Sombra Appreciation Thread

Hi! Despite alot of recent topics calling for Sombra nerfs, I wanted to create a safe space for those who love our main/sassy hacker. She is one of the few reasons why I play Overwatch. She is also the reason I climbed from silver to diamond in one season.
What about you? Why do you like Sombra?


I’m a mercy main so I have nothing to say xD. But what I can say is that she is very reliable especially when you are trying to stop ultimates. I have had games with her and Surprisingly I have a high win percentage with her but I don’t play her.

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Hey thats alright! And thank you for playing Mercy. She is my favorite healer to play with as I find her reliable and she usually pockets me when I need to build EMP.

She probably has the most passive play-style in the game and that favors me quite a bit. Usually I play sniper, to stay away from the action; however, with Sombra, I can be in it without worrying.


I think Sombra is so much fun to play as! Also, I have no problem playing against her as any hero.

I do think that the Machine Pistol needs a change to its spread or damage to make it a better weapon, though. Also, she shouldn’t be able to place her Translocator in spawn since the now-indefinite Translocator can pose some annoyances on the last point of 2CP maps. Oh, and the visuals of hacked players definitely needs updating so that it’s easier to see if someone is hacked.

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When Sombra came out, she was someone I instantly fell in love in. She was actually a hero who’s kit I understood extremely well, how she works best, who she counters, so on. Her weapon was actually the one that I loved. And her EMP is a huge advantage if you communicate with your team.

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That is true! I hope she can get that as a QoL change.

She is SO MUCH FUN once you get a feel for her. Sneaking around, hacking the right person at the right time…she’s just plain fun to play, and I :heart: :heart: :heart: her. Not to mention the satisfaction I feel when I manage to hack that Orisa or Reinhardt that’s preventing my team from pushing.


I’ve always enjoyed playing Spy in TF2 despite me being a terrible Spy player so I naturally gravitated towards Sombra due to her being the stealth hero of the game. There’s just something enjoyable about playing a hero that’s difficult.

Got so bored of getting murdered by Doomfist as support. Now I murder him and 1-trick Sombra.

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I don’t play her, but I love teaming up with a good Sombra. :slight_smile:

Pretty sure my Sombra-main friend and I have made some Reinhardts break their keyboards by double teaming them as Sombra + Tracer. XD

So despite Tracer hating her in the lore, they actually do make an awesome team. :smiley:



She can hack health packs, sneak around the enemy and hack them so they can’t ult, pick off the weakened enemies, and the satisfying feeling of using EMP on the enemy team, leaving them open to explosive ults.

90% of the community says that the latest changes (perma invins etc) is a nerf. But if you ask me, it’s actually a buff. The perma translocator/invins gives you more options now, instead of having to force fights every few seconds.

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It’s not a buff nor a nerf. Half decent Sombras didn’t need longer invis or TL and noone ever asked for it. I think it made her a little stronger on defense but a little weaker on payload maps. The issue is that as longer you stay invis as more useless you become.