Hack should NOT Disable Passives

what about you get your own opinion? no one play in the situation of someone in OWL, and stop calling this guys god-tier, they are really good ad the game im not even close to that but theng they are just some guys playing video games 8+ hours a day


Not just Sombra. I’m sick that every time a hero gets buffs or a new hero gets released, people don’t even try and adapt. So annoying that not even an hour after a patch there are “REEEEEEE x = OPAF” posts.


I’m not a Sombra main, and I agree that she is fine.

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One pro playing starts complaining and the whole community jumps to a conclusion. is so OP, then you ask why? total silent OP OP OP OP OP for no reason


It certainly should. The devs probably felt that after observing how strong the Dive/Mobility Meta is on all levels of play. This game is 2 years old now? And the only reliable counter to Dive was a better Dive team. Sombra needed a buff because she was being played in a way they didn’t intend (health pack hacking for EMP bot build) and now they’ve moved her more into the hit-n-run, invisible assassin style who can also help her team by disabling a target’s strengths (i.e. mobility along with their abilities) to make them easier to eliminate.

I for one, welcome this even if I play Zenyatta and Sombra is my natural enemy…at least if she’s on my team, it’ll make it easier to punish my disrespectful student, Genji, when he’s trying to kill his Master. :stuck_out_tongue:


Wait she hacks passive? But…but…Junkrat passive ability still works.
Hack, killed, explodes.


Only works on mobility passives. Junkrat’s Totyal Mayhem passive doesn’t help his mobility…unless you consider being sent to hell via the express route a “mobility passive” :stuck_out_tongue:

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But the only dive heroes affected by the passives change are Genji and Lucio, neither of which are who was enabling dive so much in the first place

If I had a pound for every butthurt Gengu main I see crying over finally getting a counter I could probably buy an alt account so I could make more Gengu mains run crying to daddy Jeff.

And I find it funny how it’s always the players who main heroes that are directly affected by the Hack changes whining and begging for Sombra nerfs.
Surely there’s no bias in play here :wink:


already nerf sombra threads lol

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blizzard disagrees.


You’re a Genji main…

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I’d disagree. Lucio’s utility with Speed Boost is invaluable to Mobility/Dive. He recently made a comeback after Mercy suffered a series of mob beatings with nerf bats.

Genji is versatile and may not enable Mobility/Dive, but he is part of Mobility/Dive.

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Lucio is definitely powerful with dive, but not essential to it. The support meta was mostly Mercy/Zenyatta for a long time, and dive was still the leading comp.

Biased lucio main here, I don’t think that the passive disabling is too overpowered in most cases but I definitely think Lucio should keep his song. Every other healer can heal while hacked, even Zenyatta if he puts his orb on someone before being hacked. Wallride can stay disabled, it’s definitely funny when Lucio gets hacked in the well and dies. But I really think the crossfade interaction should go back to its old state.

Also, correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think the aura is considered part of his passive under ability screen. Passive there is just wallride, right?

You also have to take into consideration how OW devs try to behave “fairly” when they make a global change like this.

Allowing Sombra to hack “mobility passives/abilities” applies to ALL heroes. It affects Mercy’s ability to glide, Pharah’s ability to hover, and for some reason, makes Soldier 76 forget how to Run and McCree’s ability to roll (LOL, that still cracks me up when I think about it).


Yes, but it seemed like your point was that the Sombra buff was supposed to help counter dive/mobility heroes, but the passives change affected non-dive heroes more than it affected dive ones.

You mean similarly to how many Mercy mains also defended pre-nerf Valkyrie?

Surely no bias there, either.

The change was a shift in power so she wouldn’t be used as an EMP-bot.

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Yup, like how when they changed Ultimate Reset to have everyone lose all Ult-point gain upon use…that was another one that one also kind of screwed Lucio over too because if he get’s killed midway thru his Ult, he doesn’t get any Ult-points back unlike before.

Yeah between that, the sombra changes, and (arguably for some people, not me personally) the movement changes, Lucio has been getting a lot of indirect nerfs recently. The devs seemed to think he was in a good place before so I don’t quite understand how all of this happens and their opinions don’t change :confused: