Guide To Lower Queue Times in RQ

Ok, I’ve seen a lot of doomer threads about “high queue times” and also a lot of people saying that I am not going to enjoy OW 2 because of “high queue times”.

I’ve never really had any issues with this in OW 1 or 2 so I’m gonna make this quick guide how to drastically lower queue times in role queue.

  1. Start up the game like usual and hit start to log in.

  2. Select quick play or competitive.

  3. Select role queue.

Ok, now here comes the tricky part.

DO NOT press anything right now. Ok, now look on your screen. You might notice three boxes. The one in the middle is checked. It’s kind of hard for you to see probably, but on the left and right are two other boxes.

Don’t mess with those yet. First, hit the check mark in the middle to deselect that. Ok, now the boxes on the left and right of that hit one of those to put a check mark there.

Then hit start like normal to queue up into a match.

If you selected the box on the right your queue time goes down to about 1.5-2.5 minutes. If you selected the one on the left it will go down to all the way to about 30 seconds to 1 minute, way lower than the 10+ minutes you had before.

Isn’t that amazing?

Kicker: before OW 2 launches I just unlocked for you 15, count em, fifteen heroes for you to play that you didn’t even know before were playable characters!

Now go enjoy your newly found content and drastically lower queue times and thank me later.


Why would want to queue for an unimpactful and unfun role and how does this work for open queue?


It says in the title RQ. It does not work in the 6v6 DPS format.


OMG this changes everything. Oh wait, I’m getting tank and support games. This is horrible.


How is playing a character I don’t enjoy, a solution to queue times???

I guess it would lower queue times, because no one would play this game anymore? There just wouldn’t be queue times?

It’s not “a character”. There are 15 of them. Go try them out and find the one you like to play.

Uhm, I’ve been playing this game for 6 years. I found what I like to play. it’s called, “DPS.” I’d rather not play at all, than play one of those 15 characters.

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There’s a solution for that too.

In the menu there’s a gamemode next to role queue for 6v6 DPS. The queue times are short there as well.

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That is better than actual in game tutorial to be honest even if you dont want to play other roles.

I mean what kind of a dumb post is, “well, if you want lower queue times, just play a character you don’t like playing.”

If I don’t like playing a game, I’m just not going to play it. DPS is fun, support/tank is not.

Funny enough, OQ is all I play. And I don’t think I’ve seen a 6v6 DPS in like 4 years, either, lol.

Back in the day before RQ was a thing every once in awhile I’d get into a game with 1 tank 4 DPS and 1 support on a team so I dunno.

Um, okay? What does that have to do with 6v6 DPS? Or anything? lol.

Funnily enough I don’t have to queue separately for DPS games anymore because my support queue is about the same length and tank is 10 minutes.

Has it ever occured to DPS instalocks that the only reason you literally don’t get 6v6 DPS is because of the one person that takes one for the team and reluctantly swaps to a tank or support cause 5 of ya’ll refuse to switch?

You know what wasn’t fun for me in like season 6 when I played pre RQ? Being forced into playing mercy or lucio every single game to not throw (I’m not kidding) 14 games in a row before I finally decided “ok, enough is enough” because of DPS instalocks too stubborn to ever switch.

Your fun is only important to developers to the point where other’s end.

Kind of funny, everyone wants to complain about 5v5 “removing teamwork” from the game then wanna play OW leaving your team up a creek without a paddle with no tanks or supports if needed.

Newsflash: other people play the game wanting to go for kills to. We ain’t your personal shield/heal bot so you can pop off and have fun while we stand in one spot around you to “enable” you.


Again, what does that have to do with anything? lol. THAT STILL MEANS ITS NOT 6v6 DPS.

I oddly enough never had that problem? I NEVER played support, and ranked up pretty high, just fine. My games were never “thrown,” because I played DPS.

It’s actually pretty amazing to me that you continuously played a character you weren’t enjoying.

Who is everyone? If they don’t like it, they will just leave.

I don’t know what this means? Are you saying you want to play DPS also?

Or are you trying to say supports should get kills also? Even though, supports are LITERALLY designed to “enable?” It’s in the name even…SUPPORT

I found heroes in other roles besides DPS that were fun to play and ran those.

I actually think DPS is the least fun and least impactful feeling role in the game.

A lot of that is because spam DPS are so strong. Torb and Junkrat have some of the highest win percentages from gold to diamond and Junkrat one of the highest pick rates in the game in those ranks. Torbs win rate is 56 percent in gold and plat!

That’s why the little I play DPS I main torb because why not when they can just swap to brig to make it 10x harder to flank than just spamming into the choke at the tanks to farm ult.

The more mobile DPS like tracer, echo, genji, etc are not good in normal ranks and only tracer is really good in like high master/GM and nowhere else in OW 1.

That’s gonna change in OW 2, but right now OW 1 gameplay involves mostly spamming across a chokepoint randomly hitting people that walk into shots.

At least on tank you are at the front line trying to push into them. is fun to Me cause you can play off angles, take high ground for map control, and then dive targets.

Way more fun then hanging out at a chokepoint trying to spam enough so tanks will get emboldened to move finally.

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Legions of fourteen year-old’s say collectively “BuT I dOnT WaNnA PlAy NutTin’ But Da DeePEESSS”.

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uh, no. lol. So, you just have no idea what you’re talking about at all? k, noted.

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OW 2 haters in a nutshell:

Either tank only (“muh synergy”), which is literally like 1% of the complainers. They think that the definition of OW is bubbling a Reinhardt.

Usually a master-GM Rein, Zarya, or Sigma main.

But for real I sympathize with some of these folks cause you have a six stack of friends or a duo you gotta leave a friend out in the cold.

I swear the rest are like bronze or silver rank 1500 hours on DPS, 5 on tank and 7 on support. Aim percentage 7%.

Get into a game with them they want a double shield + mercy pocket + heal aura.

What the hate with OW 2 is all about from listening to all these people is most of them are entitled DPS mains who are mad cause they won’t get babysitted as much in OW 2 and will have to outplay other DPS instead of getting carried.

That’s what they actually mean by “teamwork”. Cause there was teamwork in OW 2. It involved killing the enemy, not just setting up defense to play the game on godmode.

Tanks in OW 2 are only gonna have like 600 to 800 hp each! alone is gonna have 300 armor with tighter spread. Sigma is gonna get his rock whombo combo back. Rein gets two firestrikes and power steering on his pin. Orisa gets a cassidy flashbang.

No wonder this person is in bronze!

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Lmao image calling supports and tanks unimpactfull what a bronze talk