Hack should stop Echo's floating too

If you can hack Mercy and Pharah’s floating/hover passive, why does Echo still get to float when you hack her? She should fall down just like the rest.


I think it works like mercy ult, she still can fly when hacked, but cant activate her ult during hack
Same with echo i guessing. Its similiarity in abilites and code probably, just how echo always is full hp after leaving her ult, just like dva is full hp after leaving her mec no matter what.

It should end her floating. Shouldn’t even need a thread to discuss it. It’s just common sense.


Actually Mercy’s flight during her ultimate doesn’t get cancelled because it acts as her base movement which isn’t hackable. Echo’s float is not, it’s a button press passive ability just like Mercy & Pharah’s float which is hackable. It shouldn’t be any different.


Because she is new Kaplan’s favorite hero. You can only be ult charge for her not a counter.


I defs think it should be hacked. You can hack Double jump off Hanzo/Genji, Sprint off 76, Lucio wall ride and rein during charge right?

She should drop to the dang ground after hack.


But when she press it it act like when mercy use her ult. I still think its similiar code in this.
After all you could move mercy ult to normal ability on cd and would act the same as now.
Its bad that abilities are just like ults of some heroes, but thats a game now i guess.

Words from a smart man
Listen to him
He knows the stuff


She has some inconsistent interactions with other hero abilities right now. Hopefully this one will be fixed in the future. No telling when though. The current situation coupled with the usual glacial pace of fixes make that a hard call.


I thought it was more like D.va boosters which does indeed get cancelled by hack. D.va can still use other abilities and shoot while flying as well.

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Its more of free flyight with echo that the boosters, but could be similiar thing with her just pushing foward. Who knows, still with echo you basicialy have movement of mercy ult for short time tbh.

I still don’t think free fly should be exempt from the rules of hack. It isn’t even an Ult like mercy fly


I mean, yea i agree it should not, but still it could be there simply because when you copy and paste code it worked like that, so it stay like it. Similiar goes with heroes who had similiar abilites having similiar bugs in past (rein and doom charge had same bug with not destroying any object normaly would break)

You have the answer here.

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She can still use her fly while hacked even tho Pharah falls when she gets hacked and mercy falls while hacked during GA. I get that the flight is more like Valkyrie but she should be hacked out of glide. Wow… Echo is overpowered… kinda just really realized that.


Pretty sure it does stop her float. It works like Mercy’s own float as it requires a button press. Either it’s a bug or you’re mistaken.

It doesn’t, I agree it should though.


I agree. I didn’t even know about this. I assumed she’d lose her flight passive just like every other flying hero that gets hacked. It makes no sense that she keeps it.

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I think she falls like a rock when gliding? Echos air phase can be summed in 3 stages,

  • initial boost into the air(unhackable)
  • flight (unhackable)
  • gliding (hackable).

They made Echo the exception to a lot of rules, apparently. It’s ridiculous.