Hack needs better visuals

Compared to other debuffs, a hacked enemy is difficult to pick out in a crowd.

  • Discord puts a purple orb over the enemy’s shoulder.
  • Anti-heal highlights the enemy’s entire health bar in purple and puts a special symbol over it.
  • Hack creates translucent red swirls around an already red-outlined enemy.

Here’s a simple side-by-side comparison demonstrating the above:



I agree. It’s very hard to tell when someone is hacked, which makes it hard to know when to take advantage of your team’s Sombra’s hacks.

Hacked players should have the skull icon above their heads, just like Torbjörn’s Turret and Symmetra’s Teleporter do. It could be smaller and less noticeable so they don’t have giant targets above their heads, but it should definitely be there.

A sugar skull icon would be super nice, but I think the more pressing issue is the color. Red on red doesn’t stand out at all. It should be purple like a health pack is when it’s hacked. (And while we’re at it, change the color on a hacked teammate from purple to red. Since they were hacked by an enemy Sombra. Enemy effects are supposed to be red.)



They could easily solve that problem with a sugar skull over the enemy’s head, that sugar skull could also tell how long the hack effect will last, basically the same sugar skulls that are over hacked health packs.