Great balanced changes? RIP Overwatch

Roadhog doesn’t even have armor.

I think that was a demo of the health leech. Man, look at that healing! Dear lord.

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NEITHER does zarya lol

Yea, my bad. Im just shook on that 50% leech. Worst change ever

I agree that this patch just seems like le desperate anti-GOATS patch, but it’s really not going to change burst damage much. It does, however, make sustained damage way stronger against tanks.

They were wrong. Please read the ptr update again

Yep, you’re right. I think they changed the description (probably other people asked?) Shotguns are improved. Just barely though, anything 6 or below does normal damage and only a few shotguns do more than 6.

Nope. High burst is almost uneffected. Heroes with shotguns such as Reaper and Hog profit the most from this. Soldier as well.

Only the forums that want MobaWatch are salty. Everyone else is happy. Thanks Jeff!