🏹[Hanzo] One of these has to go

Gotcha. Sorry, I just wanted some clarity. Appreciate the response.

Prior to Hanzo’s changes. He was more or less a troll pick people say. The only thing he had going for him was scatter arrow. But people(Among them tank mains who screamed the loudest, as if they have a right to talk about damage haha) complained about Hanzo and blizzard fixed him.

Dunno why people aren’t satisfied. Storm arrow fixed all the issues scatter arrow had. They fixed his nigh non-existent mobility.
I agree to a VERY VERY small extent that his storm arrows did a TINY bit too much damage. But that was fixed so Hanzo is essentially in a good spot now.(Unless you can’t counter him. Which is hella easy to do with the way his lunge is telegraphed)

No one liked taking a burst of arrows to the feet and be instantly deleted. It was an issue because it was one shotting tanks like Zarya and Orisa, and was leaving other tanks with 100hp. It wasn’t happening constantly, but no normal kit ability in the game should have been dishing out that much damage. A good Hanzo could pull off strong Scatterarrows quite often in one game.

I do agree he is still better now than ever, but he is also still a little overtuned, so it only makes sense. It seemed excessive to give him increased mobility, a better ability with a shorter cooldown and spammy damage, and faster projectile speed. It was a very loaded buff.


The problem is that Hanzo is going to either have his Leap or Storm cooldown available, almost all the time.

Either one of which full-counters Winston.

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Your “problem” as you call it applies to a multitude of heroes too. You gonna ask for nerfs to those heroes too or just be all bark and no bite?

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How many of those heroes are good at every range, can constantly avoid dive tanks, and can kill a dive tank nearly as fast as a Reaper?


lunge was a huge stupid mistake, I want to know where their “balance philosphy” came into play in the hanzo, symm, and mercy reworks.


I don’t know about lunge but storm arrow really cheeses my onions.

Yeah honestly I wonder why he even needs that ability. Seriously, why does a sniper need a tank busting ability in the first place? Couldn’t they just give him lunge to escape and that’s it? I mean that’s all Widow has. It’s not like her SMG does massive amounts of damage. If Winston dives her, she has no option other than to retreat with her grapple. With Lunge, Hanzo has not one but two means of getting away when someone comes after him. Why does he need storm arrow too?

People think you need to be able to counter Tracer as Hanzo. This is literally why fan the bow did 80 damage per arrow originally, so you could body Tracer in two shots and kill her faster than she could recall.

Hanzo mains seem to think Hanzo should counter everyone. Hanzo already has a good anti-tracer ability - Wall Climb. Climb a wall, she can’t follow you.

Too late they aren’t doing that

They are going to have to eventually, if they care about hero variety in competitive.

variety in competitive

what has the last 4 seasons taught you

That reworks like Junkrat are a good idea. And that balancing for variety in GM is kinda pointless, but their meta switches fast anyways.

Not exactly. People used to be able to escape Graviton Surge with abilities. Then they gave it a massive buff for some reason by disabling any movement ability within a Grav.

I honestly though giving him lunge at all was superfluous. He has wallclimb, why wasn’t that enough?

Which that point is very true. But even after that happened, Grav+Dragonstrike did not become meta.

That’s because Dive could do the same thing, without waiting to charge ultimates.

With the addition and counter-pick threat of Brig, Dive is a lot weaker.

Add in that Hanzo was absolute garbage for over 90% of people who played him. And very weak to dive.
Now Hanzo can mostly ignore Dive with Lunge and murder Dive tanks like a Reaper.

with 545 damage without headshots he’s an everything counter.