Hack should stop Echo's floating too

honestly, mechanics need to be consistent across the board or theres no point. hack should certainly affect echo more than it does.


This isn’t true at all, since mercy’s ultimate is a transformation ultimate…but they’re not talking about her shift. They’re talking about her passive, which should be in line with all other passives of this type and get cancelled by hack.

because she’s not holding down a button to help her fly.

it’s press and forget. once she starts flying, it’s over and done with.

it isn’t the same as angelic descent or pharah’s hover where she’s holding [jump key here].

No, thank you, I am fine with hack not screwing Echo as hard as it messes up other heroes. Rofl.

I’m pretty sure it’s an oversight, Blizzard, any official comment?

Nope. A similar thread to this popped up and Jeff confirmed not being able to hack flight and glide is intentional.

Im pretty sure jeff said this was intentional for echo when someone made a topic about this when she came out

Edit: yup he did


Explaining it does not make it fine. No matter how it’s coded, flight and hover is a buttonpress ability and there should get disabled when hacked.

If you want your mind boggled further, by the way, here’s an orange post saying that Echo continuing to fly when hacked is intended:

She is if you set it to “hold to fly” in her options menu. I think many people do it that way because it’s easier to do glide slingshots like that.

Neither is Pharah’s hover, Mercy’s angelic descent, or Lucio’s wallride.


You mean it actually doesn’t? I haven’t played either of those since Echo came out, so I wouldn’t know their interaction, but I just assumed it’s a no-brainer. So made hack disable flying, wall-climbing, wall-riding and passive song effects (making Lucio non-exist after hack) and and you’re letting Echo fly while hacked? What is this favoritism? She’s already eats shields like it’s nothing and has two healthbars on her ult, and now also this?

Yeah, I literally didn’t even know this was a thing, because I thought we already established rules of hacked flying already. Guess Jeff proved me wrong.

Yeah, but more specifically, if it cancels Mercy float, it should cancel Echo float.

As they are near identical abilities.

Does Mercy really stop floating? Or does she lose her boost only? I can’t remember.
Also, hover isn’t a passive, it’s active therefore she falls out of the sky. Mercy just spreads her wings to float, I assume that still works during hack.

Then fix hack to make it consistent, don’t make an ability affect different characters in different ways.

The inconsistencies in this game are half of the balance problems to begin with. To make a deliberate design decision like this is idiotic.

this is what i said frist time i tried to counter her as sombra xd

me as sombra:Uh why she keep flying O-O phara is a throwpick compared to her

Huh, is that right? Welp, bonus for me then. :cowboy_hat_face:

on the topic of hack, does hacking/emping Echo when she has copied someone cause her to revert back to Echo?

Guess Echo is different. Maybe it’s like a parachute with her wings and she floats down. can’t hack those right?

Insert “hack Soldier 76’s legs” joke here.

Old joke yeah.

Also maybe this is the sign that they will pick and choose what hack effects. IMO it SHOULD stop S76 ult but not stop Hog’s manually hand cranked ult. It’s just silly.

She hacks his legs.


How do your forget how to use legs you’ve been using for the past 50 years?

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