Hammond makes dva useless now

Defense matrix isn’t very good though. It feels more like a personal defense ability like Genji’s deflect than an actual tanking ability. Sure it has the potential to block some damage and even eat an ult but it’s not very consistent. Truthfully DM probably needs to be reworked into a more reliable tanking ability.

I don’t know what to think of Hammond. He seems interesting but his kit is very demanding and error prone. That’s pretty tough on a would be tank. Think early Winston before his bubble CD buff. It looks like his kit will need a lot of fine tuning before going live. Of course I could be wrong though.


They won’t buff defense matrix as it was the topic of being OP for the better part of last year.

I agree and yea pretty much.

Actually most of the time that I have gone up against him I have won. When he uses his back off and go pounce on a target away from him by that time you should have missiles back and you can easily get him with your burst and his large crit box. Also they compliment eachother very well when they fight together.

I remember some people suggesting they should add a meter that everyone can see so people know how much of it is left. I mostly think that’s a good idea except hero’s like zarya can for example can wait until the see the meter empty and use he grav but I sill like the idea or I guess I would like a rework depending on how they do it.

I mean… He can neither delete Projectiles, Protect multiple teammates at once… Nor Esplode…

As much as i also think D,Va should have her original health back… I Don’t see Hammond “Replacing” Her.

Yes, He’s a “Dive” Disruptive Tank, But… He’s Different enough to be unique in my mind.

He might step on her shoes a bit, but… How much damage can a Hamster really do to your toes?


I understand and respect your opinion but idk i just have a bad feeling that he is gonna replace her. Almost seems like he was designed that way imo.

A visual color change would be good. Have it go from green to orange or something to show it’s getting low.

Personally reducing the time on DM was the wrong change. The shape is the problem. Its a 15m tube! She only blocks what she’s looking at and can “reach” really far with it. It should be shaped more defensively or at least capped at 10m.

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Well, it also seems like he’s a better Bastion in every possible way, Even has a way to get ANYWHERE He want’s to be…

But you won’t hear me complaining…

Since you can’t Exactly hear Bastions screams in the void that are Bastion threads. O-o

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Yea that’s what people were saying when DM was going down from 4 to 2 and I cpmpletely agree with that. Why they didn’t do it who knows why and who knows why for a bunch of other changes they make.

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D,Va Would Be Completely unique if she could only Emote out of mech…

(And also, At very least Hammond doesn’t pop out, and run around with a pistol. THEN I would be getting scared.)

I’m not sure how bastion is atm tbh. I don’t have much knowledge on him since I don’t play him much but I guess yea if he needs some sort of buff then I guess he needs it.

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Nah, the less d.va the better for me as Ana. :wink:

Oh… you don’t even know the half of it…

Bastion is now hard countered by Symmetra…

Damn that’s terrible.

After reading Hammond’s abilities I decided I will never play D.Va again. I enjoyed D.Va because she was so mobile and I like being aggressive with her. Since her rework though she’s simply not as much fun to play and really frustrating if you’re not with a good healer. I don’t care how difficult Hammond is or if he’s more like Roadhog, he’s a fast brawly mech tank. That is what I want to play. That is the reason I even started playing this game.

I remember vsing you in comp don’t remember if you were ana but I usually don’t have much trouble with her. Just have to bait out her sleep dart and I’m golden.

Can we at least give the hero 1 week of testing before overreacting?

Yea it’s true it’s not very fun with her anymore. I don’t feel like a tank anymore not even close and your right she pretty much a good healer to baby sit her. It was better back in the old days. Pretty much the whole game was imo.

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