Hanzo is f-tier on his meta

How is he the worst dps? He is leagues better than Genji.

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In what world is Hanzo worse than Sombra, Sym or Bastion?


Hanzo is not the worst dps.

The only difference recently is that 50% of the time I play Ashe to get the dynamite explosion above the shields. Hanzo can still destroy shields without a problem.

They nerfed Hanzo but it had no big impact.

Grey… write a post about D.Va’s balance she’s the last picked tank in masters and 2nd to last in GM

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Sonic arrow is Hanzo’s best friend, it saved my life so many times.

If you have sonic arrow and corner peek correctly you have advantage over Widowmaker because your projectile still flying towards widow while you are already behind cover.


I think tanking needs a redefinition, not just a balance tweak.
✅ Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks

D.va is in the ballpark where she needs to be, as evidenced by how she was full meta with the 3sec boosters.

If anything, the main thing that would help D.va is pushing the game to be more Dive focused.

DPS by comparison just needs a few tweaks here and there.

Also hero pools for GM/Masters start back up soon. So that should mix up the meta a bit.

Hanzo’s design made perfect sense.

He was designed to melt tanks.

  • Inconsistent primary with charge up and movement speed reduction
  • No self healing and only climb as “mobility”
  • Projectile weapon with slow speed

but he also had

  • Wide range sonic arrow allowing him to see enemy positions
  • His climb ability, allowing him to get around chokes and flank
  • Scatter arrow + high damage arrows allowing him to quickly delete easy to target heroes

The devs mentioned Scatter was designed to melt tanks. When they reworked his kit, they said the goal was to keep his power but help him feel more consistent and make dying to him feel less jarring (instant scatter from flank).

As with many things, that vision has changed again I guess and they nerfed him away from his “design” because they felt that he was being picked too much or was “too reliable”.

That trend sadly is something that will keep happening, I think. Lucio had his speed reduced so that he’d feel less impactful. Zenyatta his discord (now coming back, maybe). Hanzo’s damage. Brigitte’s armor. For some heroes it works out and they can remain relevant but others get left behind because their “strengths” don’t make up for their weaknesses and they often get left feeling “purposeless” or at best, a flavor pick you can choose outside of the top 3 meta picks.

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non of them is worse. torb is a-tier btw
you dont like hanzo but the truth is he should be good in this meta. yet he is hot garbage and if low ranks cant play him right then high ranks should. yet they dont, hanzo’s winrates are terrible. No hero should receive nerfs because he is picked a lot.

The projectiles (and hitboxes) in Overwatch are still huge. Just because they’re among the “smallest in the game” doesn’t mean they’re actually small. Huge is still huge.


All of them are worse and Torb is viable (just not quite as good as Hanzo). They are about the same tier of hero but Hanzo is better. The first 5 or 6 heroes I listed are straight trash and then the 4 above are not terrible but not as good as Hanzo

By the way if you are going to cite pickrate, I think of every single hero I listed Hanzo has a higher pick rate then.

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Hmm, I think back when it was dragon combo, Mercy was still able to boost his dragons. Getting rid of that heavily reduced the effectiveness of drag combo (unless anti-nade). Also, having good shield break doesn’t mean the meta suits you (you mentioned Junkrat yourself). It isn’t ‘HIS’ meta just because he has shield break or grav-dragon is still a combo. Lots of characters can combo with grav and some have decent shield break too but they just aren’t really ‘meta’.

That being said, as others have mentioned. He’s not ‘trashcan’. He’s still pretty decent, leagues above some, just not necessarily meta.

pretty decent? i laugh when i see hanzo on my team or the enemy team. only source i have is overbuff and he is bottom winrate in every rank. if this is not his meta, can you imagine dive coming back? or orisa hog?

Winrate cannot be looked at in a vacuum. That said Hanzo suffers from the same thing as every dps that isn’t Mccree or Ashe. They aren’t Mccree or Ashe.

This is just from personal experience, I’ve known many Hanzos in my games, enemy or ally, to pop off or at least apply a lot of pressure. Would an echo or Ashe be better? Probably, but they still do fine.

I don’t understand this. Dive hasn’t gone. In fact is played pretty frequently. Orisa/Hog is still around, too.

Hanzo is just… all right. It just stands that other characters can do his job better, but it’s like that for many many other DPS, a lot that are worse than Hanzo.

Don’t compare a hero that can insta kill to one that cannot kill pocketed Heroes lol

Hanzo has a negative win-rate at EVERY rank in the game.

I do think there are heroes worse than Hanzo but that doesn’t means that Hanzo is fine.


It just shows poor balancing from the devs.

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REVERT her changes. She doesn’t need “nerfs”. She was easily one of the most balanced dps before the last patch went through.


First of all, he has spent over a year being an S+ tier dps. Also why would double shield be his meta. Double shield is yet another desperate attempt at creating a meta in 2/2/2 that will stop the game from being sniper dominated.

How much longer are we gonna have to wait until her dynamite is addressed. It was literally designed to counter GOAT AOE heal stacking. That is dead, I think it’s time we gave that annoying spam ability a nerf it deserves


Ekshually there was like a week long meta where you would stack Sym 2.0 shields on top of torb armor and Brig armor so Tracer would be running around with almost 275 hp or something. Yeah the devs said no and reworked her and torb