Hanzo is Too Powerful and Shouldn't Be a 3 Star Hero

I just want to be able to kill Hanzo with S76. Most of the time he one shots me as usual. The S76 buff does almost nothing.

I hate Hanzo with a passion because he is so OP.

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You forget that his arrows have a travel time and her bullets do not and widow does more damage with headshots than hanzo also its not 1.25 seconds it .75 seconds with .5 second delay between shots while hanzo is .7 seconds with .5 second delay between charge you used rof not charge time

To be fair, 76 has always been weak with all the shield and armors going around. Also well aim helix rocket can devastate any squishes to be kill by any stray bullets.

My suggestion is to lower Soldier 76 base damage by 1 point, but give him 3 types of bullets he can switch in between that does an additional 3-4 more damage base on what it is shooting. Of course there’s an action require to switch out the bullet, like reload speed.

  • Regular bullets - strong towards white health
  • Armour piercing bullets - strong towards armour health
  • EMP bullets - strong towards shields

Snipers in general got no place in a game like Overwatch IMO.

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you have so many things wrong on hanzo data sheets that is hard not to be angry with you.

  1. hanzo’s arrow takes .5 sec to charge, but there is a .5 gcd on the arrow which makes hanzo can only launch 1 arrow per sec. so your road hog will take good 4.5 second to kill w/o hs, with all hs is 2.25 seconds, 2 fully nocked arrow and 1 1/2 knowcked.

and no you can’t kill zarya or orisa with storm arrow, because they have armor and shields and abilities. that mitigate damages. and normally Hanzo doesn’t land all 6 storm arrows. you might get away with killing a 200 or 250hp squishy, but you normally don’t hit all 6 arrows. i did less than 10 times and most of the time it is on an overran Orisa or a trapped hog.

And you suggested balance change stinks,

  1. window can operate from a safe distance. hanzo normally is near front line to be consistent.

  2. his arrow takes time to travel which means at 20 meter out, the enemy will get hit by a widow and a hanzo the same time. even if their charge rate is different. at and 20m+, widow will hit hanzo first before hanzo’s arrow reach her.

  3. storm arrow does 300 damage total is less dps than his full draw arrow criting.
    so it will be not worth it for hanzo to use it ever. it will be worse than mccree’s FotH because hanzo has no stun to hold the target in place

  4. in order for hanzo to kill a tracer, he will need to land all 6 storm arrows. So basically you want hanzo to do less dps than sombra.

So in short you want hanzo to be moved below z tier. and you want people not be mad at you? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahhaha

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you can’t even get the nock time right.

.5 sec gcd and .5 second nock time, currently hanzo fires at 1 arrow per second. killing a hog w/o storm arrow or crit will take 4.5 seconds + and that is firing non-stop and hog doesn’t drink in that time frame. time hog needed to kill hanzo? 1 sec, if he lands the hook or in range for his right click to 1 click hanzo.

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-_- are you even aware that widow has an extra bonus to headshots? she deals 250% crit dmg, whereas hanzo only deals 200% , widow can deal a max of 300 hp dmg with reliable pinpoint accuracy, hanzo can only deal a max of 250 unreliably with all the disadvantages of projectiles involved, this difference is how these two are actually balanced towards each other.

Attempting to balance sniper heroes only taking into account bodyshots and without even taking critical bonuses and the nature of their kit into account its very sloppy and ignorant at best.

Comparing body shot to body shot doesnt make any sense and you are gutting hanzo in the wrong way for the wrong reasons.

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I agree, hanzo is still pretty ridiculous. Like you said, they should balance to play more like a sniper. And not for nothing, but 5 storm arrow shots are wayyyyy to much.


The star difficulty is mostly for the newer players, so they have an understanding of the practice required to be proficient with the hero, compared to others, such as McCree or Soldier:76.

Lots of games have a time to kill measured in 100s of millseconds. If anything 5 seconds is forever to have to focus someone and kill them.

I think the main issue is that he’s a better tank buster then Reaper. And the only reason why is because Hanzo can do all of this at long range, while Reaper HAS to get close to do enough damage. He certainly needs some nerfs, preferably less arrows he can shoot during Storm Arrow, and longer Ult charge.

(Mostly because I have run into many games where a Hanzo will get his ultimate three times in one fight)

tbh, i played the old hanzo and i can get 2 dragon in a min, it was not that hard if the other side has a tank heavy composition. it really depends. because vs small targets his ult and his accuracy will take a pretty big drop, especially vs sym/tracer/genji/moira/lucio/pharah or any of them combined. but if you play big – winston/diva/rein/hog expect him to get more dragons in the match.

I’m gonna be real with you, I’m kind of sick of this argument because it’s been used on half the cast at this point.

Reaper is not some paragon of balance. He sucks and has done for 10 seasons. It is not Hanzo’s, or Torbjorn’s, or Soldier’s, or Roadhog’s, fault that the “tank buster” is countered by a mechanic in the game that only tanks have.


I don’t think this is a problem with Hanzo alone. Reaper is kinda weak as a tank buster.

Hanzo has range, mobility and a high damage output capable of instakiling most heroes with a single headshot. Mobile tanks can use their mobility to flee, but Hanzo can shoot from any distance.

Reaper is a close range hero with Shotguns. He has high damage, but he can’t fight on mid to long range nor can he follow mobile tanks thanks to his wrak mobility.

I think both heroes have issues.


Hanzo isn’t a snipe he is mid range.

At long range you can just step to the side and his arrow will miss. His kit isn’t built for long range

I think he’s more a jack of all trades just like Soldier 76.

He’s a mixture of sniper, midrange DPS’er and tank buster.

  • He has the damage output and range of a sniper. (He can one shot most players with a sinhle critshot.) His wall climb also allows him to reach high places.
  • His best range is midrange. Thanks to his lunge can he either close the distance or create some distance. Storm Arrow is a great protection tool or a tool to deal a lot of damage in a close time period.
  • His Storm Arrow is also great for bursting down barriers and getting multiple headshot on tanks who has a larger critbox.

Let’s just include the fact that Hanzo is a projectile hero whilst Widow is a hitscan

what i saw was a horribly played hanzo being carried by his teammates against probably silver/bronze level players w/o making a single kill claiming hanzo is op.

what you showed – you pumped 6 storm arrows into a dva. D’va was alone in a tunnel, hence she has bad positioning. while the rest of her team was nowhere to be seen, you know that your ult is charging at 1% per 3 sec even if you are not doing anything right? so in all that time you only charged roughly 30-40% of his ult. you literally only hit 8 arrows, 6 storm arrow and 2 charged arrow in 40 seconds. 7 of them was on the dva at point blank and she wasn’t demechaed, soldier was the one who demechaed her. and you think that is OP. you logic is laughable at best. your dragon should’ve been fully charged and ready to fire if not already fired 40 sec into the fight.


Take away something VERY IMPORTANT to an argument.

So make him trash tier.

Are you on that leaf?

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the problem is they buffed him to counter his weakness too much, numbers wise he isnt op, but considering what weaknesses he has which really isnt exactly much anymore is whats op about him
he has less of an arcing shot so it easier along with being faster has strengthened his ability to do longer distances
hes more mobile now with leap so he can get away easier if hes dived
plus he has his storm arrows which helps him even more if hes dived plus counters his old counters really well with it (dva and winston are melted very easily with it)
so with all these buffs what heroes really counter him? and ive seen many people toss that diving him with winston and dva is a counter because he will die, but thats not a counter every hero will die to 2 others XD

And this is the problems that hanzo really has