this has been my best night of OW this week…
it just doesnt show (hell of a start)
been playing really well and theyve all been really close…just not swinging my way i guess
this has been my best night of OW this week…
it just doesnt show (hell of a start)
been playing really well and theyve all been really close…just not swinging my way i guess
finally…lol…only took 9 games
Made a lot of quadrillionth account sale smurfs happy, I’m sure.
These images are the definition of pain.
Close games are the best, even when you lose right?
I get where you are coming from. I’ve had good nights like this!
funny part was the win was easily my worst game of the night
I have had MANY games of Overwatch where I have lost and thought… god damn, that was a great game of Overwatch.
The reverse is true as well.
I honestly play for the great games you get. Because a good game of Overwatch is a wonderful thing.
I love that you posted this, because in all of the people complaining about SR, this is what the game is about.
My games have been rough all week. Probably because it’s spring break.
Let that be a lesson to you all. No one beats Baja 9 times in a row!
Keep it up and you’ll rival ethernyet
I thought I had it bad when I lost 2 or 3 games in a row yesterday but yikes bro thats unlucky.
i considered mentioning him in title…but i think thats against tos
mine is like that too every night. 18+ losses are just too easy to pull off.
you would think if the game were using random matchmaking you would rng into a win now and then right? isn’t that just the math of it? you can’t actually force perfect loss streak unless it’s rigged.
OHHHHH you are an ARCADE player. That explains a lot about your takes.
is that mystery heroes? i seem to remember you posting that’s your favorite arcade mode
mystery heroes is always painful for me win or lose heh
I know what you mean. Sometimes the communication is so bad (or non-existent), so when you eke out the win it just feels like luck.
i know…i must have no idea what im talking about right? if only i was like the rest of the forums over the past 5 years and had really good comp only based takes right?
i do play comp from time to time…so its not like i never see the “actual” game…i just rather enjoy myself when i play so i tend to avoid it generally speaking
No, I’m saying you are playing a mode where balance doesn’t matter, therefore you don’t really understand where the game is imbalanced right now. Oh wait, maybe you do get it.
i think most people playing dont have a good understanding of balance in this game (i mean i only need to point at this site)…
then again how could they when the majority are playing in ranks where it doesnt mean much anyway…“tracer is OP!!” doesnt mean much when nobody can aim to begin with
I really think you are missing the point.
You constantly harp on about how this game is doing well, and things are all hunky dorey, meanwhile you have to sanction yourself off to a B mode in order to have fun, because the base game ain’t it. It just comes across as rich. Like, of course you can have fun in arcade. No wonder you think the game is in a good state. You are ignoring the majority of it.