the info is always appreciated

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Is Roadhogs hook really the same size and Mercy’s pistol?

Thats because heads in this game are actually about 25% bigger than they appear. So when you try to shoot them with a projectile with its own hitbox they collide easier than hitscan (which has no hitbox).


Thank you. Thank you so much.

I hope this puts that meme to the grave.


It’s pronounced, “ez for snipzy”

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It’s easy for zen, orisa, and any other projectile hero too.


were talking on papaer stats here:
Widow needs charge up time.

Hanzo/farah can peek more effieciently cz projectiles, theyre hidden more % of time. Widow only has advantage if she is already exposed and you peek 2nd.

second thing is widow needs to be a bit more precise compared to a peek spam style. however you can go for 2x ez bodyshots and dodging projectile

the only annoying thing is hanzos head when he uses bow gets obstructed resulting in a shoulder shot instead of a crit


Any new info regarding making Mercy an engaging hero to play again? Theres been a few thousand ideas on the many Mercy Feedback forums that have been completely ignored. Don’t get me wrong, its a good idea for clearing out the forums but it’s still pretty disappointing to see.

I think it’s probably due to human reaction time. The average is about 280ms, so if you can peek-loose-cover in less than that (easy if you don’t think about it and just trust the strat) it’s extremely hard for the Widow to land her shot as by the time she notices the Hanzo peeked he’s already behind cover again.

I have some clips of me doing the strat, and I can barely register that I left cover while watching the video :man_shrugging:


Genji’s dash hitbox is overpowered that definitely doesn’t appear to hit me most of the time but it does hit regardless because it’s the size of a truck. Don’t agree with Hanzo arrows being op, scatter is and that is being changed.

Don’t patronize me like I don’t understand Widowmaker’s charge or sniper.

Hanzo’s arrows feel vastly superior in archer/sniper duels. It’s not a timing thing, or a suppressing fire thing. Nevermind that Hanzo’s skins are deceptively bigger than the actual collision for his model, this is a pretty frustrating thing that I think all Widowmaker mains run into.

I don’t like fighting Hanzo simply because he always feels like he’s got the advantage in a duel. And you know, it’s partially due to favor the shooter, which happens with all projectiles, which is fine. I get that.

But it simply happens with way more frequency with Hanzo’s arrows, despite it being confirmed by Geoff to be tied for the smallest size.

I routinely get in situations where I use Mercy/Baby D.Va’s blasters, where I’m shooting at a corner where enemies peek out, and I don’t even get hitmarkers. Almost none of the time do I hit, despite having a larger projectile size, faster fire rate, and longer suppression time.

Switch to Hanzo, hit somebody by shooting 2 or 3 arrows at a corner without really even trying. It’s not even a meme if it’s true. There has to be something mechanically different, if the difference is this noticeable.


It’s more that all hitboxes are larger than they appear. Especially Pharah’s thighs.

No, I’m tired of always having a Hanzo in my group that hits nothing all match. His projectiles are fine.


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