Hanzo arrows hitboxes?

Hanzo gotta be the only character that could aim for someone in Texas and instead hit someone in Canada.

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why not give him 175hp

The arrows are the second smallest projectile in the game.

Depending on distance, the crosshair shouldn’t be on the target anyway.

Replay is 100% accurate to YOUR perspective. Not the enemy. Not the “middle ground” server.

do you play on high ping ?

I remember this post from Geoff. Good times. They used to interact with us regularly. Even Jeff used to show up to roast someone from time to time.

I haven’t seen a post from Craig/AndyB since… I don’t even know to be honest.

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It’s kind of funny seeing all the classic complaints coming back up because of all the new players.

I read somewhere that replay isn’t a 1:1 replica of the match but rather an offline recreation of how things happened, so naturally since replay is offline it can’t simulate accurately the exact positions of things as it were on live where latency also factors in on hit detection, it is most noticeable with projectiles specifically Hanzo’s arrows and that’s why we sometimes see his arrows suddenly curving to your head in replay.

I’ve got BAD NEWS for you.

Yes the crosshair won’t be on you sometimes because that’s how you aim with hanzo especially on longer distances or landing prediction shots… SMH

Also replay viewer is not perfect and doesn’t account for latency etc. a post about this was made a long time ago.

And last but not least. Hanzo arrows are the smallest projectiles in the game.

And no, I’m not a hanzo main, I just like the portrait.

Smaller projectile hitbox have a huge cost to physics calculations…

It’s the second smallest, tied with genji’s shurikens.