I just went 42 and 12 and lost. Game before that 31 and 9 lost. I consistently have a great record and lose games and am stuck on bronze. This game is dumb
i know that exact feeling & the same thing happens to me all the time . i literally just got out of a match where i went 42-2 & still lost. i have a folder of countless screenshots of me outperforming and having exceptional stats across the board and still losing. you’ll have trolls tell you that “you’re the only constant” , while at the same time the game doesn’t see it that way and makes your loss as a team instead of an individual, so your rank is determined by complete randoms and strangers on your team rather than you
I somehow lost a game going 49-2. I have no idea why we lost. Enemy had like 18 eliminations max!
You guys playing deathmatch?
Team game, stats don’t matter play the objective. I personally notice a lot of people playing “safe” when it pads their stats but doesn’t further the objective. Dying is ok if it means you gained space.
tEaM gAmE , also , yOuRe tHE oNLy cOnStaNt
make your ******* minds up . both are mutually exclusive.
It’s not team death match
They aren’t “trolls”. They are correct.
Higher stats doesn’t mean you put performed.
Context is very much needed.
If I wait for a fight to be lost, then go in do a bunch of damage and get a few picks. I’ll probably end up with the highest stats in my team, yet I’m the one throwing the game.
They’re wrong. No such thing as an only constant in a team dependent game. No matter your effort if your team doesn’t carry their own weight themselves. Only constant =/= babysitter.
its not entirely accurate but is still a credible source. it’s absolutely better than nothing.
you sound like the conspiracy theorists you joke about. I play tank so that far reaching psuedo analogy means jack **** by virtue of the role . I have replays too, you willing to watch one or just keep gaslighting?
Anyone can cherry pick a replay where you have bad team mates but the point stands - YOU are part of your team and the only one in all of your games. If you are constantly losing / de-ranking, it’s on you.
No, they are not. Do you know what only constant means?
All it’s good for is egos and banter. Depending on what attitudes the person has.
I’m a tank main too. And I’ll watch every code you want me too. I can guarantee the match maker isn’t problematic for you.
KD doesn’t mean anything in a game when a single Tracer bullet from across the map can net credit for a kill, dude. If you’re stuck in Bronze, that’s just a massive skill issue
They’re objectively not though
If this was true, unranked to GM videos wouldn’t exist, especially in copious amounts.
I’ll go a step further. You don’t even need a GM to do this. Give a Diamond player a Bronze account and watch them get back to Diamond, despite having the same skilled teammates as the people stuck in the ranks below Diamond.
They are doing things that those lower ranked players aren’t doing (and not making the mistakes that lower rank players make) and yet they are still able to climb.
This shouldn’t be possible according to your claim, yet I guarantee it’s what would happen.
Take a Plat and give them a Bronze account, they will get back to Plat.
Obviously the closer the true rank is to the bottom ranks, the more difficult time they will have climbing to their true rank from Bronze because they don’t have the skills to carry as someone that is higher ranked.
Not sure where the analogy is that you are referring to, but they point out a very possible scenario where one appears to be doing a lot, kill and stat wise, but aren’t actually contributing to winning fights, controlling the objective or contributing much to winning the game.
In fact, it’s pretty common in lower ranks to have a player that has a lot of damage and even a lot of kills, but isn’t actually contributing to winning fights.
The general scenario they provided is common.
A player can go in and get multiple kills and it doesn’t end in securing the objective, so no progress on winning the game.
Example: The enemy team controls the objective and your Reaper get his ult and his entire team is dead, however the Reaper decides to go for the hero play and uses his ult and gets 3 or even 4 kills, but dies. The enemy team still controls the objective. He got kills and even almost team wiped by himself, but it didn’t contribute to securing the objective.
Now the Reaper is not only down his ult (it was wasted), but the enemy team will group up just fine and the Reaper staggered himself.
If they are making a lot of plays like this, they could potentially have the most kills on their team, but if those kills never or rarely lead to controlling the objective then it doesn’t matter how many kills they got throughout the game.
