Hack should NOT Disable Passives

Maybe other people say that, but that’s not what I’m saying. All I’m saying is that in a game based around hero abilities, being able to completely disable those abilities is extremely powerful, oppressive, and quite frankly not a very fun mechanic.

It’s quite humourous seeing all the Sombra mains in the comments of this thread get salty at OP because he is just stating what we are all thinking. Especially for the fact that hanzo somehow “forgets” how to wall climb because he was hacked. It clearly makes no sense in the slightest. You do not lose physical abilities due to a technology hack. For Genji and Lucio, it makes sense, due to them using suits and equipment to increase their mobility, but Hanzo? Really? You’re telling me you honestly are defending Sombra being able to make Hanzo magically forget how to wall climb? God, you really need to do some thinking if so.

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Hacking passives is fine, and it should be that way. Try not to say Sombra was buffed to be anti-dive. you are deluding yourself. To be Anti-dive, Sombra has to be in your backline, protecting the supports by hacking Genji and Tracer (hence the change to hack passives).

Honestly, Sombra is now in the enemies team along with the divers, both securing kills and hacking the Anti-dive “Catch” heroes.

And, she is still gets her EMP just about as fast, just in a different way.

The only thing I would honestly change about her from right now is her hack speed. She should not have the ability to get a hack off by chucking a translocator and hacking someone before she A) falls out of range (Pharah) or B) Drops on top of them (barrier tanks)

Only 3? You mean every character

The problem with hack/sombra is that it’s a guaranteed kill with 0 risk. Now she’s braindead hacking everyone with 0 aim.

You realize it took a month+ for people to discover and truly understand how overpowered Mercy actually was? She actually hit 100% pickrate after she had gotten a few nerfs. All the while Mercy players were saying she was actually fine and crying that each nerf would dumpster her and no one would play her anymore. The same thing happened with Ana, it took a while for people to discover how strong she actually was.

Not saying that Sombra is OP because I feel people are jumping the gun and we have yet to see where she is in the meta but the Mercy comparison is the wrong one to go with to defend Sombra.

I think the only truly unfair thing is Sombra disabling Lucio’s heal aura if he’s on it. That’s the only thing that I would 100% remove right now. The rest I’d say we really have to give it time and let a meta settle in before we can talk about whether it’s overpowered or not. I haven’t seen Sombra be overbearing yet and maybe it’s because I play hitscan but I feel you can still interrupt her hack with quick reflexes.

Her hack speed should probably be reverted back to what it was, but I don’t see anything wrong with the changes to what it does to certain characters.

Heck, I’m kind of surprised and think Zenyatta’s orbs should return to him if he’s hacked just for fair treatment as Lucio.

This is coming from someone who mostly plays support or tank.

No it’s not. Stop lying. You do not instantly die when she hacks you. A Sombra or her team has to follow up after. And you and your team can defend you with their weapons and they have their abilities.


The average human reaction time is .25 seconds, but we’ll be generous and say the average for someone playing a fast paced game is .2 seconds. Sombra’s hack has a grace period in the last .1 second where it can no longer be interrupted. That’s .3 seconds of the .65 hack time, leaving a whole .35 seconds of room for error.

Again I may be biased because I play hitscan and I play a character(Tracer) where my sensitivity is decently high for quick turns so I haven’t had too much trouble with Sombra if I’m paying attention to audio cues.

I’m not claiming my experience is the normal experience but I can only speak for myself. I definitely see how it could be a problem for projectile heroes. The question is does she deserve this strength or not.

I think Sombra is going to have similar balance to the Junkrat right before his mine AOE falloff damage nerf. People are going to deny to death that it’s not OP whether it’s true or not but it’s something that I think we can’t tell without time passing.

In any case I don’t think Sombra is going to be as broken as Mercy where we have a glaring 100% necessary pickrate but that type of information is going to need to be there for a lot of people to realize whether she’s too strong or not. If we had people denying Mercy was overpowered when she had a 100% pickrate I wouldn’t expect any group(especially some support mains whose off mains of choice are Sombra and DVA) to realize when something is actually broken. If it’s not a nerf to Genju or Tracer these forums aren’t trying to hear it.

Before her passive changes she was literally a emp bot.
Shut down abilities from a single hero wasn’t really that powerful or we wouldn’t have this discussion in the first place.

Im not even a Sombra main. I mostly played the last seasons support and tanks both are good targets for sombra but i know how to deal with her because i played her for some amount of time.

Lucio should get his song not disabled so he can heal or speed at least his team. Hanzo isn’t a primary target for sombra its like hacking McCree most of the time wasted.

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her buffs haven’t been out long so to say this isn’t accurate.

“every player”

nope. get your facts straight.

I got an idea how about when sombra hacks someone he/she still has the passive abilities but when sombra uses emp then the passives would be down. For example when you hack a zen he keeps his shields but when he is emp’d he loses the shield (i know that this is no passive but i wanted to show the mechanic i meant)

*"every pro player who is asked"
Yes, stop changing what people say to suit your argument. I don’t know if she’ll be op. I’m not saying she is or isn’t. I’m just saying that every pro that I’ve seen talk about it think that she is.

Sorry but it should. Finally my team can take out pesky pharahs.

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Reduce hack range a bit
Increase cast time to 0.7 sec to begin with
Let Lucio keep healing song but not speed boost.
Force Zen to return discord.

This is what I think should be done.

Hanzo, Genji, Lucio, Pharah, Mercy.

My main issue with Hack hacking passives is that it doesn’t hack all passives… nor should it. They explicitly hand picked a few passives to disable which doesn’t seem intuitive.

Why doesn’t Mercy’s regeneration turn off? Why don’t you remove Zarya’s current charge? Why does Junkrat’s Total Mayhem still go off on death? Why can Torbjorn gather scrap passively and actively? Why does Reaper still have his lifesteal?

Do you see what I’m getting at? It either should hack ALL passives, or none… The latter being the correct option.

says the genji main.

You mean those same “professional” players who whined about Mercy’s Resurrect, when it should be stupidly easy for them to counter it and make Mercy waste her ultimate? Yeah, no thanks, I’ll pass on their “professional” opinions.