🏹[Hanzo] One of these has to go

Winston Leap = 6 sec, 6m Tesla range
Hanzo Lunge = 5 sec, 7m distance

Either get rid of Hanzo’s ability to kite dive tanks forever.

Winston Health = 500
Hanzo Arrow + StormArrow = 545

Or ideally get rid of his ability to take down a Tank as fast as he can dump one charged arrow and storm arrows. (Without ever landing a headshot).




Jokes aside, giving Hanzo increased mobility, with a better ability, AND with increased projectile speed seemed a bit hefty.


Agreed. Something had to be done about Scatter, but they give him a way more powerful ability + mobility + more reliable primary fire in one patch. Yet any other time a troll pick hero gets buffed they knock 1 second off a cooldown, or add 10dps.


The Rein change is bizarre.

The Zarya change… Still feel like there needs to be some reliable way to have a team escape Grav. Because StormArrow and GravDragon are almost separate issues.


I find it interesting that Grav+Dragonstrike has been in the game since day 1, but it didn’t start becoming a huge issue until recently, which was perfectly in sync with Hanzo buffs.

I’m not against the Zarya changes, but I feel kind of like they’re lowering her skill cap by giving her better charge rate decay. Not sure why they keep taking higher-skill capped heroes and making them easier.


Well I almost feel like let Zarya keep the charge decay, and put back the Grav Radius. Then give players some reliable way to escape Grav.

Also Dragon wasn’t a problem when Hanzo could easily be dived and he had a hard time getting his Ult, and 90% of players did worse with Hanzo than Soldier.


Right. They made Hanzo more forgiving, thus, resulting in a lower skill cap.


Hanzo is a Winston counter. I don’t see any problems with hanzo being able to kill a Winston?
This was always the case with hanzo.


Hanzo couldn’t run away from Winston before.

And landing a perfect Scatter on Winston was difficult.

And as mentioned above Hanzo was a troll pick, so he barely existed in Comp anyways.


Landing a perfect scatter was rng, which is why they changed his abilities.
Scatter could kill people you didn’t aim at, could one shot a Winston, could miss a target even If you aimed at them.

Now that is gone, in favor of an abillity that does less damage, does it over time instead of instant, and can not curve around walls.


So are you trying to argue previous Hanzo was better than current Hanzo? Or are you just saying Scatterarrow was annoying too?

Yup, difficult and unreliable.
Now it’s dumb simple.

AND he can kite forever.

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Previous hanzo was rng.
He could kill you faster than new hanzo, or he could miss every scatter.
He was designed in a way that made him inconsistent.

New hanzo was a bit strong at the start. But the nerfs he has gotten should be enough to make him balanced.

While he’s fun to play with, I totally agree. They went a little overboard on his update.

I really don’t understand why they needed to give him the lunge. He’s supposed to be a sniper. His weakness should be close range combat. He can already climb walls with no cool down. Giving him a disengage removes any weakness he should have.


I’m actually fine with the disengage.

I just think he shouldn’t have Roadhog tier damage against a Winston, with only bodyshots.


But winstons distance is dependant of your trajectory

I doubt its 6m…has to be more

The lunge doesn’t get him away from any close range hero (doomfist, tracer, reaper, d.va)
The problem is the timing of his storm arrows.

Make it have a start up time. He needs to ready 6 arrows.

That way he can’t just suddenly use it to counter anything that jump him, but he can still use it for ranged damage.

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His Tesla range is 6m

Oh i thought he was comparing jumo to lunge