šŸ”· Hanzo at an 11% pickrate and 55% winrate now

Hanzo/Mei/Junkrat/Reaper need immediate nerfs. And with Mei/Reaper nerfs, wrecking ball and doomfist will need nerfs too. Orisa also needs nerfs. Bap needs to be looked into as well - specifically his invulnerability field. D.va needs buffs. Sigma needs his shield cd looked into.

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They know how OP he is, but they donā€™t care.

Because they balance around esports viewership.

A nice OP Hanzo makes for nice highlights for their precious esports.

No, this current meta is all about answering the question ā€˜What can survive Hanzo, Mei, Doomfist, Widowmaker and/or Reaper?ā€™

The answer to that question dictates the Support and Tank meta.


Junkrat needs nerfs? Um lol?


Yes. His shield break was buffed to 130 dmg per pill. As a main tank player, I hate going up against junkrat because the pathing that used to be viable against junkrat is not anymore, due to barrier nerfs.

He needs a small nerf to his shield break potential and more consistent damage on his landmine while in air as a compensation buff.

So? Being the best DPS is nothing to shout about. They are by far the weakest class. Rather than nerfing the only good one, they should look at buffing others or nerfing tanks and supports so other DPS can actually perform their role. Rather than nerfing the one viable DPS in game.

Hanzo is the best DPS, yet he is equalled for elims and damage by both Sigma and Orisaā€¦ tanksā€¦
DPS in general are worse tanks. They will not be strong in the current state of the game. Nerfing the only good one just means we have to play 2 incredibly weak DPS with no value.

Nerfing Hanzo doesnt mean Tracer, Soldier or Genji are suddenly good value in a fight. It doesnā€™t mean Pharah or McCree suddenly become strong. It just means Hanzo becomes another addition to the long list of awful DPS.

This is such a stupid narrative. Dps are not the weakest class. It takes both tank and support to stop dps performance. If all things were equal, you wouldnā€™t expect dps to run over everything in the game.

But what do you see? Reaper and mei pressed w and tanks dissapeared and hanzo makes dps disappear. You know why less people are playing tanks? Because itā€™s not that strong.

People generally like winning and gravitate toward choices that make it easy. People choose dps mostly for it has the most agency out of all classes followed by support and finally tanks. Wonder why? Because it sucks depending on others to keep you alive and have the ability to aim.

Hanzo isnā€™t the only good dps. Hes the one that makes others redundant.

Why would you expect variety in the dps roster when you have characters like hanzo who invalidates the other dps?

The problem with dps is they have 16 choices with overlapping roles and some perform unbelievably well in multiple roles. The problem with dps is that the role itself has never been balanced and only tweaked indirectly by tank/support bluffs and nerfs.


Woow I can understand you want Hanzo be tuned down but why Mei Mei is damnn new into the meta.

As if DPS dont rely on both healers to keep their tiny health pools up and then tanks to create space to try and get any value.
People gravitate to DPS because it is an FPS and they want to play damage orientated aim/mechanical heroes.
There is a reason DPS mains were not flocking to Moth Mercy or Brig 1.0, it wasnt because they were balanced and not insanely strongā€¦ itā€™s because we dont want to play the heroes regardless of their strength.

There is a reason DPS were removed from the meta pre 222, and that reason isnt because they were strong or fine :laughing:
Itā€™s because they are outclassed at their own role by tanks.

Double shield is still meta. Orisa-Sigma is still strong, if not them then Orisa - Rein sometime Orisa - Winston. But 2 barriers on the same team will always be pretty strong. I rarely see Hog - Hammond can outshine these comps but those players have to be insanely good with Hog and Wrecking Ball to do it.

Not entirely true though.

The current meta, which is still double shield, is being enabled by 2 anchor tanks. In this case is it Orisa and Sigma.

The reason why Mei, Reaper, Hanzo and Doomfist are strong picks is not only because they have better synergy with them, but also because they offer the best coubterplay to it.

