Grandmaster junkrat main: these changes are not the right ones

I always found it funny how after his mine rework people were just like oh yes he’s really good for high dmg 1v1’s. He’s a mortar, why is that a 1v1 hero? Hyper dmg up close belongs to flankers and front line dps. I always hear ‘they are tank rushing, we need junk’ and I’m like yes but shouldn’t that be Reaper we need, why is this Junks job? His job is cc, barrier busting and melting down health before the enemy gets to you, not also shredding at 5 yards.

His nerf should have been not miles from this but the tire charge rate should have been the number one priority.

Yes I agree that Junk shouldn’t be good in 1v1’s, that’s why I redacted my argument in another comment :smiley:

I missed that one, here’s a flower to show I’m sorry :sunflower:

He deserves it. He was a low risk high reward

No worries, meet me at the bleachers after school and we can kiss and talk about cute boiz. Junk is a fricking qt :sweat_drops:

omg how can you say that, you know McCree is my bae, that body is just like sooo hot :hot_pepper::hot_pepper::hot_pepper:

What can I say? The whole “Johnny Test accidentally walking into a m*th-lab instead of his sister’s lab” aesthetic really speaks to me.

Also, forums censoring M E T H is an omegalul

The fact you went with Johnny Test instead of Dexter’s Lab tells me this isn’t going to work, I need a new forum flirting pal, though the image you cast up is perfect.

lol that is classic online moderation, you can’t type it unless you use caps and make it huge with spaces, that way no one will ever have to read such dangerous words as M E T H :man_facepalming:

How about we meet in the middle, a gender-bending Bubbles that got into the wrong kinda chemical X, if you know what I’m saying

Because there are 11 other players on the field.
1 is potentially able to take a rat himself.

we got some real Mojo Jojo brewing right here

I agree these changes aren’t a good direction for Junkrat.
Widowmaker gets insta-kills on low-health characters but there aren’t calls to nerf headshots. It takes a fair bit of skill to memorize angles and map locations to “spam” a few grenades into chokepoints without being seen. He’s DPS. You wouldn’t walk across an open field with an unmitigated Widow on the other side, so don’t walk down a narrow corridor with an unmitigated Junkrat on the other side. Why is it only acceptable for raw hitscan aim to be high DPS?

If anything they should’ve nerfed the lingering explosions

Yes and that’s my main, is my other account linked to? I logged into it on the fourm…