Grav is too strong

Grav does stop when it hits a shield. And requires another ult to follow up to have a chance to kill tanks.

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Grav deploys when it hits a shield, it doesn’t dissipate like Rein’s.

Barriers won’t save you.

I think Mercy rework affected this meta too. With mass rez gone, the only way to counter graviton combo is Zen. I mean I am seeing Ana picks just to counter Zen and with that the only way to counter the combo is splitting up.

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You can say that about any pro play though. By that logic, Earth Shatter, Dragonblade, Pulse Bomb, etc. are “too strong” because pro players can get them fast. Also protip: if you and your team keep feeding Zarya and not countering her, she’s gonna do more damage and get grav more.

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Only if you’re too close to the barrier.

And trust me you don’t need to be protected from the grav. It’s pitiful 24 damage isn’t killing anything.

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It does have counterplay. Genji can deflect it, D.Va can eat it, Orisa can screw it up with good barrier placement. Your team can spread out. You can run heroes who make it tougher for Zarya to gain ult charge (like a DPS-heavy comp that outranges her beam and doesn’t stay clustered to mitigate her alt fire).

Sadly, spreading out is suicide because current Hanzo is a death machine. You have to stay behind a shield or dive him. And you normally can’t dive him because of Brigitte.

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The point is that if they were playing any other hero to the same degree of skill, their ult would charge even faster.

And Zarya does little besides ult

They literally did not add any combos to it.

Everything that combos well now has been in the game since before the buff.

The only difference now is people are actually starting to use them.


Someone will always be the weakest. That isn’t reason for others not to be. Zarya isn’t OP. She is the same as she had been for months. She isn’t the problem

zarya is perfectly ok. Its just that its a meta at the moment where it favors her.

Sombra’s state in overwatch has nothing to do with my post all i’m saying is emp is a blanced good ultimate (probably the only good ability she has) which does the same thing as zarya’s ultimate and allows allies to go in for the kill, what i’m saying is if they reverted the graviton buff it would still be as good as emp

No, it isn’t.

Grav by itself is useless, even if Zarya tries to make the most out of it she can barely kill 2 people or deal decent damage to a full team that btw can totally kill her while inside the Grav.

Grav + Dragons is strong, yes, but it is countered easily by Transcendence.

Grav + Dragons + Mercy Boost + Follow up damage is a team wipe basically secured, but then again just look at how many resources they’re putting into that thing, it’s almost unfair if it doesn’t get a team wipe. And even then, a Mei wall beneath her team can save them from the most dangerous part of the combo.

It’s not that Grav or Dragons are OP, it’s Synergy that’s OP, and if Synergy isn’t OP then why bother playing a team based game?

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See, if the Genji hit box didn’t get nerf. You would have two Genjis each team playing tennis with grav.


It’s takes 2 ultimates and follow up to wipe a team… who is stationary… taking AT LEAST 200 damage from another ult. No. A team wipe isn’t “deserved”. It takes literally no skill to follow up on Grav, an ult that has no hard counters in this meta (and I know the soft counters like trans and such), but none of it works. can’t be used because she will melt. I’ve had 2 games in a row where we Ana grenade our team + trans and STILL died, so that is over 400 healing per second, and nothing has worked. The combo is ridiculous and takes no skill or effort to pull off. Something needs to be fixed.

Hey Einstein,

You do realize Grav can only work to achieve team wipes is if you and your team group up so close to one another that you all get caught in it, right?

Maybe what you should be doing to discourage enemy Zarya’s is to space yourselves away from each other a bit when you see her starting to get too aggressive. Maybe have your dps and tanks focus fire whichever enemy dps she’s likely trying to combo with and take him out the fight.

It’s ya’ll faults for not knowing how to counterplay.

It isn’t even countered in GM or T500 games. You can’t scatter from your only shield tank or Hanzo gets free reign on you. You’re WAY too unreasonable about the combo. Teams have done everything to counter it and nothing works instead of “just spread out lol 4head”. It needs to be fixed. That’s not how team games work. And it is a combo that is nearly impossible to mess up, especially because Brigitte enforces your team to group up.

The biggest issue is the lack of counter play to it, I think it is the ult with the least counter play in the game.

Rein also has a strong crowd control ult - you have so many more options to counter it though. You can counter it during the windup animation, or you can counter it with a shield, it is also much easier to position as a team to counteract the impact.

For grav there is practically nothing - Dva can eat it, or Genji can deflect it, I don’t think you can call “spreading out” a true counter. After that there is damage boosted dragons which again lacks counter play (if you are in grav and can’t move) outside of Dva eating it or genji deflecting it.

All ults should have a number of different options for counter play - or not have as much impact as grav does.


Lol, are you joking?

Ranged dps don’t need to be right behind your shield tank. They can be several meters away from them if they need to and still put out the damage they need. If they need additional cover, then can hide behind level terrain or the second tank can help spread additional defense.

Zarya and Brig don’t have much mobility and generally must fight in close quarters, so taking multiple vantage points on high ground is ideal.

Like, I don’t know which pro players you watching, but I been wrecking these comps as doomfist, reaper, pharah, soldier, rein, winston, Bastion, anyone I chose to play

And here you are trying to tell me how team games are supposed to work? It’s on you if you’re so stubborn a player that you deliberately play into an enemy team’s strategy. This “meta” has weaknesses, and if you and your team is too unskilled and incompetent to one-up it then you deserve your losses.