Great balanced changes? RIP Overwatch

Speak for yourself. My favorite tanks are Roadhog and Winston.

This is going to be great.

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Honestly, it’s funny that the best tank in goats is the least affected by the nerfs. He can still pin a Reaper. Orisa can’t. He has more health and half of Orisas is armor.
Not to mention, DVA is Orisas best offtank right now. If she suffers, rein still synergizes better with Zarya.

They’re gonna have to look at Orisa soon.


Tanks had it rough yet we’re in a meta where only tanks can be played…

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I wouldn’t mind that armor was made less effective.

But with Brigitte’s ultimate decaying after 30 seconds, what is the point of picking her? She has lackluster heals now, her tanking is just being nerfed over and over, her bash is no longer enough to ward off Tracer and especially Genji now…

What is the point of her? What is her role? She was “too good” at everything, now she’s getting nerfed in every aspect over and over again even when she’s not overperforming outside of OWL. She’s got lackluster heals. I could live with it. She got her shield bash severely nerfed. I could deal. But now the little bit of tankiness that makes her a good support for her team is being nerfed in two different ways. I’m continuously less inclined to pick her.

This is literally for OWL so that they can end GOATs.


This increases storm arrow’s total damage by like what ,10 ? it’s barely anything.

Same goes for FtH ,an increase by an extremely small amount which will rarely matter, if ever.

ANyone have a link, or pictures of the PTR update? I’m curious but don’t want to download the PTR.

I find it rather amusing that Blizzard can repeatedly nerf and nerf and nerf some more the same character over the course of many months. I mean, talk about groping in the dark. First Mercy and now Brig.

And nerfing armor because GOATS is too effective in highly organised teams never mind that 98% of the player base does not play in such teams shows pretty clearly that they only care about their dumb league. I hope even more that it crashes and burns.


Give it time and see, then start doubtin’ the developers decisions.

Yes. This was all because OWL S2. Every change they made was because they are scared of goats in S2.

I don’t foresee the OWL liking any meta to be honest. Less armor also equals less tanks. Which in turn equals less need for healers like Ana. Which is great. Because we know how much the OWL loved playing Mercy.

oh i got news for you buddy i am master not much tank players here either

We’re in a meta where tanks have completely replaced the DPS category, you’ve had one hell of a cushy ride these past few months.
You’ve had your fun, now it’s time to get back in your lane.

You forgot a large issue, this patch will completely drive a stake thru Brigitte’s heart. she will be a trashpile reportable for picking throw excuse for a hero now. Her single last reason for playing her (give armor to team so tracer kills you slower) will now be gone…


Here’s an example:

This game is only intended to be played by pros in blizzard’s sponsored league apparently


I said that before these changes were announced. I KNEW it was going to be some stupid changes like this.

All they care about is making sure people watch the OWL and they know people wont watch it if every team runs goats.

Jokes on them, I wont watch it anyway and they messed up on the hero balance even more. I didn’t even think it could get worse. I am always surprised.


I gave it time over a year ago. Theyve lost all good will since then

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Does the armor nerf even affect shotguns at all? Someone pointed out that damage under 10 doesn’t get a -5 (changed to -3), it gets a blanket 50% reduction. Was that left alone? Then, this might not affect shotguns at all.

It is a great time to be alive

you tell me