Hanzo needs more nerfs

He’s still an incredibly annoying hero to play against and the nerfs he didnt get didn’t seem to affect his pickrate or performance.


He just need a rework at this point


Oh no, he’s annoying…

Tracer. Problem solved. Widow. Problem solved. Echo. Problem solved. Do I need to go on?


Was wondering when we’d get the next “Nerf Hanzo” thread after his damage got nerfed.

Never change, forums, never change.


Was kinda obvious


Those stats clearly show Hanzo and widow need buffs in the form of a rework. Their winrates are abysmal. I know overbuff winrates aren’t accurate but 29% on widow is insane.

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I roll my eyes every time somebody mentions winrates.

For real, mirroring and time weighting make them useless.


29% doesn’t account for mirroring and time played. There’s no way you can spin this into widow being in a good spot lol.

Which is why I also mentioned time weighting.

It’s basically the same reason Symmetra always has such a high winrate, but in reverse.


Widow and Hanzo barley worked in OW1, Shields and Offtanks, kept them sorta balanced. OW2 going to 5v5 broken that balance, so either the game needs to change or they need to change.


Not sure you want to make that argument. It would mean widow is good on 3 maps and a throw pick everywhere else. Even more so than Sym since she at least has a high winrate pointing towards being successful in her niche while widow is…well 29%.

Why wouldn’t I? It’s just math.

Is it really difficult to understand that if Widow gets a quick pick or two, that it speeds up the Attack phase dramatically?

Or that Widow typically isn’t that great for long stalled out Defence phases?

On that basis, it means Widow typically spends less TIME during a match.

Less TIME, for TIME weighted winrates, artificially reduces Sniper’s winrate.

It’s not my fault that people don’t understand math.

I get the feeling you like to be like “AcTuAlLy” all the time.

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That’s fair.

But at the same time, if people wanna talk about numbers, but don’t care about the math, then what does that say about them?

I’m just saying, I see you on the forums a lot acting like only you know anything a lot of the time.

It’s off putting tbh.

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Am I supposed to act like I don’t know more?

You owe DPS and Tanks heals at all costs but - #99 by GreyFalcon-11737

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Just saying, it isn’t exactly fair to say that when a LOT of people also say that about you.

No one likes a know it all, like… It’s just cringe and off putting. You try to correct everyone, but if you get push back, you go condescending.

Like cmon man.

Okay, how many people on this forum have written tournament grade server code for futuristic class based shooter?

You’ve done that, congrats, does not mean you are above everyone else, just don’t act so superior all the time.

Not trying to be rude here or anything, just what I’ve seen.