đź”· Hanzo at an 11% pickrate and 55% winrate now

The next most picked DPS is Mei at a 4% pickrate… this is pretty much the highest I’ve ever seen him get besides the grav-dragon meta. Seriously why would you pick anyone else when he can one-shot, have high mobility, shield/tank spam, and have
high utility while working at any range?

I honestly hope to see some nerfs to him next patch because let’s be realistic; Hanzo’s always been the #1 DPS for a year and a half now outside of double shield. It think it’s time to let other DPS shine that aren’t Hanzo/Doom/Mei.


He does need a nerf. But role queue came in July. Prior to that dps wasn’t even meta. So not that long. But still nerfs will happen soon.


Even if DPS aren’t meta, Hanzo’s always been the #1 DPS. The only hero who might’ve outshined him was Doomfist/Reaper in double shield


Double shield was quite a few months, though. It is not as though we did not have a break from him. Not saying that he doesn’t need nerfed, but if that is your reasoning… It is not particularly good.

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That’s what I mentioned. The only time out of the past year and half he hasn’t been meta was double shield. And even then, he was still one of the more picked DPS.


I still need to know why Hanzo has mobility, tank-buster damage, one shot ability and utility altogether.


He was meant to counter dive, because god forbid that be meta again.

He got a lunge to counter dive? What? I remember when pros said that, and Fusion tried countering dive with Hanzo, got smacked, and needed to run Brig. That was hilarious because it was really vindication, I hate it when people say snipers counter dive just because you can play them into dive. It is just utterly moronic.


Was this stage 4 or the playoffs?

Ive got an idea

Let’s have a hero who can obliterate shields

Who can also one shot from range, with no Telegraph, announcement, or associated ability with a cooldown

And if you DO dive him

He can easily burst you down with his machine gun fire

And if that’s not enough he can climb terrain to escape.

And if that’s not enough he can lunge a considerable distance.


I think the most depressing thing is that the next nerf is prob gonna be an extra 1-2 seconds to lunge or storm arrow or something.

Blizz track record of nerfing things just makes me superbly cynical that he will actually receive an actual nerf.


I’m going to assume this is GM we’re talking about, and looking at GM stats in vacuum doesn’t really say much in my opinion. However, looking at Hanzo kit-wise he really is a mess. Is he mid-range or is he a sniper? If he’s a sniper why does he out-damage most other dps while having two mobility options and a high burst damage mostly suited for close combat big targets? If he’s mid-range, why can he one-shot several heroes at a great distance? Why is there no indications he’s aiming for you like Widow with her shot-trail?

They really need to decide what they want him to be and adjust accordingly.



DPS were in the meta prior to 2-2-2, just not in OWL. The GM meta prior to the introduction of Role Queue was the following:

  • Orisa
  • Roadhog
  • Widowmaker
  • Hanzo
  • Ana
  • Lucio

But hey, let’s pretend the halt-hook meta didn’t exist for 6 months because it wasn’t in OWL, right?


He can also mark his territory where ever he wants with very little indication to you that he can see you as well as the rest of his team.

So even if you think you feel safe, you probably aren’t :man_shrugging:


I am not entirely sure. I believe it was playoffs. Eichenwalde. It happens around the second point… But it might have been stage 4.

Everyone too focused on Baptiste who only stepped up to fill the void of main healer to figure out Hanzo’s utterly disgusting hero who keeps shutting down rest of the dps and his 11% pickrate out of 16 possible characters is ludicrously high. Yet blizz is not nerfing this overperforming hero and instead powercreeps rest of the dps in their denial of adressing powercreep, trying to reach his level of power but utterly failing because they don’t got oneshots.

But I mean yea it’s cool if dps chars are overpowered af… but god forbid a support or tank hero is even remotely good.


Well, to be fair, tanks and/or support heroes tends to be enablers of a meta.

With that being said, it is pretty gross that hanzo is allowed to be top tier. He should’ve been toned down a long time ago imo.

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Next balance patch:

Overwatch 2


I’m joking but you never know. Lol

Storm Arrows need a nerf, nuff’ said. Ultimate get out of jail free card.

Add wall hack to that as well