Hammond vs Pre Nerf Bastion

Only Difference between them… One has Mobility…

So why can’t the other be a Tank again?

Although that difference is absolutely massive, without it, they are still nothing alike.


Are we talking 35% IC Bastion or old Bastion?

You haven’t seen how much Damage a pro Hammond can do yet.


I’m not following what point you’re trying to nail

If Hammond is able to do Bastion Level of DPS, then why can’t Bastion be a Tank?

Why would anyone want bastion in a tank slot? We have enough DPS tanks.

If your going for Main Tanks… there is more to tanking then Main tanks… this meta is pretty much proving that.

Aka. We still need more tanks.

Alright, now that I know which Bastion you are referencing, here is why he can’t be a tank.

Tanks need one of these things:
Blocking damage
Making space(CC)

Bastion has 0 of the 2.

Haha you made a thread out of our discussion? I hope you told them all that the only thing a tank should do is take damage. Your words fren.
Hammond does not do 500+ DPS sir. The meta has always made use of off-tanks, dive tanks & bruisers prove that, oh so every meta of OW’s history.
But yes, more tanks plz, hey about making Torb a tank in the new rework?

Well main tanks always got the shaft when it came to their DPS tank cousins.
I’d be upset if bastion ever became a tank.

Now all I can think about.

I don’t get it but yeah, no bastion as a tank.

Neither does Bastion. At point blank he does 450, at any farther, well see for yourself: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/bastions-real-damage-output-kinda/149506

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Hammond deals 125 dps, with 100% headshots 250 dps. Bastion deals 525 and almost never reloads. Even at mid-range (where bastion’s spread is terrible) he still puts out a lot more dps than hammond.

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Are people comparing hamster damage to bastion? Is this just basic fire damage being compared. Because it doesn’t count if they’re counting Hammond going in with his entire kit vs bastion sitting in one spot shooting at junk

Oh fair, I swore it was 525? Ok good chart ha!
Either way, does Hammond have near that kind of potential?
I’m sure they’re DPS & Tank for a reason, they’re both much better at one than the other.

Bastion only does 450, check the link above for the actual numbers.

I also don’t think he should be a tank, as he can’t block damage or make space with CC

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