Grandmaster junkrat main: these changes are not the right ones

these changes hurt junkrats that can actually aim i really think he needs something different


these changes hurt more then help

I mean that’s… kind of the point of a nerf?


i mean help in making him more balanced

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I do kinda agree this isn’t a necessary nerf, plus it just makes Junk worse in close range 1v1’s

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nah his pills are like more than 2x the size of the actual model. Junk needs more nerfs tho he’s one of the best dps and takes almost no skill.


i mean you 1 trick bastion in comp, junkrat hard counters bastion

No, he does take skill


then why arnt all junk mains grandmaster lol


Nah I don’t 1 trick I only play him when my team wants to form around him. Plus this is my first season I’ve even started playing him that much. I KNOW junkrat is OP I played with a guy who was a junkrat smurf and was telling me how he started off in bronze but after he started 1 tricking junkrat he got GM and occasionally into top 500. And he’s not even that great of a junkrat player he’s only a little above average in the plat matches we were playing

that is a lie, no one can go from bronze to GM without being good a bronze cant go from bronze to top500 you still have a bronze mindset and bronze positioning

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Nah it’s true and to prove it I’ve made a smurf. Junkrat only, I’m a mid plat player but right now with 7/10 matches played in playing against high diamond/low masters. Junkrat is no skill spam rat. He’s way to good and is easily abused by low skill players.

What happened?

Nerf to projectile size and tire speed.

are you talking about these?

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That’s actually a good thing? Don’t you think it was kind of stupid you got punished for going after the Junkrat by an instagib combo.

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im not saying dont nerf him im saying nerf something different

No he doesn’t. If I a filthy plat player can destroy a diamond/masters team just spamming nades then junkrats op

His nades got boxes are HUGE. If genji are brigittes hit boxes are getting nerfed junkrats should too.

If I could I would TRY lowing the mine’s damage to 80 and remove it’s splash fall off. Keep the grenades as they are but add more audio and visual cues so players have more chance to react to rat spam.
If that doesn’t do the job then I would test out a new mechanic for Junkrat: the grenades travel even slower, but each bounce makes them faster. Or the bombs travel faster, but each bounce slows them down. This new mechanic would reward players for bouncing their grenades in skillful ways with new levels of spam and more opportunities to outplay other players, and punish players who do not learn to take advantage of grenade bouncing.

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