Guys I’ve finally reached masters on tank after 5 seasons of playing this game.
I began playing this game late szn 25 and I’ve accomplished my main goal in mid szn 31
If you have any questions I’ll be happy to answer them!
This is honestly just a reminder to people that think that the ranking system is the reason they’re not climbing, because I think the reason people here on the forums are believing that there is for example: a forced loss streak, is to shift the blame from their own mistakes to their teammates. People are too stubborn to realize that they actually deserve the rank they are in and will only climb if they improve on their mistakes. (This is just my opinion)
Also, here are my sr ratings on every season. Enjoy!
Szn 25:
Tank season high: 2341
DPS season high: 2124
Support season high: 1989
Szn 26:
Tank season high: 2846
DPS season high: 2616
Support season high: 2961
Szn 27:
Tank season high: 3122
DPS season high: 2773
Support season high: 2809
Szn 28:
Tank season high: 3334 (dropped all the way back to 2900 lol)
DPS season high: 3200
Support season high: 2650
Szn 29:
Tank season high: 3118
DPS season high: 3138
Support season high: 2804
Szn 30:
Tank season high: 3189
DPS season high: 3444 (Dropped all the way back to 3073 lol)
Support season high: 3075
Szn 31:
Tank season high: 3506
DPS season high: 3307
Support season high: 3251
I honestly think I can hit masters on DPS and support this season as well.
I got to Master as well but I can also recognise that the game is still rigged even if some people can climb it doesn’t mean the game isn’t algorithmically handicapped which it is
The game is made to keep you engaged and playing and it does that by artificially lengthening the amount of time it takes to climb if it perceives that this create greater engagement
Seems to me like you’re apparently just naturally gifted at overwatch or it’s your second account. Either that or you play a huge amount of time per day because i don’t think the average person makes that kind of progress.
Weird takeaway from that post. I took it as a compliment for being more naturally talented than most players who will never reach master in their lifetime.
What set it from a compliment to an insult, for me, was the insinuation that it might have been a “second account”. It sets doubt for the accomplishment and lessens the value of the effort that OP might have put in. Getting to masters for most people isn’t that easy of a task while taking over a year to slowly build up on every role.
If they hadn’t insinuated that it was an alt then nothing would really be amiss especially considering that the OP said: “I began playing this game late szn 25”.
Congrats, I’m aiming to reach the same rank so I’m inspired.
A forum user with 800 something posts is on the competitive discussion trying to convince us he doesn’t care about video games. Like come on buddy we can smell the envy.
i give you a genuine congrats. tired of these baboons coming on this forum claiming to have reached a high rank or are in a high rank without having a public profile
My guess is because he found OP’s statements obnoxious and self-congratulatory, while simultaneously putting down other players as well as looking to invalidate their legitimate gripes about the game. I can understand how someone would find it odious.
And maybe the respondent just honestly feels like ranking up is insignificant and ultimately unimportant (which it arguably is), and certainly to the extent that one would take time to publicly announce it. Generally, I’d imagine someone flaunting something others find to be trivial is bound to get some negative feedback.
I don’t think it says anything about what kind of person they are – I also don’t think they would’ve cared enough to comment about OP if he’d just said “I’ve reached masters,” even in light of OP’s desire for attention and praise. I’m sure a good number of people have grown tired of other peoples’ Instagram-esque obsession with self-aggrandizement, validation-seeking, and flattery-gathering.
He never said he didn’t care about video games, he just said that getting to masters is ultimately meaningless – I’m not sure that someone could argue that it’s objectively an important and meaningful achievement.
And there’s people here who post regularly who don’t even play anymore, or who play at the most casual level imaginable, or who play modes other than ranked competitive. So this idea that posting must mean you’re deeply interested in climbing in Overwatch competitive is just false.