Halloween Terror 2018 - [Waiting Room now LIVE!] ☕

That skin is the worst Sombra skin ever in my opinion.

Oh well, I’m insta-buying Jiangshi.


I can still see it :smiley:

I thought the event was supposed to start 1pm EST but its past that time now…Still no patch.

u just need to wait only one hour from now on

so does this mean that sombra is bangin hog? since she got the bride skin? Sombra is a chubby chaser huh? nice.


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Is there hot chocolate instead?? :blush:

Lucky you.
In germany they update at 8PM! ALWAYS! This is exactly the time after dinner when I usualy want to play. And my Internet is sloooow. And today also is Microsoft Patch day, EXACTLY 8PM. :sweat:

Still waiting for my frappe and Soldier skin over here.

genji just got a skin in the summer games with the allstars event, and he got the skin from Chinese new year how are people complaining

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Yes we have Hot Chocolate packets right in the cabinet next to the coffee! :blush:

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Because in the event we are having the 100th McCree/Mei skin in comparison?

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I really like Junkenstein’s brawl! I joined the game exactly one year ago, in Halloween 2017, and I was more interested in the base game itself at the time. I’m excited to really dig down in the mode, and I have three other people playing the game frequently now.


I’m taking all the hot chocolate sachets thanks!

I really want banshee moira

that mei skin has burned my eyes -_- i love playing mei all i want is a scary twisted demonic skin for her i get it shes meant to be cute and cuddly but that’s not how the community portrays her.

She got a skin, AGAIN.


(sponsored by the overmoji café)

Me too! My Bf and I were waiting for Junkensteins revenge for a whole year, YOU CANNOT STOP US, HATERS!!!

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obesity is a real issue

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