Remember once upon a time when they nerfed Hanzo arrow hitboxes with cries of relief from just about everyone in the game except the Hanzo mains? Remember when they reverted that nerf because it caused some other projectiles (Mei’s I believe) to miss entirely and then just never touched it again? Well even if you don’t, I do.
One of the biggest things that currently triggles me as a Widow main, or when I’m playing any hitscan character really, is when I have to be pixel perfect accurate to headshot anything, but a Hanzo arrow comes within 3 physical centimeters of my face on my 34 inch monitor and Overwatch is like, “Okay, close enough! Here’s your consolation prize! Here’s a headshot, you skill-less trash.”
I get it. Hanzo arrows curve. Gravity, drop off, travel time, distance compensation; whatever, but it’s not like everyone and their grandma who already knows how to play Hanzo doesn’t already factor this into their aim or have this crap figured out to a reasonable degree of consistency. Does there really need to be bonus headshot pity on top of this?
Combining this close enough headshot GG thing with the ability to just complete opt out of even trying to aim close quarters with the one hit magic of scatter shot just makes me think of every Hanzo player as a god damn joke, regardless of how much skill (maybe) actually goes into either of these actions. It’s honestly triggering.