This is a time based game. It’s whichever team controls the objective longer. Yes, you control the objective through getting kills, but getting kills doesn’t necessarily equal controlling the objective. It’s the most common means to control the objective, but it doesn’t always lead to controlling the objective.
You can get all the kills you want, but if it doesn’t net controlling the objective, then it’s mostly useless.
Hi Axewoundsblo,
Firstly - I’m assuming that you’re playing DPS so the advice below largely applies to that role (it can also apply to support too but tanks are a bit different).
TL:DR Tunnel Vision is a real problem in Bronze - train yourself to ask the questions: “Who on the enemy team do I need to stop getting value?” and “Who on my team do I need to compensate for?”
When I played in bronze (I’m silver but was bronze until recently) I found that the biggest problem bronze players have (apart from inconsistent aim) is that they have tunnel vision. In order to climb from bronze to silver it’s not enough to get value yourself (which from your stats you are doing, although as other posters have said, it matters when you get that value) you have to deny the best player on the enemy team getting value as well.
Sometimes I have matches where my whole team outperforms the enemy team and we still lose (usually because it’s payload and the other team has better stalling heroes - I’m looking at you Mei, Lucio and Ball) but those aren’t the matches I’m talking about.
I’m talking about the matches where things seem pretty even and you’re doing well but for some reason you’re still losing. That reason will almost certainly be an opposing player getting value which may or may not show up on the scoreboard. Perhaps while you’re slaying the enemy team a sombra or tracer is repeatedly killing your supports. If that is happening, then it’s your job to disempower that enemy player. Why is it your job? Because no one else is going to do it.
Players in bronze who control games usually have a single strategy to accomplish this - the thing they do every game that gets them value. If you make that strategy ineffective then they will often tilt and lose the game for their team.
So, in summary, when you are playing the game make sure to take time to ask yourself “Who on the enemy team is getting the most value and how do I make this game difficult for them?”
If there isn’t any obvious star on the enemy team then the question becomes “Who on my team can I compensate for?”
It may be your inting tank that doesn’t know how to use cover - in which case you can go reaper and at least dive with them. It may be a support who has got dps fever - in which case you can go Mei or Soldier and reduce the healing burden on the other support.
To build this skill you can rewatch your replays and try to find the answers to the questions I suggested above. After that it’s just a case of remembering to use that skill in game.
Good luck with your climb,
Also its the giga tanks and support mobility/immos. You can’t kill everyone before they respawn and return because tanks are too tanky and supports can live too long. I had a clash game today where we fought over middle point for literally 4 minutes. Tank returned 6 times. This was in diamond too. Game mode is flawed sure but it takes way too long to kill some characters and you compound that with wave spawns its actually ridiculous. Too many poor balance choices are starting to build up and make the game feel unfun/unfair.
Stats don’t win games.
idk if the scoreboard shows in replays, but im including my STATS anyway, not for “eGo” purposes but because as ive said its better than nothing and still a credible source and measurement of in-game performance regardless of some edgelords opinion about nothing mattering. if im the “oNLy cOnStAnT” then its only right for me to take stats into consideration as well. Heres the last 5, and it aint no cherrypicking so miss me with that, i aint insecure like 99% of this playerbase is .
3V9TBK : 42 - 2 Loss
9TGRE0 : 18 - 6 Loss
J1FBR7 : 23 - 8 Loss
NAYTQH : 5-0 Loss
ZBE08N : 33-2 Won
these are days old so i cant remember how all went down, but im sure most were dps diffs anyway. useless role is only good for making tanks and supports lose.
I just took a look at my win/loss rate too, its 72(w)-74(L) , LMAO. i remember making a topic maybe about a week ago with my winrate being 17-17 or something like that; gotta force that 50% winrate for EOMM.
gotta force that 50% winrate for EOMM.
Neither of which are things. Both theories totally illogical.
i aint insecure like 99% of this playerbase is .
If you weren’t. You wouldn’t be on here complaining about what is essentially nothing.