Halloween Terror 2018 - [Waiting Room now LIVE!] ☕

All the tank and support mains be here like :sob:

((sponsored by popcorn Moira))

youre upset that they got recolors? some people fit the Halloween model better than others. nobody complained when reaper got legendary skins back to back on Halloween events. Its okay to not get a skin for a few events. Dva spent a year without one incase you don’t remember

Not sponsored. :face_with_monocle: :rofl:

The mei skin is…well…crap
I’ll stick to PJ mei

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its cute, youre just a meanie

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I got disconnected from the game, so have they dropped the patch or did i got banned?

No patch yet. :thinking:

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the patch probably will drop at 2 soooo. maybe just a dc?

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It’s Mei. She is supposed to have a skin EVERY event!

I love Mei, but seriously? She REALLY didn’t need another one, and such a bad skin, too. Halloween is excellent for cool epics, but they gave the character with the most skins a terrible pumpkin pattern.


Not really… Mercy, Zen, and Ana all have really good legendaries already. I didn’t figure Brig would get one, Moira is getting an amazing one, and… does Lucio have one? I can’t remember. Anyway, I am perfectly happy with what we got.

Tanks on the other hand, I don’t play enough to remember what they do and don’t have, so you might have a point there.


I don’t really like ana’s Halloween legendary. with most people getting transformations and really good costumes. but its more of a personal thing I guess. Only thing they did right is the parrot and we never see that :stuck_out_tongue:

PSA: for everyone asking, 2pm eastern, 1pm central, noon mountain, 11am pacific

give or take roughly 30 minutes for server delays :heart:

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If the skin had the parrot it would be much better. I remember my friend was really pissed because he bought the Ana skin expecting the parrot, in the very first day I played Overwatch.

The hate over Widow, McCree, and Mei’s EPIC skins, man… them getting an epic skin recolor had no impact on Genji not getting swordsman, or Tracer getting… whatever legendary she was angling for.

And clearly the legendaries that came out are in some sort of story mode, so perhaps those other missing heroes just didn’t fit the plan this time around. Next year, next event, your time will come.

Don’t mind me taking a seat in this waiting room.

I’m hyped for the event. And you?


This made me laugh so hard.

I’m in Scotland so I dunno when it comes out :sweat_smile: