GUILT BY ASSOCIATION - Coming in Season 3

You can cheat and not be suspiciously good at a game. Also many of my friends are just good at video games in general. Not playing OW doesn’t mean they arent playing other shooters and may still have good aim, for example.

Do you really think that I’m going to go back and watch every replay of every game I play with every friend I’m playing with just to check for any subtle irregularities? That would be absurd. Literally nobody is doing this.

It really isn’t, though. People have good days and bad days. Can even pop off individual matches or individual fights. People also regularly alt tab from the game between deatsh to do things like answer discord messages.

On top of that, this suggestion literally only applies if they’re actively configuring an aimbot while I’m playing with them. Most cheaters aren’t actively doing that every round while playing with people, they configure it ahead of time and find preferred settings.

It’s very common for cheaters to be grouped with a pocket/a group that they’re boosting. Ban all of them.

And their alts.

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This. I’m 52. My days of 180 no scope AWP headshots died before Counter-Strike was even a mod during the Quake II CTF days.

However, I still ocassionally get called a cheater for popping off.

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I see this a step in the wrong direction, Not everyone is going go “hey guys I’m cheating” . people are going to have friends who hide cheating well. using things like wallhacks or other things you would only know they are using if you were looking at their screen. there are going to be a lot of innocent people getting banned because of this.

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In theory yes, but there’s too much room for innocent people to get banned because Blizzard does not and will not properly implement a review system. Something like this cannot be automated. What is this supposed to accomplish? I don’t see how this will dissuade cheaters. It’s kind of silly to make the community go “I’m not grouping with you because you’re a cheater” and the cheater will go “:frowning: Oh no, I won’t cheat again”. They need to stop being so incompetent and do things THEMSELVES but that costs money. I will never approve of companies footing the consumer the bill.

Also this would encourage leaving IF they know or can prove they were cheating which is NOT fair to expect from someone in a group. So you’re putting this pressure and problem on someone NOT cheating…because?

Don’t group with a cheater and be boosted and it won’t be a problem lol

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are we supposed to know who everyone who cheats are? are we supposed to be psychic, and know that someone is using esp or walls?

While there’s always going to be out liars, the chances of you grouping unintentionally with a cheater is low and it’s even lower that you would group with a cheater and not instantly realize they are cheating and not continue to contribute to the cheater via pocketing or shielding or whatever. You just neglect and ignore the person cheating. Cheaters tend to either stay solo queue or are grouped to intentionally boost a player.

You are basing this wild speculation on what exactly?!?

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“who willingly group up regularly

A few one off cases probably won’t get you banned.

God this thread made my brain melt.
Yes if you purposefully keep playing with someone who people keep calling a cheater and they keep doing very very very well (suddenly)
MAYBE its time to call them on their bull. If its an irl friend, you…probably already know if they are cheating, an online friend? depends, but really. Just…dont play with people you know or are likely thinking are cheating, thats it

im pretty sure the algorithm will be if you end up with the same “player” accused of hacking 5 or more games in a row and will be subject to an investigation. so basically anyone “teaming” up with a cheater has tons of occurrences of being in the same game with the so called cheater

UNLESS you win the lottery and by chance end up being on the same team as a cheater 5 games in a row :crazy_face:

although… i wonder if you add someone as a gamertag friend thinking he is a good player but have no idea he cheats? you get action against but you had no idea, now that would suck.

I genuinely feel like if I were grouped with a cheater I wouldn’t realize unless the cheats were obvious… Like when would I ever watch things back from their perspective? I’m also not good at spotting cheats unless they are obviously sus flicks or headshots on invisible Sombras. I feel like it’s so much easier to spot from an enemy perspective than a team mate one.

I don’t think I’ve even had a game with a cheater before so I wouldn’t know what it looks like. Like, I wouldn’t know how to distinguish between someone with amazing aim or aimbot.

I’m just anxious that one day I will accidentally befriend a cheater and get banned because I’m too stupid to tell lol

Frankly good. If you’re playing with a cheater that’s a complete stranger then this sucks. But if you are playing with a friend keeping a secret type situation then This is great.

And? They have been abusive chat punishing people who dont even chat for years…

This is really just par for the course, and all the more reason not to group with randos…

Note the word ‘willingly’ in that sentence. Here’s the full context:

Starting in season 3, we’ll be identifying players who willingly group up regularly with those flagged for cheating, and they will also face account action, even if they are not using cheats themselves.

Players who knowingly group up with cheaters are looking to take the same advantage as those who use cheats themselves, including boosting their accounts to skill levels they would not normally belong in with their own skill. Doing so creates unfair and imbalanced matches for many in our community and does not live up to our core value of Play Nice, Play Fair. While those who directly cheat are often permanently banned immediately, we will be issuing severe suspensions for extended amounts of time, and in extreme cases, outright bans, to those grouping up with known cheaters.

So no, if you happen to get into a random game with Clive the Cheater, you won’t get punished, but if you actually form a pre-made group with Clive the Cheater, who has been flagged for using cheats in the past, then you run the risk of account action.

Yeah. From players who use paid booster services…

Blizzard says a lot of things they don’t actually adhere to.

I mean if I’m playing at a party with four other players one of which is cheating and the other four of us have no clue they’re cheating and just think they’re a good player. How do you prove that those players were or were aware of that fact?

Especially when we’re talking about people who cheat using means other than aimbots.

I mean I’ve seen some pretty obvious people who wall hack playing Hanzo or Widow trying to use Sonic Arrow or infrared sight to hide the fact that they are wall hacking since those are both mechanics in game that yield the same result.

The majority of players are going to be none the wiser to a wall hacker, even when they’re quite flagrant about it. I mean I’ve had matches where I’ve played against one of these players called them out on it and the other eight players in the match are defending them, I report them and log on the next day to find they had been banned. More than once have I seen that.

The only reason I’m able to spot them is because I have literally 10,000 Plus hours running Team Fortress 2 servers and I’ve seen it countless times and I’m quite experienced and knowing what to look for

It’s hilarious that randos in this thread are outraged over this.

They said regularly. This is squarely aimed at paid booster stacks, AND their customers…(who apparently are all over this thread :rofl:)

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Yeah and countless players have never gotten punished for abusive chat despite never using text or voice chat.

Except it happens quite frequently.

People aren’t concerned about what blizzard said, people are concerned about its implications considering Blizzard’s track record

Ngl im a solo player so, it doest effect me either way, but still i see why people have reason to be concerned

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