Comps like double shield and GOATS could have been formed to deal with high burst damage, but at the end of the day are the metals still enabled by tanks and/or healers.

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Absolute nonsense.
Double shield and GOATs was the reason Doomfist/Mei/Reaper became metaā€¦ not the other way around.
They were the answer to ā€œwho can get past these never ending shields to do any work?ā€.
Double shield made every other DPS even more redundant than they already were.


Regardless of the meta - Hanzo is just too strong. In the hands of a good player his damage output is massive. But more importantly unlike Widowmaker or Doomfist he is not kept in balace by his skills being effective at a certain range.

He can wreck at long range and he can wreck and short range. And thatā€™s a problem. Doomfist i quite like - he is poweful but his power is kept in check by his range of effectivenes and his cooldowns. They really did a great job on DF, even though he can be spammy at times. But Hanzo? Hanzo just feels like a cheap, cheap shot.

As to the shield meta - all i would say is that two wrongs donā€™t make a right. And just because Hanzo might be useful to overcome some setups, that doesnā€™t make him any less frustratingly nerf-worthy.

But honestly this feels like empty talk - no offence meant. Iā€™ve played the game for close to two years now and Hanzo has never Not needed a nerf - and itā€™s now two years later and heā€™s still the same annoying one-shotting dps monkey heā€™s always been - presumably because all the streamers and all the wannabees keep picking him and blizzard is afraid to improve the game by nefring hanzo at the risk of alienating those users.

So yeah, i would love to see that Hanzo nerf but i donā€™t believe it will ever come.
But regadless - Mery Christmas Everyone!

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By nerfing Hanzo you nerf the one viable DPS who doesnt rely on gimmicks and can actually excel at his job when compared to tanks.

His nerfing wont improve the game, it will make by far the largest portion of the player bases role even more frustrating to play than it already has been for over a year. And will cement the brokenness of tanks even more so.

Guess we just stand and look at Sigma, Orisa and Baptiste all game while nothing happens and nothing dies. Great game, sounds enjoyable.


Blizzard needs to nerf the hitbox and damage of the arrows.

He is a sniper, not a tank/shield buster. He can spam shield from a distance.
You canā€™t dive him, because he has insane mobility.

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when moira had that high a pickrate it was a valid reason to nerf her.

DPS have more choices, so naturally the pickrates should be lower, this high a pickrate for a DPS is atrocious.


怋one viable DPS who doesnā€™t rely on gimmicks
怋doesnā€™t rely on gimmicks

ā€¦and suddenly, everything makes sense.


My 4th most played on my second account (for learning those I dont play as much on my main) that hasnt played comp/QP regularly for about 6 seasons :laughing:

Unless you think Iā€™m out here playing Tracer /Genji into Sigma, Orisa and Baptiste.

It still comes off as extremely biased. Hell, letā€™s analyze deeper, four of those five heroes either were or are some of the biggest culprits of the current meta issues.

But letā€™s take the bias out of the equation, sure, explain to me how Hanzoā€™s kit is anything but gimmicks? Storm Arrow is far worse than Scatter ever was, Lunge wasnā€™t needed since Hanzo is NOT his brother and did not need the extra mobility when he had wallclimb, Sonic Arrow being an ability on cooldown when the only other characters who have anything close to that kind of wallhack ability have it as their ULT (Widow) or a very specific niche passive (Sombraā€™s Opportunist, which only reveals heroes with 50% or less health), these arenā€™t gimmicky to you at all?


Yh Tracer and Genji were huge during GOATs and double shieldā€¦
And Hogs been great the last few yearsā€¦

Hanzo doesnt have gimmicks. Gimmicks describe something thatā€™s got a sense of unfairness or an inability to play against to the encounter. Mei being able to jump you and freeze you is a ā€œgimmickā€. Doomfist rolling out into a slam uppercut kill combo is a ā€œgimmickā€.
Once a gimmick ability is started there is little to no counterplay.
Getting shot as at is not a gimmick. Thatā€™s a fundamental aspect in a FPS. It can be strong, but you are mixing up gimmick with strength.